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Meet the guests of this year's edition.

List of hosts and guests of the events at Campus Poland of the Future:

Mariola Abkowicz


Academic teacher, social activist. She works at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań. Chairwoman of the Board of the Polish Karaim Association, member of the board of the Karaim Heritage Foundation, and chairwoman of the Council of the Kalejdoskop Kultur Foundation. Publisher and editor-in-chief of the Karaim quarterly “Awazymyz”, “Almanach Karaimski”, Publishing House of the Polish Karaim Association “Bitik”, and the website Member of the Joint Commission of the Government and National Minorities, representative of the Karaim community.

Milena Adamczewska-Stachura


Coordinator of the Law Does Not Exclude Fund in the Love Does Not Exclude Association, advocate trainee at the Knut Mazurczak Law Firm specializing in the protection of LGBT+ rights, member of the Humanity in Action network. Previously, a lawyer in the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Equal Treatment Team, a graduate of LLM programme in international human rights at the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands.

Dagmara Adamiak


27-year-old lawyer, social activist, president of the RÓWNIE Foundation, initiator of the Truth Campaign. Since 2017, she has been involved in the fight for democracy, free school, and human rights, in particular the rights of women and young people. With the Foundation, she provides free legal support to every person experiencing violence and discrimination, intervenes in cases of sexual harassment in schools, supports the improvement of the mental state of young people, organizes protests, happenings, meetings, conducts civic and anti-violence education. After the outbreak of war in Ukraine, she created and ran the Multicultural Club for Youth. She resumed the Szczecin Manifa on the occasion of Women’s Day after 8 years. She was a participant in the Girls for Politics project.

Agata Adamiecka-Sitek


Associate Professor at the Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theatre Academy in Warsaw, lecturer, and Ombudsman for Student Rights. Member of the Dramatic Collective managing the Gustaw Holoubek Theatre in Warsaw. She deals with the issues of gender, corporeality, the political nature of art and institutional criticism. For many years, she ran the Scientific and Publishing Department at the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute. Author, scientific editor, and editor of several dozen books on theatre and performing arts. As a playwright, she has collaborated with Marta Górnicka, co-creating the Chorus of Women, and the Political Voice Institute at the Maxim Gorki Theatre in Berlin.

Valiantsin Askirka


Born in 1975. Physicist. Graduate and lecturer of Yanka Kupala Hrodna State University (until 2020). Lecturer at the Białystok University of Technology (from 2022). Chairman of the Belarusian Social Democratic Youth “Maladaya Hramada” (2004-2005). Member of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) since 1995. Member of the BSDP Central Committee. BSDP International Secretary.

James Auger


Director of the design department at the École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay (ENS) and co-director of the Centre de Recherche en Design. His design research explores the social, cultural and personal impact of technology. Since 2000, he has been a partner at Auger-Loizeau, a speculative design studio whose works have been shown, among others, in by 21_21, Tokyo, the London Science Museum, and the National Museum of China, and are in the permanent collection of the MoMA in New York. He is the co-author of Crap Futures, a blog with Julian Hanna on topics related to the future, innovation, politics, and technology.

Oliwia Aziz


Founder and President of the #niezamłodzi Foundation, which aims to increase the participation of young people in social life and develop intergenerational dialogue. The campaign implemented by her was awarded the title of the Best Pro-Student Project of 2022 and the University Laurel in the Perspektywy University category. Law student at the University of Warsaw. Graduate of the European Academy of Diplomacy programme and a Sur-Place scholarship holder of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Embassy Coordinator of the 11th edition of Action Diplomacy. Recipient of the Prime Minister’s scholarship (twice).

Paulina Babuchowska


Practitioner of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, as well as HR specialist and coach. She has over 15 years of experience working in HR departments in international organizations and multicultural environments. She has extensive knowledge of UK Equality and Inclusion legislation and understands the complexity of organizational processes. She has experience in working with business communities in Poland and abroad on building long-term strategies for creating open, diverse, and inclusive workplaces that strengthen positive organizational cultures. In her work, she relies on values based on respect, honesty, and genuine curiosity of people.

Alicja Bachulska


Kacper Bagiński


Certified international trainer. Specialist with many years of experience in sports training, sports nutrition, and general health philosophy. He has cooperated with many renowned fitness clubs in Poland, e.g. Holmes Place, Calypso, Zdrofit, Mcfit. He has graduated from the Academy of Physical Education and holds a master’s degree in management. Creator and leader of the MyPersonalTrainer project. He believes that nothing is impossible in life. He is focused on the assumed goal and overcoming one’s own weaknesses, he infects with positive thinking and faith in one’s own strength.

Maciej Bańdur


Language researcher, occasional teacher and translator. He has graduated in Scandinavian studies at the University of Gdańsk and is studying linguistics at the University of Leiden. He has co-created Kashubian-language broadcasts on Radio Gdańsk, taught Kashubian at school, researched its current state at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In 2018, he translated and published “Le Petit Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry into this language.

Ewa Bartnik


Geneticist, Professor at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Warsaw. She has studied mitochondrial diseases. Award-winning popularizer of science. Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Cologne (1986-1988). Member of the Science Expert Group PISA (2006-2009), UNESCO International Bioethical Committee (2010-2017), Bioethics Committee at the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences (since 2015), WHO Expert Advisory Committee on Developing Global Standards for Governance and Oversight of Human Genome Editing (2019-2021). Author of over 140 scientific publications.

Anna Bazydło


Medical doctor, psychiatry resident. She actively works for the safety of patients and medical staff, improving the conditions of medical services and the quality of communication.

Jakub B. Bączek

Jakub B.

Mental Health Congress Ambassador. MBA lecturer. Author of over 20 books and articles on psychology, business, tourism, sociology, oligophrenopedagogy, and mental training. His publications have appeared in “Harvard Business Review”, “Wysokie Obcasy” and “Personel i Zarządzanie”. He is also the author of one of the three best podcasts in EMPIK. He is responsible for the mental preparation of footballers, volleyball players, jumpers, and Olympians. He gives guest lectures for many of the world’s leading organizations. He cooperates with professors of psychology and successful people, and uses the results of the latest scientific research. Creator of Akademia Trenerów Mentalnych™ [Academy of Mental Trainers].

Łukasz Bejm


President of the CREO Association (Centre for Civic Education Development). Since 2018, councillor of the City Council of Gdańsk, previously district councillor for two terms. Graduate of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Gdańsk. Healthy lifestyle enthusiast, marathon runner, and triathlete.

Marek Belka


Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance (1997, 2001-2002). Head of the Coalition Council for International Coordination in Iraq and director of economic policy in the Coalition Provisional Authority (2003-2004). Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland (2004-2005). From 2006 to 2010, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and Director of the European Department of the International Monetary Fund. President of the National Bank of Poland in the 2010-2016 term. He has been a Member of the European Parliament since July 2, 2019, sitting on the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, the Committee on International Trade, the Delegation for Relations with the US, and the Subcommittee on Tax Affairs.

Edwin Bendyk


Journalist, publicist, and writer. President of the board of the Stefan Batory Foundation. Publicist of “Polityka”, he deals with the subject of civilization and the relationship between science and technology and politics, economy, culture, and social life. He works as a lecturer at Collegium Civitas, the School of Ideas of the SWPS University and the Graduate School for Social Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Marta Białek-Graczyk


President of the Association of Creative Initiatives “ę”, sociologist, author, and tutor of social projects with twenty years of experience in incubating social innovations. Since 2003, she has supported the development of over 100 socio-cultural projects throughout Poland, including many in the area of intergenerational cooperation. Author of social projects and publications devoted to the animation of culture and social activities. She teaches social arts at the Institute of Polish Culture at the University of Warsaw.

Maciej Bidermann


Interior designer with over 14 years of practice. Co-owner of the Bidermann+Wide studio, which he develops on the local and global market. The main area of the studio’s activity are office and public space projects, where great emphasis is placed on environmental and social responsibility. Author of many interior space designs for such clients as: Concordia Design, Chefs Culinar, LPP, GPD Agency, SWPS, VOX. Member of the Association of Industrial Designers and the Association of Interior Architects. He co-creates the New European Bauhaus and Sustainable Design team.

Robert Biedroń


Human rights activist and politician. In the European Parliament, he chairs the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, where he fights for all European women to have the same rights. He also sits on the Budget Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee. Until March 2022, he headed the EP delegation for relations with Belarus. In addition, he is active in the LGBTI Intergroup of the European Parliament. Before moving to Brussels, he was the Mayor of Słupsk, where he managed to implement a number of innovative policies in the field of finance, support for residents, and ecology. Just like you, he dreams of a better Poland in Europe. About a country you can trust and which leaves no one behind.

Jan Krzysztof Bielecki

Jan Krzysztof

Former Prime Minister of Poland, Minister for European Integration, co-founder of the Liberal Democratic Congress and Freedom Union, and Executive Director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London. He was an adviser to leading figures of Solidarity in the 1980s. Chairman of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister in Donald Tusk’s government. Former President of Bank Pekao S.A., and former chairman of the Council of the Polish Institute of International Affairs. He has been awarded many times for his merits in Poland and abroad.

Elżbieta Bieńkowska


Graduate of the Jagiellonian University and the National School of Public Administration in Warsaw, MBA studies at the Warsaw School of Economics. Scholarship holder of the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union, and German Marshall Fund. Long-time local government official, since 1996 in the regional administration in Silesia, responsible as the director of Departments for long-term development programmes and their implementation. 2007-2013 Minister of Regional Development. 2013-2014 Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Infrastructure and Development. 2011-2014 Senator of the Republic of Poland. 2014-2019 member of the European Commission, Commissioner for the Single Market, Industry and Entrepreneurship. From 2021, vice-president of the University of Silesia Council.

Magdalena Bigaj


Founder and president of the Digital Citizenship Institute. Author of the book on how to prepare a child to use the Internet. Media expert, researcher, and social activist. She has spent over a decade working for companies from the world of new technologies, currently researching their impact on society and working for the development of civil society. Member of the Programme Council of the Orange Foundation and the Social Dialogue Committee at the Polish Chamber of Commerce, where she is a member of the education team. Mother of three children: 12-year-old Marysia, 8-year-old Mikołaj, and 2-year-old Jan.

Anna Bikont


Reporter and writer, in the 1980s in the team of the underground Solidarity magazine “Tygodnik Mazowsze”, co-founder and journalist of “Gazeta Wyborcza”. Author of books on Polish-Jewish relations during the Holocaust, and co-author of biographies of Wisława Szymborska (with Joanna Szczęsna) and Jacek Kuroń (with Helena Łuczywo). In 2017, she received the honoris causa doctorate from the University of Gothenburg.

Katarzyna Biniaszczyk


For 15 years, a parliamentary assistant and political adviser in the European Parliament. Currently, she is the head of the office of Tomasz Frankowski, MEP from the Civic Platform. She mainly follows the work of the Committee on Education and Culture, and is also the coordinator of the Sport Group in the European Parliament. She is also a member of the Council of Assistants (APA Committee), which fights for the rights of over 2,000 parliamentary assistants employed in the EP. She has graduated from International Relations and Political Science at the University of Łódź, European Studies at the Sorbonne in Paris, and recently obtained a diploma in Sports Management (MESGO). Graduate of the 21st edition of the School for Leaders. Last year, she joined the Management Board of Network PL.

Jakub Bińkowski


Member of the Management Board and director of the Law and Legislation Department of the Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers, member of the Social Dialogue Council, member of the Labour Market Council for the 2019-2023 term. He has been professionally dealing with regulations and public affairs for ten years. Author or co-author of several hundred opinions and reports devoted to various topics related to economic, tax, labour, and digital regulations. Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Łódź.

Bartłomiej Biskup


Graduate of the Institute of Political Sciences of the University of Warsaw (2000). Doctor of Humanities (2007), habilitated in social sciences (political and administration science, 2020). He deals with the issues of political communication and political marketing. Since 1997, he has been conducting training in public and political communication, the art of public speaking, cooperation with the media, image creation, creation and implementation of electoral strategies, public relations, and communication in crisis situations. He is a frequent consultant for politicians and people managing large companies.

Piotr Blak


Musician of the band Sorry Boys, creator of niche perfumes, collector of folk art. Grandson of the Soldier of the “Koszta” Company, Jan Kluczewski (“Krawczyk”). For over seven years, he has been conducting exploration activities related to the “Koszta” Company (Company for the Protection of the Staff of the Warsaw Area). Winner of the Silver BohaterON 2022 in the “Public person” category.

Katarzyna Błażejewska-Stuhr


Clinical nutritionist and psychodietitian. She has graduated from the Medical University of Warsaw and the Central School of Social Psychology. She is a PhD student at the Pomeranian Medical University. Co-founder of the Women Without Diet foundation. She believes that food should be a source of health and pleasure. She cooks willingly and experiments with joy, most often using local and seasonal products, following the latest scientific reports with interest. Columnist of the magazine “Zwierciadło” and author of the programme “357 bites for breakfast” on Radio 357, author of several books.

Filip Błoch


The founder of WorkTrips, multiple winner of competitions for the best start-ups as part of accelerators in many countries, the only Pole selected for the Emirates accelerator in Dubai. He runs a technological company that facilitates the optimization of business travel around the world using AI.

Andrzej Bobiński


Managing Director of Polityka Insight. Previously, he was the deputy managing director responsible for the business activity of Polityka Insight. From 2013 to 2016, he headed the economic department of PI. Until 2012, he was the head of the External Relations Department at Orange Polska, and at the same time, he co-created the Wrocław Global Forum as the director of the secretariat of this event. From 2006 to 2009, he was a programme coordinator at the Centre for International Relations.

Henryka Bochniarz


Founder and chairwoman of the Main Council of the Lewiatan Confederation, the largest organization in Poland associating entrepreneurs, and the Academy of Leaders. Former Minister of Industry and Trade, philanthropist, supports equality and diversity among management. Member of the International Business Consulting Council of the Kozminski University, member of the Economic Council at the Marshal of the Senate, co-founder of the Women’s Congress, president of the Polish-Japanese Economic Committee, founder of the Prymus foundation supporting youth from rural areas.

Magdalena Boczarska


Film, television, and theatre actress. Winner of the Polish Film Award for the main role in the film “The Art of Loving: Story of Michalina Wislocka” and awards of the Polish Film Festival for leading roles in the films “Little Rose” and “Piłsudski”. In her spare time, she does sports; she has participated in a triathlon race.

Adam Bodnar


Doctor of law, Associate Professor at the SWPS University, Dean of the Faculty of Law in Warsaw at the SWPS University since August 2021. Commissioner for Human Rights of the 7th term (09.2015-07.2021). From 2004 to 2015, a member of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. He has hosted two original radio programmes: “Prawy Adam”[Right Adam] on Radio Newonce and “BOS” on Radio TOK FM, currently he creates his own podcast entitled “Nie tylko o prawach człowieka” [Not only about human rights]. Winner of national and international awards for his contribution to the protection of the rule of law and human rights.

Julia Boguslavska


Lawyer. In 2002, she graduated from international relations at the Donetsk National University, and in 2007, she obtained a master’s degree in public law at the Institute of International Relations in Kyiv. From 2002, she gained professional experience at the UN at UNAIDS/UNDP in Kyiv, as well as in other international projects. Since 2013, she has been associated with the business industry in Wrocław. In 2016, she started her own marketing business. In March 2022, she created the project “Ukrainka w Polsce” [Ukrainian in Poland], the main goal of which is to include Ukrainian women in the Polish business environment.

Łukasz Bogusławski


Model, influencer, author of the “110299r” project, co-creator of the “Overthinkers” broadcast.

Agata Bona


Strategist, entrepreneur, designer of the future with a unique certificate: International Certified Future Strategist. Entrepreneur: owner of FutureLab. For 15 years, an advisor, moderator, strategic facilitator of companies and startups in the area of innovative and shock-resistant business models and determining the future playing fields by prototyping future scenarios and their implications for business opportunities and strategic options of the organization. Mentor, trainer of technological startups, and expert in incubation and acceleration programmes, and MBA lecturer at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School. For 4 years, she has been co-creating local entrepreneurship support systems and entrepreneurial education for local governments, including Warsaw.

Krzysztof Bondaryk


Historian, anti-communist opposition activist in the 1980s. He worked at the Ministry of Interior and Administration (1996-2001). Government Delegate for the Implementation of the System Reform in the Wielkopolskie Voivodeship, Undersecretary of State responsible, among others, for creating the National Criminal Information Centre. Expert in security, internal audit, and protection of classified information in the banking and telecommunications sectors. Permanent advisor to the Parliamentary Commission of Special Services, and then head of the Internal Security Agency and brigadier general in the officer corps. Advisor to the Minister of National Defence for cybersecurity and Director of the National Centre for Cryptology.

Michał Boni


SWPS University lecturer, digital change researcher, media and culture expert. Activist of the underground “S”, minister in many governments. Former head of strategic advisers to PM Donald Tusk and the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers, as well as a Member of the European Parliament. Member of the European Parliament of the 8th term (2014-2019). Assistant Professor at the SWPS University in the Department of Social Applications of New Technologies. He studies the social impact of new technologies, cybersecurity, in particular digitization, intellectual property, and data protection.

Piotr Borawski


VP of Gdańsk for Entrepreneurship and Climate Protection responsible for the labour market, environment and climate protection, computerization and security, as well as public transport. As a councillor of the City Council of Gdańsk of the 6th and 7th term, he was the vice-chairman of the Economic and Maritime Policy Committee and the chairman of the Strategy and Budget Committee. Member of the Supervisory Board of InnoBaltica sp. z o.o. dealing with the implementation of ticketing integration in public transport in the Pomeranian Voivodeship.

Marek Borowski


Senator of the 8th, 9th, and 10th term, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm of the 2nd and 3rd term, Speaker of the Sejm of the 4th term. In 1968, he obtained a MA degree in economics at the Foreign Trade Department of the Central School of Planning and Statistics (currently the Warsaw School of Economics) in Warsaw. From 1968 to 1982, he worked in the Department Stores "Centrum" in Warsaw, holding positions from salesman to chief specialist. From 1982 to 1991, he was deputy director and then director of a department in the Ministry of Internal Market, and then deputy minister in this ministry. From 1993 to 1994, he was the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. From 1995 to 1996, he was the Head of the Office of the Council of Ministers. He is a Knight of the Order of the Smile.

Katarzyna Bosacka


Journalist, author, and screenwriter of television and educational programmes, grocery shopping expert, tireless fighter for consumer rights. She hosted many original television programmes. Author of 13 culinary and shopping books, her latest book “Obiad za mniej niż 5 złotych na osobę” [Dinner for less than PLN 5 per person] is very popular. Since 2019, she has been running her own YouTube channel, EkoBosacka, devoted to broadly understood aspects related to a healthy lifestyle: rational nutrition, ecology, reading labels, conscious buying, or living without plastic.

Bartłomiej Brach


Doctor of management science. He divides his time between research, consulting, and popularization work. He studies phenomena in the area of “People & Culture”, primarily the belief in the sense and senselessness of work, about which he wrote a book “Pomiędzy sensem a bezsensem pracy” [Between the sense and senselessness of work]. He advises companies that want to change their approach to people management, for example to improve employee experience, name values and non-business goals, or build an onboarding process. Because it is important for him to share knowledge, he runs a newsletter at, in which he talks about important and widely unknown research results. The ones that help you manage and work smarter.

Krzysztof Brejza


Polish politician and lawyer, he holds a PhD in law. Member of the Sejm of the 6th, 7th, and 8th term, and a senator of the 10th term. He graduated from law and international relations studies at the University of Warsaw, where he was active in local government and associations. Member of the PO since 2005. In his career, he has been a member of the Justice and Human Rights Committee or the Legislative Committee.

Dorota Brejza


Attorney, running her own law firm. She has graduated with honours from the University of Warsaw and also graduated from the Institute of Sociology. She started her career with a legal training at the District Bar Council in Bydgoszcz, which allowed her to gain extensive experience in family, civil or economic matters. Currently, she is conducting the only proceedings in Poland regarding the use of illegal Pegasus spyware.

Barbara Brodzińska-Mirowska


Political scientist. She works at the Department of Communication, Media, and Journalism at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. For over fifteen years, she has been researching political parties, the way they function and communicate with the public and the media. Her academic interests focus on issues related to the operation of parties, political communication, relations between the media and politics, and political reputation. She comments on and analyzes political matters. She is the author and co-author of academic publications. She recently published a co-authored monograph “Partie polityczne w dobie kryzysu zaufania społecznego. Perspektywa komunikacyjna” [Political parties in the era of social trust crisis. A communication perspective] (2022).

Łukasz Broniewski


Co-founder of the Climate Strategies Poland Foundation working to move from pro-climate declarations to specific actions and emission reduction. The Foundation counts the carbon footprint of companies, products and services, builds decarbonisation strategies, and educates on climate change and greenwashing. Former member of the cabinet of the President of the European Council. Previously, Head of the Political Cabinet of the Prime Minister. He has managed the Polish edition of the European youth programme EYCA.

Rafał Bruski


Master of marine navigation engineering. He has worked for the Polish Ocean Lines for six years as a navigator officer on merchant ships. Graduate of the Poznań University of Economics. In 2005, he obtained the license to practice as a tax advisor. From 2006 to 2007, he was the deputy mayor of Bydgoszcz, responsible for the city’s strategy and development, obtaining European funds, investor services, as well as education and sport. From 2007 to 2010, he was the voivode of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship. In 2010, he became the mayor of Bydgoszcz for the first time. In 2014, he won again and began his second term. He ran for re-election in the last local elections and won in the first round.

Agnieszka Bryc


Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political and Security Sciences of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Former member of the Council of the Centre for Eastern Studies (2010-2018). She studies the politics of contemporary Russia and Israel. Editor-in-chief of “The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies”. Author of books, including: “Rosja w XXI wieku: gracz światowy czy koniec gry?” [Russia in the 21st century: a world player or the end of the game?], “Izrael 2020: skazany na sukces?” [Israel 2020: Doomed to success?], as well as a columnist for the Nowa Europa Wschodnia portal and “Polityka”.

Mark Brzezinski


United States Ambassador to Poland. Earlier, from 2011 to 2015, he was the US ambassador to Sweden, introducing innovative methods to support US-European trade. He also organized the first ever visit by a US president to Stockholm. He is the founder and director of Brzezinski Strategies LLC. He was also a managing director at Makena Capital Management, where he led the firm’s sustainability and ESG investment activities. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission. He was a Fulbright Commission scholarship holder in Poland in 1991-1993, during which time he conducted research and wrote a book entitled “Fight for constitutionalism in Poland”.

Bartosz Brzyski


Spokesperson of the Jagiellonian Club, member of the editorial board of the “Pressje” magazine. He co-hosts the podcast “Kultura poświęcona”. He has published in the weekly magazines “Plus Minus”, “Tygodnik”, and “Wszystko, co Najważniejsze”. He has a degree in political science.

Piotr Bukartyk


Author and composer of the songs he performs. He has been escaping simple classifications for years, fondly mixing musical styles. He writes a rhyme and melodies to it, then sings it. For sixteen years, he has been collaborating with Wojciech Mann, who is his first reviewer. He performs in a duet or with the band AJAGORE. It also has its own fan club.

Zuzanna Buszman


Lawyer, EU official specializing in cross-border trade, and lecturer at the University of Warsaw. She has studied law at the University of Warsaw, international relations at Columbia University in New York, and European law at KU Leuven. In 2020, she completed the LLM programme in international environmental and energy law at UC Berkeley. She has gained experience at DLA Piper and at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland to the UN in New York. As part of her pro bono activity, she is a mentor at the Our Future Foundation and an academic advisor for the “Coopernicus” platform. PhD student at the University of Warsaw, where she lectures and conducts research on climate litigation in the USA and the EU, which she will continue as a Visiting Scholar at Columbia University.

Jerzy Buzek


Member of the European Parliament since 2004. President of the EP as the first and so far the only person from Central and Eastern Europe (2009-2012). In the 9th term of the EP, he is a member of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee (which he chaired in 2014-2019), currently a rapporteur on the key regulation on the EU hydrogen market as well as natural gas and renewable gases. He will lead the work on a directive on the same subject. In 2016, the Euractiv portal placed him in the EurActory40 ranking among the three most influential people in European energy policy. Prime Minister of Poland (1997-2001).

Marcin Bużański


Political scientist, advisor to the Management Board of the Pulaski Foundation, partner in the consulting company IGD Group, UN expert with many years of experience in solving international conflicts, supporting political changes, and peace processes. He specializes in policy planning and implementation of post-conflict state institutions reconstruction programs, UN peacekeeping operations, supporting peace negotiations and mediation, democratization and humanitarian operations. Longtime employee of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and UNICEF. Graduate of the School of International Relations at Columbia University in New York, the Institute of International Relations, and the European Center of the University of Warsaw.

Piotr Całbecki


Graduate of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. From 1998 to 2002, he was a member of the City Council and the City Board of Toruń. Since 2006, he has headed the Board of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship. He won the seat of the voivodship councillor with the highest number of votes in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, and in the last local elections in 2018 he obtained one of the highest results in the country. Since 2012, Deputy Member of the European Committee of the Regions. He is a member of the Joint Commission of the Government and Local Government. He was awarded, among others, The Golden Cross of Merit of the first degree for special achievements for the development of local government in Poland, the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta and the medal

Michał Cessanis


Journalist, traveller, managing editor of “National Geographic Traveler” and author of the television travel series “Do zobaczenia” in “Dzień Dobry TVN”. Previously, a journalist for “Nowy Życie Pabianic”, “Express Ilustrowany”, “Życie Warszawy”, and “Rzeczpospolita”. Author of travel books “Opowieści z pięciu stron świata” [Tales from five corners of the world] and “Made in China”. In a happy relationship with Paweł. For years, he has been working for equality for LGBTQ+ people.

Dominika Chirek


Lawyer, academic lecturer, expert on the natural cosmetics market and ecology around us. She teaches others how to be a conscious consumer. She points out violations of the cosmetic law and unfair marketing declarations, cooperating with the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate. She encourages people to read the list of ingredients not only of cosmetics, but also of food, clothes, and everyday objects. She promotes a balanced lifestyle. She runs a blog

Tomasz Chłoń


Diplomat, he was the Polish ambassador to Estonia and Slovakia in the past. From 2017 to 2020, he was the director of the NATO Information Office in Moscow. He specializes in international security issues, NATO and Russia issues, and hybrid threats, especially disinformation. He is the co-author of the book “Counter-Disinformation Platform – Building Social Resilience. Research and Education” (2021, in Polish). A graduate of Hungarian philology at the University of Warsaw, as well as postgraduate studies in international relations and European integration.

Helena Chmielewska-Szlajfer


Sociologist, Assistant Professor at Kozminski University, Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She has defended her PhD at The New School for Social Research. Author of “Reshaping Poland’s Community after Communism: Ordinary Celebrations” (Palgrave, 2019). She studies everyday civic practices and politics in new media, including online tabloids in Poland, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Member of the Board of the Social Contract Incubator.

Konrad Ciesiołkiewicz


Chairman of the Social Dialogue Committee of KIG. President of the Orange Foundation (information, media, and digital education for children and youth, supporting local communities). Psychologist, political scientist, doctor of social sciences. Completed many trainings in social issues, including the Study of Preventing Domestic Violence “Blue Line”, Therapy Focused on Solutions, children’s rights, and civic education. Associated with the Grow Up with Us Foundation, which provides psychological, legal, and social assistance to children whose parent has died or lost their health while performing public service.

Ionela Ciolan


Research Officer at the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies. She focuses on European foreign policy, security, and defence. Her areas of interest and expertise include European security and defence policy, European foreign policy, NATO, Black Sea security, Arctic security, transatlantic relations, and EU relations with Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova.

Julia Cydejko


Energy analyst at Polityka Insight, co-author of the PI Energy website and the “Energia do zmiany” [Energy for change] podcast. She writes about climate policy at the local, national, and international level, and follows the process of scaling green technologies.

Marzena Czarnecka


Doctor of economics, legal adviser. Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Energy Transformation at the University of Economics in Katowice. Lecturer at numerous universities in Europe, including Saarbrücken (Germany) and Granada (Spain). Judge of the Disciplinary Court of the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Katowice. Manager of several international and national projects. Author and co-author of several dozen Polish and international publications on energy, energy law, and consumer protection. Legal adviser working in the law firm CzarneckaLegal.

Mateusz Czarnecki


Psychotherapist, writer, traveller, entrepreneur. Author of the novel “Otwórz oczy, zaraz świt” [Open your eyes, it’s dawn soon], currently working on another book. On a daily basis, he runs a psychotherapy centre in Warsaw.

Anita Czarniecka


Political scientist, University of Gdańsk. Social activist working for Human Rights, member of the Committee for the Defence of Democracy (KOD), non-partisan, lay judge of the Supreme Court of the second term. Founder and president of the Damy Radę Foundation operating in rural and urban-rural areas.

Włodzimierz Czarzasty


Deputy Speaker of the Sejm of the 9th term. Since 2016, chairman of the SLD (since 2021, the co-chairman of the New Left), he headed the Mazowiecka Council of the SLD (2012-2016). In the parliamentary elections on October 13, 2019, he obtained a parliamentary seat in the constituency covering Sosnowiec, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Jaworzno, and the Będzin and Zawiercie counties. He belongs to the Coalition Parliamentary Club of the Left (Razem, Democratic Left Alliance, Robert Biedroń’s Spring). He has graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw. Since 1990, President of the Management Board and co-owner of the MUZA publishing house. Member of the National Broadcasting Council (1999-2005). Advisor to the Prime Minister (1996-1997).

Magdalena Czarzyńska-Jachim


Deputy Mayor of Sopot, responsible, among others, for education, social assistance, tourism (in the position since November 4, 2019). She believes that feminatives in social and political life are important, that we should use feminine forms, and that women should be able to choose how they want their profession or position, etc. to be called. Member of the Standing Committee on Equality at the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (since January 2021). Chairwoman of the Human Rights and Equal Treatment Committee of the Association of Polish Cities. Originator and moderator of “Sopot Women’s Meetings”.

Paweł Czuma


He holds a degree in law. He started his professional career as a radio and television journalist, as well as an independent film producer, scriptwriter for documentaries and feature films, and a documentary film director. From 2002, for over 20 years, he has been fulfilling himself in the PR industry. He has worked as a spokesperson for the Lower Silesian Voivode, head of the information promotion and recruitment department at the University of Technology, and spokesperson for the Mayor of Wrocław, Rafał Dutkiewicz. Since May 2019, he has been the co-owner and editor-in-chief of Telewizja Echo24 spółka z o.o.

Katarzyna Czupryniak


Specialist in the protection of water ecosystems at WWF Polska, leader of the WWF RiverWatch volunteer programme that brings together local social activists dealing with water protection in Poland. Biologist, specialist in the impact of mining on aquatic and water-dependent ecosystems. Co-author of the analysis of the 2nd update of the Water Management Plans in the Polish and international Odra river basin, as part of the report “The final sprint for Europe’s rivers” (2021) of the Living Rivers Europe coalition. Author of the WWF Polska report “Rzeki solą płynące” [Salty rivers] (April 2023).

Marek Czyż


Television and radio journalist. In the media for 30 years. Presenter of news programmes, publicist. Until 2016, he hosted and co-created programs on public television. He was the information director of Radio ZET. He is currently implementing his own online projects.

Matylda Damięcka


Actress, singer, graphic designer, director, music videos creator. She collaborates with Klub Komediowy, Och-Teatr, Polonia Theatre in Warsaw, and the InVitro Theatre in Lublin. Winner of the 1st place at Song and Film Ballad Festival in Toruń, Jeremi Przybora Song Festival in Kutno and 2nd place at the Actor’s Song Review in Wrocław. Singer and director of the musical shows “Disappearing Cities”, “Cohen and Women”. She has collaborated musically with with R. Łukasiewicz, W. Mazolewski, L. Biolik, J. Młynarski, Wojtek Mazolewski Quintet. She co-creates and plays concerts with the bands Matylda/Łukasiewicz and Polskie Znaki. Nominated for Orły’23 in the supporting female role category for her role in the film “Apokawixa” directed by Xawery Żuławski. Instagram: thegirlwhofellonearth.

Robert Damski


He has been involved in judicial enforcement for 20 years. In, 2005 appointed to the position of Court Bailiff. Graduate of the Faculty of Law at the Catholic University of Lublin. From 2012 to 2014, Spokesperson of the National Bailiff Council of the 4th term and the Chamber of Bailiffs in Gdańsk, Member of the National Bailiffs Council in Warsaw of the 5th term and the Council of the Bailiffs Chamber in Gdańsk. Winner of the “White Ribbon” Award in the Justice Administration category. From 2016 to 2020, member of the maintenance team at the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Ombudsman for Children.

Kamil Dąbrowa


Radio and television journalist. Media and communication expert. Former spokesman for the Mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, manager associated with the media for over 20 years. He has graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw, and worked at Radio Jazz, Radiostacja (former Rozgłośnia Harcerska), Polskie Radio (Radio BIS, Jedynka Polskie Radio), Agora (Roxy FM, Tok FM), collaborated with MTV, Vh1, TVP, and TVN24 (co-host of “Szkło Kontaktowe"). He has written for “Gazeta Wyborcza”, “Rzeczpospolita”, “Newsweek”, “Polityka”, “Wprost”, “Krytyka Polityczna”, and

Anna Dąbrowska


Human rights activist, social animator, president of the Homo Faber association in Lublin. Since 2009, she has been dealing with the impact of migration on the local community, currently she is involved in programming integration policy at the city level. In 2021, she was one of the founders of the Granica Group operating on the Polish-Belarusian border. From February 24, 2022, she has co-created the Lublin Social Committee for Aid to Ukraine, an intersectoral platform for humanitarian aid. She is writing a doctoral dissertation on Ukrainian migration in Poland after 2014.

Alicja Defratyka


For several years, she has been developing the project. Using numbers, she tries to explain various socio-economic phenomena in a simple way, based on specific numerical data and the results of social research. She also denies fake news presented in public space. She has graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics. A graduate of postgraduate studies at the Academy of Leadership Psychology at the Warsaw University of Technology and Practical Social Psychology at the SWPS University. She has worked in the FOR Foundation, the THINKTANK analytical centre, and the SpotData analytic centre.

Karolina Deryńska


Political activist for Europe, andragogue. National coordinator and member of the ALDE Party Individual Members Steering Committee responsible for Central and Eastern Europe. A graduate of the University of Warsaw and the European Academy of Diplomacy. Coordinator of the Warsaw Branch of Network PL Association. From 2007 to 2010, she was associated with the Civic Platform, worked in the Warsaw Parliamentary Office of Prime Minister Donald Tusk. From 2015 to 2018, she was active in the Warsaw structures of Nowoczesna. Since 2017, a member of the ALDE Party IM (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe).

Joanna Dębska


Traveller, a feminatives enthusiast, dog behaviourist, initiator of ideas. She has been dealing with HR for 10 years. The first 6 years as a recruiter, then HR Business Partner in technological areas, incl.: data science, ML, AI solutions. Currently, she deals with the subject of competence development. Graduate of Salford University, where she dealt with the subject of culture, gender, and diversity. Recently, she has been exploring these issues also in the context of the impact of AI algorithms on prejudice (e.g. gender & racial bias). For several years, she has been supporting activities in the area of Diversity & Inclusion and Equity. Co-author of the D&I lecture “Non Zero Sum Game”, one of the first lectures on D&I at technology conferences in Poland.

Katarzyna Dębska


Doctor of sociology, researcher at Polityka Insight, since October 2023, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the SWPS University in Warsaw. She deals with the methodology of social research, the issues of social inequalities, and the sociology of family life. Author of academic and popularizing publications in Polish and international magazines.

Julia Dmeńska


Trainer, careful observer of life, creator of places that inspire action and change. She likes to create a safe space. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Warsaw, specialty: Cultural and Social Animation. She has expanded her knowledge and skills in conducting trainings, workshops, and working with a group at the STOP training school of the Association of Non-Governmental Organization Trainers and at the Academy of Anti-Discrimination Training. For 16 years, she has been involved with the third sector.

Krzysztof Dobies


Social worker, blogger, journalist, experienced PR specialist, enthusiast of the Internet and traditional and modern media, specialist in organization image. General Director of the Avalon Foundation – Direct Help for the People with Disabilities, responsible for all marketing, image, and communication activities, as well as for brand development and the implementation of the Foundation’s social mission. Earlier, together with the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation, for 20 years he was building the image of the largest social projects in Poland, the Finals of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity and the Pol’and’Rock Festival.

Justyna Dobrosz-Oracz


Political journalist, parliamentary reporter for “Gazeta Wyborcza”. A graduate of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw. She started her professional career in “Teleexpress”. From 2010 to 2016, she was the main reporter of TVP’s “Wiadomości”. Since 2016, she has worked with “Gazeta Wyborcza”. She is the editor of the “Country” section. Every day, her video materials from the Sejm are posted on, including the famous chases after people in power. She says that she is addicted to politics, and she knows the Sejm like the back of her hand.

Julia Dobrzańska


Education specialist at the WWF Polska Foundation. Graduate of the Inter-Faculty Study In Environmental Protection at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. She has also obtained a PhD at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. For over 20 years, she has been active in the field of environmental protection, nature education, and popularization of knowledge about nature. At the WWF Polska Foundation, she coordinates the implementation of the programme for primary schools “Planet-friendly diet”, which aims to show young people how the food we eat affects the environment and tell them which food is good for us and the world.

Róża Dominiak


She has 14 years of experience in research (SMG/KRC, MillwardBrown, Kantar), previously associated with the PR industry. She specializes in online research with the help of moderated internet forums, online FGI and IDI, and ethnographic research allowing for deep immersion into the world of respondents. She has extensive experience in social and political research, including on the social perception of the issue of refugees in Poland (carried out in 2015 during the election campaign to the Parliament). She actively worked on the 2010, 2011, and 2015 election campaigns, carrying out both qualitative research (identification of voter needs, politicians’ images, evaluation of election materials) and quantitative research (election polls, segmentation research, and dedicated projects).

Zofia Dorożalska


Educational activist, fascinated by the complexity of education systems, laureate of the Vital Voices programme “I am a Leader”. Since the age of 15, she has been coordinating the social project Fidea, creating teaching tools supporting the development of future competences. The project reached 30,000 children in 5 countries. Currently, she runs the Start-ED Foundation. On a daily basis, she divides her time between working at the Zwolnieni z Teorii Foundation, coordinating Food Collections at the SOS Warsaw Food Bank, and studying at Kozminski University.

Mikołaj Dowgielewicz


He worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1998-2000). Adviser on enlargement to President of the European Parliament Pat Cox (2003). Member of the Cabinet of the VP of the European Commission Margot Wallström (2007). Secretary of State for European Affairs in the government of PM Donald Tusk, and Government Plenipotentiary for the Polish presidency of the Council of the EU (2007-2012). He chaired the EU General Affairs Council during the Polish Presidency of the Council (2011). Deputy Secretary general of the EIB, the largest multi-national financial institution in the world, based in Luxembourg (since 2022).

Paweł Droździak


Psychologist, group trainer, Lacanian psychoanalyst. He has worked with people having difficulties in controlling impulsive behaviour in prisons and detention centres, he has worked in a family violence clinic. He runs a private practice in Warsaw, where he works with adults. Co-author of the book “Blisko, nie za blisko – terapeutyczne rozmowy o związkach” [Close, not too close. Therapeutic conversations about relationships].

Witold Drożdż


Manager, lawyer, former civil servant. Currently a member of the Management Board of Orange S.A. and member of the Council of the Orange Foundation. Earlier acting of the President of PGE Energia Jądrowa S.A. (2010-2012) and Deputy Minister of the Interior and Administration and Government Plenipotentiary for Schengen (2007-2010).

Jakub Drożdż


PhD student at the University of Warsaw, lawyer, manager of many non-governmental organizations. In his work, he deals with branding, diplomacy, and international relations.

Sławomir Dudek


Founder, president and chief economist of the Institute of Public Finance. Public finance expert with over 23 years of experience at the Ministry of Finance. He chaired the Polish delegation at the meetings of the Economic Policy Committee at the OECD. He was a member of the Statistics Council, the Government Population Council, and the Statistical Education Council. Member of the Economic Council – the Team of Economic Advisors at the Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland. Member of the Society of Polish Economists. Coordinator of the Economic Situation Monitoring Centre at the Entrepreneurship Council.

Magdalena Dudkiewicz


Doctor of social sciences. Associate Professor in sociology at the University of Warsaw, researcher, teacher, and trainer in the field of social and cultural animation, civic activities, local communities, social PR, and the implementation of research projects. Evaluator of social programmes.

Aleksandra Dulkiewicz


Polish local government official and lawyer. She has graduated from the 3rd High School in Gdańsk. She has studied law at the University of Gdańsk and Paris Lodron University in Salzburg. She participated in the preparations of Gdańsk for UEFA EURO 2012™. She participated in the creation of the European Solidarity Centre. In March 2017, the mayor of Gdańsk, Paweł Adamowicz, entrusted her with the position of his deputy for economic policy. In 2019, in early elections, she was elected Mayor of Gdańsk. She is the President of the Management Board of the Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area and a member of the Management Board of the Foundation of the Union of Polish Metropolises. Member of the European Committee of the Regions, chairwoman of the Ukraine Working Group.

Marcin Duma


President of the Management Board of the Institute for Market and Social Research IBRiS, expert in the field of socio-political research with over 20 years of experience. Frequent commentator of political and social life in the most important Polish and foreign media. Author of publications, panelist during the most important events in Poland, including Economic Forum in Krynica and the European Congress of Local Governments. One of the founding members of EUROSCOPY, the first pan-European association of independent research agencies.

Maciej Duszczyk


Vice-Rector for Research at the University of Warsaw (2016-2020). Researcher at the Centre for Migration Research and at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies. Chairman of the Council of the University of Gdańsk (2021-2024). He worked at the Office of the Committee for European Integration (1999-2007; deputy director of the Analyses Department, 2004-2007). During the negotiations for Poland’s membership in the EU, he was responsible for the free movement of people. Member of the Scientific Policy Committee (2014-2016 and 2020-2021; chairman 2015-2016, 2020). Member of the team of strategic advisors to Prime Minister Donald Tusk (2008-2011). Between 2012-2014, he managed the team for developing the Polish migration policy in the Chancellery of the President.

Tomáš Dvořák


He holds a Master’s degree in Contemporary History at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and also studied at the Italian Università per Stranieri di Perugia, where he was focusing on Italian Politics and Culture. For the last several years, he has been dealing with organisation of various forms of expert events and communications strategies.

Aleksandra Dzik


Alpinist and mountain guide. She has, among others, reached the eight-thousander Gasherbrum II (8,035 m), moreover, she was the first Polish woman to climb Pik Pobiedy (7,439 m) and complete ascents of all five seven-thousanders of the former USSR, obtaining the prestigious title of Snow Panther. She was the first woman to finish the Elbrus Race on the longest Extreme route. She has practiced high-mountain skiing, in which her greatest achievements are the Polish Championship and the Polish Cup. She is an international UIMLA mountain guide. She co-runs the BluEmu mountain tourism office.

Łukasz Ecimowicz


Żywiec county councillor, social activist, expert in image creation and PR. Graduate of the innovative programme of political and public consulting at the University of Silesia in Katowice, co-author of two scientific publications. Since 2016, he has been conducting original training courses on the principles of creating an image from scratch, media communication, and social reception. Passionate about diplomacy, politics, theatre, film, and art. He creates the image of politicians, companies, and individuals. Owner of Ecimowicz Doradztwo Polityczne i Wizerunkowe.

Maria Ejchart


Lawyer. For over 20 years associated with the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Co-founder of the #WolneSądy civic initiative and the Justice Defence Committee. Since 2018 its coordinator. She has represented judges before the ECtHR. Since 2015, President of the Management Board of the Association Pro Memoriam Zbigniew Hołda. Since 2017, she has co-organized dozens of demonstrations and protests to defend the rule of law and repressed judges. Member of the Social Council at the Commissioner for Human Rights, co-chairman of the Committee of Experts of the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture.

Marcin Elszkowski


Trumpeter, graduate with honours from the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice. Winner of such competitions as Jazz nad Odrą, Jazz Juniors, Blue Note Poznań Jazz Competition, Jazzinspiracje, Jazz review of sax club. Trumpeter. He co-creates bands that stand out on the young jazz scene, such as: Grzegorz Ziółek Quartet, Michał Aftyka Quintet, Superminimalism. He has performed with such artists as Ron Carter, Ewa Bem, Grzegorz Nagórski, Wojtek Mazolewski.

Joanna Erbel


Sociologist, housing and urban resilience expert. Member of the Management Board of PLZ Spółdzielnia. Protopia Director at CoopTech Hub, the first cooperative technology centre in Poland. Member of the Council of the Rental Market Foundation. Co-author of the CoopTech Hub reports: on the economy of care in action (2023), cooperative reconstruction plan (2021), and cooperative transformation and urban resilience package (2022). Author of the books “Poza własnością. W stronę udanej polityki mieszkaniowej” [Out of property. Towards a successful housing policy] (2020) and “Wychylone w przyszłość. Jak zmienić świat na lepsze” [Leaning into the future. How to change the world for the better] (2022). Collaborator of the A/typowi Foundation supporting neurodiversity.

Monika Falej


She holds a degree in law. Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Long-term activist of NGOs, chairwoman of the Council of Non-Governmental Organizations of Olsztyn for several terms. She has been a member of the Council for Public Benefit Activities of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, and chaired the Council of Non-Governmental Organizations of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship. Associated with the “Active Women’s Initiative” Foundation and the union of associations “Together in Olsztyn”. She has worked as a trainer, project coordinator, and mediator, she has taken the position of director of the Olsztyn Centre for Non-Governmental Organizations. She has co-founded the Olsztyn Volunteer Center “Spinacz”.

Jan Farfał


PhD student at the University of Oxford, research assistant to Timothy Garton Ash, co-founder of Club Alpbach Poland, Marcin Król Fellow at Visegrad Insight.

Barbara Fatyga


Cultural expert and sociologist. Head of the Department of Culture Research Methods and the ISNS Youth Research Centre at the University of Warsaw. She deals with youth research, modern anthropology, and research methodology. Former president of the Warsaw branch of the Polish Sociological Society. President of the Management Board of the Living Culture Observatory Foundation – Research Network. Author of numerous sociological publications in Poland and abroad, e.g. “Dzicy z naszej ulicy: antropologia kultury młodzieżowej” [The wild of our street: The anthropology of youth culture]. She has collaborated with the Harvard University, the Batory Foundation, and the Warsaw City Hall.

Kamila Ferenc


Attorney, programme consultant, and vice-president of the Foundation for Women and Family Planning FEDERA. Co-founder of the Foundation Against Rape Culture. An expert in reproductive health protection and counteracting sexual violence. She handles court cases – often pro bono – concerning human rights. In 2020, she was included in the Girl Power Generation group of the Ofeminin website and nominated in the “Rising Stars Lawyers of Tomorrow” competition. Winner of the Lawyer Pro Bono 2020 title.

Krzysztof J. Filipiak

Krzysztof J.

Professor of medicine, rector of the Maria Skłodowska Curie Medical University (UM MSC), a specialist in cardiology, internal medicine, hypertensiology, and clinical pharmacology, and a member of Polish and international scientific associations. At the time of the nomination, the youngest professor of cardiology, and currently the most popular Polish professor in social media. For several years, he has been at the top of the ranking of “100 most influential people in Polish medicine”. Undisputed expert on COVID-19, co-author of the first medical textbook on the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

Paulina Filipowicz


Psychologist, activist. Graduate of psychology at the SWPS University in Warsaw. Co-creator of the “YES for suicidal prevention” campaign and the “Honest Zone” psychoeducational project on eating disorders. Graduate of the Flying University of Human Rights at the European Solidarity Centre and the European Green Activism Training programme. Previously, she was a journalist and professionally collaborated with lifestyle magazines. Member of the Humanity in Action activist network.

Karina Firkavičiūtė


PhD, musicologist, MA in interdisciplinary European studies. From 1995 to 1996, a DAAD scholarship holder in Germany, former lecturer at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Vilnius University, director of the Lithuanian Institute, attaché of the Republic of Lithuania for science at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Lithuania to the European Union. Currently a policy officer in the European Commission. Chairperson of the Union of Culture of the Lithuanian Karaites, member of the Union of Composers of Lithuania. She speaks 8 languages and her mother tongue, Karaim. She is one of 30 people around the world who still speaks this language. She specializes in the study of the music of Eastern cultures, issues related to national minorities, especially Karaim culture.

Joanna Flis


Psychologist specializing in clinical and health psychology, social rehabilitation educator, social pathology prevention educator, psychopedagogue. Specialist in addiction and codependency psychotherapy, systemic psychotherapist (in the certification process), PhD student at the University of Szczecin. E-addiction expert. Author of the books “Co-addicts, how to build healthy relationships with addicts” and “What’s wrong with me? About life in a dysfunctional home, environment, Poland, and how we (can’t) handle it”. Expert of the YOUNG HEADS project of the UNAWEZA Foundation. Host of the podcast “Madame Monday”. She has been working as a therapist and trainer for 14 years.

Piotr Frączak


Graduate of the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Warsaw and postgraduate studies in administration control. He specializes in the history and theory of Polish self-organization. Author of many publications, e.g. “Trzeci sektor w III Rzeczypospolitej” [The Third Sector in the Third Republic] (2002), the series “Poprzednicy dzisiejszych organizacji pozarządowych” [Predecessors of today’s non-governmental organizations] (2020). Social activist, e.g. president of the Social Dialogue Association, long-term president of the National Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations. He works at OFOP, where he is responsible for the #prosteNGO Law Monitoring Office and is involved in the work of European Funds Monitoring Committees.

Roland Freudenstein


He has made a career in public administration, global democracy building, and the think tank world. Born in Bonn, Germany, he volunteered for 2 years in the German Army during the Cold War, serving at NATO HQ in Mons, Belgium. He has an MA in political science, economics, and Japan studies from Bonn University, and studied international relations in Los Angeles. Having worked as a research fellow at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) for several years after 1989, he joined the foreign policy planning staff of the European Commission in Brussels for 2 years and then became the Director of the Warsaw office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in the 1990s. In the 2000s, after a stint in the Foundation’s central office in Berlin, he moved to Brussels.

Adrian Furgalski


Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University. Advisor, Ministry of Transport and Maritime Economy (1998-2000). Advisor to the General Director of PP “Porty Lotnicze” on structural reform (2000-2001). Member of the team who developed “A State for Citizens. 2005-2009 Governance Plan”. Since 2004, associated with the TOR Economic Advisors Team, since 2019, President. Since 2014, Chairman of the Management Board of the largest association of employers on the railway market, Railway Business Forum. Member of the Council of Experts at the Ministry of Infrastructure (regarding railway investments).

Tadeusz Gadacz


Philosopher and religion expert, academic lecturer. Professor at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw and the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. Former chairman of the Committee of Philosophical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences and former head of the Department of Philosophy of Religion at the University of Warsaw. President of the Polish Ethical Society. Author of numerous books, including “Rozmowy o Życiu, Polsce i Religii” [Talks about Life, Poland, and Religion]. Councillor of the Małopolska Voivodeship Assembly from the lists of the Civic Coalition, candidate for parliament from the lists of the Civic Coalition in the 2023 Elections. Student and close associate of Fr. Józef Tischner. Interested in foreign languages and the traces of ancient teachers of wisdom.

Michał Gajdus


Attorney, member of the Bar Association in Warsaw, graduated from law and doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw, where he has taught classes in civil law and intellectual property law. For over 10 years, he has been professionally associated with international law firms in Warsaw, where he specializes in conducting complex economic proceedings, and since 2017, he has been actively working for the rule of law in Poland, including as an attorney of independent judges in several dozen key proceedings before the ECtHR, CJEU, SN, and NSA. Defender of judges in disciplinary cases, author of precedent-setting applications for interim measures applied by the ECtHR in cases concerning the Polish judiciary.

Kinga Gajewska


Member of Parliament of the 8th and 9th term of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, Chairwoman of the parliamentary team for Education of the Future.

Alina Gałązka


Cultural manager, urban activist in the domain of culture. She has been the editor-in-chief of the nationwide information and advice portal for non-governmental organizations As a representative of the social side, she is involved in civil dialogue. Since 2004, she has been active in Social Dialogue Committees cooperating with the Warsaw City Hall. Chairwoman of the Social Dialogue Commission for Culture. Co-author of strategic documents. Since 1992, she has been associated with the Komuna Warszawa Theatre, which since 2018 has been implementing a pilot and innovative programme of a social cultural institution: a production house, a presentation stage, and a residency centre, and currently operates in a former school building at E. Plater 31 in Warsaw.

Konstanty Gebert


Psychologist, journalist of “Gazeta Wyborcza” until 2022, and other media. Currently a regular collaborator of “Kultura Liberalna”. Founder (1997) and first editor-in-chief of the Jewish monthly “Midrasz”. Co-founder of the Jewish Flying University (1979), NSZZ PNTiO (September 1980), and the Polish Council of Christians and Jews (1989). During martial law, under the pseudonym Dawid Warszawski, editor and journalist of the underground “KOS” biweekly and other titles. He has given lectures at the Hebrew University, UC Berkeley, Grinnell College, Collegium Civitas. Member of the councils, among others the Jewish academic centre Paideia (Stockholm) and the international think-tank Einstein Forum (Potsdam). Founder of the Warsaw office of the European Council on International Affairs.

Olgierd Geblewicz


Marshal of the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship since 2010, previously the chairman of the Voivodeship Parliament and councilor of the Goleniów commune. Since 2016, he has been the president of the Association of Voivodeships of the Republic of Poland. Since 2011, he has been a member of the European Committee of the Regions, where he chairs the largest political group, EPP. In 2021, he was appointed ambassador of the European Climate Pact at the European Commission. Also in 2021, he was elected chairman of PO in the West Pomeranian region, he was also elected chairman of the Subregional Cooperation of the Baltic Sea States. In 2022, he became a member of the EPP presidium.

Michał Giersz


Public speaking trainer (officially: Media fluency trainer) at CD PROJEKT RED. He deals with the preparation of employees and members of the company’s management board for speeches and presentations. Previously, a journalist at Polsat TV, host of the programme “New Day with Polsat News” and a reporter. Participant of the Edward R. Murrow scholarship programme as part of the International Visitor Leadership Programme organized by the US Department of State, as well as a number of meetings devoted to the TTIP agreement, prepared by the US embassies in Warsaw and Stockholm. Until 2015, he was associated with the TVP INFO channel. Reporter of Programme 3 of the Polish Radio (2006-2010). He spends his shorter breaks from work on a bike recently, the longer ones preferably in Southeast Asia.

Givi Gigitashvili


Research associate for the Caucasus at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab based in Warsaw, Poland. He has gathered versatile professional and research experience through engaging with various think tanks in Latvia, Ukraine, Germany, and Poland. His professional interests include influence operations and social-media manipulation campaigns in Eastern Europe and South Caucasus countries. His expertise includes politics in ex-Soviet countries, EU-Russia relations, and the Eastern Partnership programme.

Olga Gitkiewicz


Reporter, sociologist of work, columnist of the monthly “Znak”. She cooperates with the Institute of Reportage, lectures at the Polish School of Reportage, and tutors in the Polska Stories project of the portal. Nominated for the Ryszard Kapuściński Award for Literary Reportage, the Nike Literary Award and the Teresa Torańska Newsweek Award for the book “Nie hańbi” (2017) about the Polish labour market. The report “Nie zdążę” (2019) was awarded the Grand Press Reporter’s Book of the Year award, and the biographical essay “Krahelska. Krahelskie” (2021) was nominated for the Warsaw Literary Award.

Konrad Gliściński


Doctor of law. Researcher at the Department of Intellectual Property Law at the Jagiellonian University. Plenipotentiary of the management board of the Jagiellonian Centre of Innovation for legal matters and an expert on the intellectual property of Centrum Cyfrowe. He holds an LLM in Intellectual Property Law from the University of Turin and is a graduate of Top500Innovators from Stanford University. Author of the book “Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Historia sporów o autorskie prawa majątkowe. 1469-1928” [All rights reserved. History of copyright disputes. 1469-1928]. Co-author of the commentary to the Act on Industrial Property Law (2016) and on Copyright and Related Rights (2019).

Natalia Gnoińska


Architect, specialist in sustainable conservation of monuments and issues of well-being in space. Finalist of the 2022 New European Bauhaus Prizes. Founder and president of the March8 Foundation, the first organization in Poland that deals with issues of the sustainable future of heritage, also focusing on energy efficiency, responsible use of materials, social involvement, and education.

Marta Golbik


Economist, academic teacher, and politician, member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland of the 8th and 9th term. Founder and Chairperson of the Parliamentary Group for Mental Health of Children and Youth. Graduate of finance and accounting at the Warsaw School of Economics. Originator and organizer of the first editions of the Silesian Entrepreneurship Olympics. Member of the Polish Economic Society.

Kari Goldyn


Brand strategist, educator, and communication expert. Co-founder of the woopa company, whose mission is to introduce empathy to business. She helps those who want more from business than just making money to build emotionally engaging brands. She holds a degree in biology, with supplementary studies in pedagogy and psychology. She has over 20 years of experience in working with brand communication, both globally and in Poland. Basically an optimist. She practices mindfulness and admires nature. She is fascinated by the human psyche and the power of stories.

Jan Gondek


Active student, passionate about education policy, primarily interested in youth participation. In cooperation with PDM Czechia and Pilsen Student Parliament, he is building regional student parliaments across the country.

Jakub Goździkowski


Attorney running his own law firm. He has graduated from law studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Łódź. He started his career with an application at the District Bar Council in Łódź. Specialist in the field of substantive and procedural criminal law.

Michał Górecki


Passionate about new media and technologies. Web developer for over 15 years. Currently, he posts less frequently on, as well as on his Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channels. On a daily basis, he works as an e-commerce director at Eco&More. Husband and father of four children who always look for new hobbies, especially those outdoors. Scout instructor. He has described his story about the life with ADHD and later the diagnosis on the blog:

Paulina Górska


Eco-activist, journalist, and educator, blogger and one of the most influential eco-influencers in Poland. Author of the educational podcast “Lepszy klimat” [Better Climate]. According to Influencer Marketing Hub, she runs one of the top 10 Polish educational accounts on Instagram. Previously, CEO of one of the companies of the Wirtualna Polska group. Winner of the international ELLE Style Awards in the Responsible Fashion category and the Leader of Sustainable Development, according to “Forbes Woman”.

Krzysztof Gradziuk


Percussive sound esthete, colourist, and melody creator, uncompromising artist looking for new paths of development in accordance with his own sense of artistic taste. The abstractness of the percussive content combined with flexibility and virtuosity enhances the impression of unconventional playing art, calling him one of the most original drummers of the contemporary European music scene.

Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram


Lawyer and social activist. She is involved in non-governmental organizations working for the development of civil society, protection of the rule of law, and systemic changes in the Polish justice system. The non-governmental organizations co-created by her, the Justice Defence Committee and the #WolneSądy, monitor and archive cases of political pressure on judges, lawyers and counsellors, and provide them with legal assistance. She regularly participates in legislative processes in the parliament as an expert.

Tomasz Grodzki


Graduate of the Pomeranian Medical Academy, in 1991 he defended his doctorate and obtained a second degree specialization in thoracic surgery. Since 1995, he has been the head of the Department of Thoracic Surgery, elevated to the rank of the Clinic of Thoracic Surgery and Transplantation of the Pomeranian Medical University. He specializes in lung transplants. He headed the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (2003-2004). In 2004, he was the first Pole to be accepted as a member of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery, the most prestigious thoracic surgery society in the world. Professor of medicine. Member of the City Council of Szczecin (2006-2015). Since 2015, Senator of the Republic of Poland, and since 2019, the Marshal of the Senate. He belongs to the Civic Platform.

Anna Gromada


Sociologist and economist, researcher of the Polish Academy of Sciences, co-founder of the Kalecki Foundation. She has advised, among others UN, OECD, European Parliament, Polish and French governments on socio-economic policy issues. She designs quantitative and qualitative research for organizations defending children’s rights (UNICEF, Save The Children, Plan International, Articolo 12). She writes columns to “The Guardian”. She lives in the Beskids.

Kacper Grzelak


Activist, member of the #niezamłodzi Foundation, involved in counteracting age discrimination. Supporter of an innovative approach to education that has a chance to create better opportunities for new generations.

Jarosław Grzywiński


Head of the capital markets Business Center Club. Former president of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Author of the remarkable debut on the Warsaw Stock Exchange: DINO. Leader of the “MyCompany” ranking, the 20 most influential people in the world of technology and financing start-ups.

Michał Gulczyński


PhD student at Bocconi University in Milan. His research focuses on the gendered aspects of migration, EU policies, education, poverty, voting behaviour, and electoral systems. He is a co-founder of the Society to the Benefit of Boys and Men (Stowarzyszenie na rzecz Chłopców i Mężczyzn). He has published a report on the gendered problems of men in Poland (“Przemilczane nierówności. O problemach mężczyzn w Polsce”).

Ada Guźniczak


Co-founder of Campus – the Future of Poland, the largest socio-political festival for young activists in Europe. Since 2019, she has been working with MP Barbara Nowacka. She has a degree in European Union affairs and philology. She has gained her previous experience in European institutions and in global corporations specializing in the financial and metallurgical industries.

Joanna Gzyra-Iskandar


Cultural studies scholar, feminist, and activist for women’s rights and LGBTQIA+ rights. Communication specialist, since 2019 associated with the third sector. Currently, she works at the National Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations, where she is responsible for communication.

Andrzej Halicki


Member of the Polish Parliament from 2005 to 2019 and former Minister of Administration and Digitization. Currently an MEP, head of the PO-PSL delegation in the EP, vice-chairman of the European People’s Party, vice-chairman of the LIBE committee in the European Parliament, but also an avid fan of Legia Warszawa, owner of 7 Great Danes, diver, and tiktoker.

Tom C. Hall

Tom C.

Award-winning producer, stereographer, cameraman, and VR filmmaker. He explores how emerging technology can enable storytellers to better connect with their audiences and drive the artform of cinema forward. “The Choice”, a VR documentary production he creatively produced, won the Audience Award at SXSW 2022, Best Experience at Games For Change awards 2022, and was nominated for a Canadian Screen Award. Lead producer on the award winning “Jacob’s Journey”, which received Best Immersive Experiences Pitch award at Sunny side of the Doc. He contributes both technically and creatively to consistently pushing the envelope of what the future of narrative storytelling could be in the 21st century.

Katarine Harthunyan


A 24 years old young professional from Armenia. Being thrilled in business and diplomacy, she has studied at the SWPS University and European Academy of Diplomacy in Poland, and Tilburg University in the Netherlands. Currently, she invests her knowledge and experience in the sphere of business change management in a banking world. She continues her cooperation with various political, diplomatic and security organizations. Coming from a country that experienced and continues to experience war, she is passionate about security and defence, as she advocates the opinion that well-read women should be proactive in international security and diplomacy and bring peace to many regions on the globe.

Agnieszka Haska


Cultural studies scholar, sociologist, member of the Centre for Holocaust Research of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Author of the books “Jestem Żydem, chcę wejść. Hotel Polski w Warszawie, 1943” [I am a Jew, I want to enter. Hotel Polski in Warsaw, 1943] (2006) and “Hańba! Opowieści o polskiej zdradzie” [Shame! Tales of Polish betrayal] (2018). Expert in the analysis of contemporary public discourse, especially in the mythologization of memory. After-hours, columnist of “Nowa Fantastyka”.

Julia Heinrich


Currently local councillor in the district parliament of the 19th district of Vienna for the legislative period 2020-2025 for the Austrian People’s Party. She is Vice-chair of the youth commission of the district and member in the commission for the development of the district, the culture commission, and the environment committee. She is also Europe and Youth speaker of her party. Since 2018, she has been the chairwoman of the Youth of the Austrian People’s Party (JVP) for the 19th district of Vienna (Döbling), and since 2021, she has been Vice-chair and International Secretary of Junge ÖVP Vienna and member of the international committee of Junge ÖVP Austria.

Georgia Hejduková


Student at Charles University, Faculty of Law. She focuses on human rights and legal history. She is also a research intern at NGO Frank Bold, where she focuses on media freedom. In the past, she worked as coordinator of Senate campaign for senator Adela Šípová, and then worked for her at the Senate. She has also worked on projects with NGOs, such as Amnesty International.

Maja Herman


Psychiatrist, psychotherapist, art therapist. President of the Polish Medical Media Association, graduate of the Medical Academy in Wrocław. Author and co-author of scientific and popular science publications, educator. She has been working in the profession for over fifteen years, and that is how long she has been associated with the Medical University of Warsaw, where she has worked as a teacher and researcher. On a daily basis, she prevents and treats mental disorders. For over 10 years, she has been working with the media, both traditional and those related to the latest technologies, which she uses mainly to promote mental health.

Krzysztof Hetman


From December 2007 to 2010, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Regional Development. Until June 30, 2014, he was the Marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodeship. Since 2014, Member of the European Parliament. Currently, in the European Parliament, Vice-Chairman in the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, as well as in the Committee on Regional Development. Member of the Delegation for relations with India and the Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly. Vice-President of the Polish People’s Party. Sailor, skier, and speedway fan.

Miłosz Hodun


Doctor of law. Affiliated with the University of Reykjavík. President of the Projekt: Polska Foundation and member of the board of the European Liberal Forum. Author and editor of many publications on populism and hate speech, including “US/THEM. Hate Speech at the Service of Politics”. Originator and coordinator of the project about loneliness “Lonely Europeans. The impact of loneliness and isolation on the future of Europe”. In 2015, he was an expert at the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland.

Agnieszka Holland


Film director and screenwriter. She has graduated from the Prague film school FAMU. She started her film career by working with Krzysztof Zanussi and her mentor Andrzej Wajda. The first cinema film is “Provincial Actors” (1978), one of the flagship films of the so-called cinema of moral anxiety, awarded the FIPRESCI prize at Cannes in 1980. She has made many films in international co-productions, including “Europa, Europa” (1990), nominated for an Oscar for the best screenplay. She also received Oscar nominations in 1985 and 2012, both for Best Foreign Language Film, for “Angry Harvest” and “In Darkness”. Formatted and produced individual episodes of several major TV series in the USA (including “The Wire”, “Treme”, “The Killing”, “House of Cards”).

Jan Holoubek


In 2001, he graduated from the cinematography department at the PWSFTViT in Łódź. He is the cinematographer for many film, television, and advertising productions. In 2007, he made his debut as a director of the documentary “The Sun and the Shadow”. In 2018, the series “The Mire” opened the way for him to direct large feature productions. His feature film debut from 2020 “25 Years of Innocence” received over 30 awards in Poland and around the world, including: 7 Eagles of the Polish Film Academy and awards for the best debut at Black Nights Film Festival Tallinn, Camerimage, Polish Film Festival Gdynia, and many other festivals. In 2022, his series “High Water” became a global hit on the Netflix platform, winning the first place among the most watched non-English series in the world.

Szymon Hołownia


Politician, journalist, writer, columnist, TV presenter, social activist. Candidate for the office of President of the Republic of Poland in 2020. President of the Polska 2050 association established in 2020, and founder of the party of that name, its chairman since 2022. Founder of the charity foundations “Kasisi” and Dobra Fabryka. As a columnist or editor, he has collaborated with “Gazeta Wyborcza”, “Newsweek Polska”, “Rzeczpospolita”, “Wprost”. He has also published in Catholic magazines, e.g. in “Tygodnik Powszechny”. In 2005, he was the deputy editor-in-chief of the “Ozon” weekly. From 2007 to 2012, he was the programme director and presenter of Together with Marcin Prokop, he co-hosted the “Mam talent!”(2008-2019) and “Mamy cię!” (2015).

Agnieszka Homańska


Woman, Polish, European. Visegrad Insight Executive Assistant, researcher at the University of Warsaw, MA student in international relations, linguist. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung sur-place scholarship holder. Author in “Młodzi o Polityce” [Youth about politics], member of the Forum of Young Diplomats and the Alpbach Poland Club. Polyglot and Euroenthusiast.

Konrad Howard


Co-founder and CTO/CPO/CIO at Booksy, one of the fastest growing startups on the international arena. The Booksy application is already used by 30 million users and over 120,000 companies globally and is in the Top 10 most downloaded applications in the App Store and Google Play. Booksy was one of the few Polish companies to move its headquarters to the Silicon Valley. Previously, he co-created iTaxi, the first Polish application for ordering taxis, and software house SensiSoft, where he created e-commerce solutions. Awarded by “Huffington Post” for “Most Innovative Web Site Of All Time”, winner of American Design Awards and Golden Drum. Winner of the competition of the International Centre for Biocybernetics for work in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics.

Robert Hyżorek


He holds a degree in law, but did not want to be a lawyer. Instead, he preferred to change the university from the inside through the student government. After graduation, he went to gain experience in the corridors of the European Parliament, first in the EPP Group, and then as an adviser to Danuta Hubner. Now he is a manager in a public affairs consulting agency. In addition, he works in a think-tank, where he tries to be a bridge between the authorities, experts, and business. He is also active in the Kulski Foundation for Polish-American relations and organizes humanitarian convoys for Ukraine.

Marcin Iwiński


Chairman of the Supervisory Board of CD PROJEKT S.A. In 1994, together with Michał Kiciński, he founded CD PROJEKT, which turned into the CD PROJEKT capital group. He was responsible for business development, international relations, and the strategy of the company, and then of the entire group, where he was the Vice-President of the Management Board for International Affairs. Co-creator of the strong position of CD PROJEKT RED and the success of The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 franchises, the brands trusted by numerous business partners, and popular among millions of players.

Michał Jabłoński


Co-founder and vice-president of the Polish Space Industry Foundation. Lawyer. Member of the Student Council at the President of the Polish Space Agency of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd term. Since 2020, he has been actively participating in initiatives related to the promotion of the space sector. At work, he deals with industrial property law, and in his free time he is interested in philosophy and exact sciences. His interest in space exploration focuses mainly on legal and political issues.

Magdalena Jacyna


Graduate of the University of Warsaw, the University of Maastricht, and the College of Europe. As a Transatlantic Future Leaders Forum scholarship holder, she completed an internship at the US Congress. She has gained professional experience in law firms, pan-European research projects, and the Office of the Commissioner for Justice. She represented the European Union at Y7 Summit 2020, the summit of the youth advisory group to the G7 Group. In November 2022, she joined the Management Board of Network PL, where she is the Secretary. Currently, auditor at the European Commission. She deals with projects related to Justice and Home Affairs on a daily basis.

Alicja Jakimko


Activist, member of the board of the Masovian region of the Młodzi .Nowocześni Association. She represents the association in debates, press conferences, and in social media, and is also the host of the Młodzi .Nowocześni Podcast. Law student at the University of Warsaw. Winner of the ELF Liberal Hack 2023 (Leaders in Climate Action). She works to protect the environment and women’s rights, and to promote liberal values. Passionate about foreign languages.

Małgorzata Jakubicz


Leader with over 15 years of experience in local and global companies. She has worked, among others, in Unilin Flooring BVBA (MOHAWK), DECORA S.A., IKEA. In the latter, she created and implemented a leadership development programme in the era of transformation at the national level. Leadership coach and trainer since 2018. So far, she has conducted over 2,000 individual and team coaching sessions and over 800 hours of leadership training. In 2020, her first book “Lider w trampkach, czyli jak być przywódcą w zgodzie ze sobą” [Leader in sneakers, or how to be a leader in harmony with yourself] was published. Her mission is to represent and promote servant leadership.

Magdalena Jakubowska


Vice President and Director of Operation at the Res Publica Foundation. Initiator of the #WomenAreNATO campaign on strengthening the position of women in the field of security. This is a NATO campaign that has generated a lot of international interest.

Tomasz Jamroziak


Business psychologist, inspiring speaker, trainer, advisor, executive coach. Owner of a training company, academic lecturer. He advises management boards of companies. He specializes in training and comprehensive projects related to management, communication, teamwork, introducing changes, building customer relationships, the art of public speaking, managing your own energy, and dealing with stress.

Agnieszka Jankowska


Member of the board of the Digital Poland Foundation and the board of directors of the American Chamber of Commerce in Poland. From 2022, she is responsible for the public sector relations department within T-Mobile Polska in the electronic communications and digital policy sector. Director of Public Sector Affairs at GE (2010-2022). She was a member of the management board of GE Poland sp. z o.o. and supervisory boards of Bank BPH and GE Company Polska – Engineering Design Centre. Former spokeswoman for the Minister of Development. Doctor of economics.

Jacek Jaśkowiak


Mayor of Poznań since 2014. Social worker, sports activist, former entrepreneur. He has graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, postgraduate studies in accounting, finance, and taxes. He is a GFPS scholarship holder at the University of Bielefeld in Germany. Since he became president, significant changes have taken place in Poznań. The direction of activities has been clearly defined, and their goal is to make the city friendly to life, tolerant and open to diversity.

Jacek Jelonek


He holds a degree in architectural engineering, but is passionate about being a brand manager and producer of photo sessions.

Dariusz Joński


Politician, local government official, lecturer. Graduate of economics at the Łódź University of Technology and post-graduate studies in law and administration at the University of Łódź. Initiator of the referendum on the dismissal of Jerzy Kropiwnicki from the office of Mayor of the City of Łódź. After the success of this initiative, he served as the Vice President of Łódź. Councillor of the City Council of Łódź and the Sejmik of the Łódź Voivodeship, member of the Sejm of the 7th and 9th term. He has taught marketing and public relations at the Social Academy of Sciences. In the current term of the Sejm, the duo Joński&Szczerba specializes in parliamentary inspections revealing scandals of the PiS government. And they will continue to do so.

Martyna Kaczmarek


Social activist, model, marketer. She started her activism as a 19-year-old, establishing the Day for Life Foundation, which was awarded in the Ordinary Hero of TVN plebiscite. After graduating from the Warsaw School of Economics, at the age of 22, she began her marketing career, specializing in socially engaged marketing in international corporations and won such awards as Cannes Lions, Effie. Since October 2020, she has been involved in educational activities on topics related to body positivity and accepting her body, for which she was awarded the Doskonałość Sieci Twój Styl 2021 award in the self-love category. She has been the first curvy model to reach the top fourteen in the eleventh edition of Top Model.

Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska


Director of the Centre for Smart Technologies at the Faculty of Management of the University of Łódź and Leader of the Research, Innovation, and Implementation subgroup in the Artificial Intelligence Working Group at the Ministry of Digitization. She is a rational AI enthusiast, a researcher of interactions between artificial intelligence and a human, as well as the author and co-author of numerous publications in this field. She works closely with business, supporting and promoting the role of AI, including generative AI, in the business and social dimension.

Sławomir Kalinowski


Doctor of economics, professor at the Institute of Rural Development and Agriculture of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He deals with the issues of poverty and the standard of living in the countryside, exclusion of the rural population, welfare economics, the concept of smart villages, as well as issues of precarization of the population. Author of over 130 academic publications. Member of the editorial board of scientific journals in Poland, the Czech Republic and Turkey. Vice-president of the board of the RURall Foundation for Rural and Urban Research, member of the ROLL-na Foundation Council. From 2009 to 2015, secretary of the Inter-Environmental Research Group “Social Margin of Poznań”. Expert of the Polish Society of Social Policy.

Ewa Kaliszuk


Born in Olsztyn. Certified teacher. She has graduated from German philology at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. From the beginning of her professional career, she has been associated with education and culture. From 2014 to 2019, she was the director of a vocational school. In 2022, she completed postgraduate MBA studies at Collegium Humanum. For over four years, she has been the Deputy Mayor of Olsztyn.

Kalina Kalwasińska


High school student (international baccalaureate), semi-finalist of the economic and entrepreneurship inter-school competition (twice). Author of the campaign promoting social economy, created as part of winning the first prize in the OWES “Dobra Robota” competition. Several mayor of Sopot scholarships holder. Participant of the MUN conference, organizer of Pomerania Model United Nations (@pomun2023). Author of articles, e.g. in “Gazeta Wyborcza”. Member and winner of the Girls Future Ready Foundation programme. She dreams that the potential of Polish students could be developed, and that the school would be a place to discover passion for knowledge. She would like reforms in education to be carried out effectively, based on research and consultations with teachers.

Marek Kamiński


Explorer and founder of Life Plan Academy and Kaminski Academy – supporting mental resilience in children and adults. Mentor, entrepreneur, and discoverer of human potential. He has made over 80 extreme expeditions. In 1995, he was the first person to reach both the North and the South Pole in one year without assisstance, for which he was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. He has reached the North and the South Pole with a person with a disability, a 15-year-old Jan Mela, proving that nothing is impossible. He inspires hundreds of thousands of people through books, videos, podcasts, webinars, and coaching programmes.

Michał Kamiński


Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland (1997-2004 and 2015-2019). Member of the European Parliament (2004-2014). Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland. Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister. Chairman of the Conservatives and Reformists Group in the European Parliament. Head of the Programme Council of the Centre for Public Diplomacy. Currently, Deputy Speaker of the Senate of the Republic of Poland of the 10th term.

Aleksandra Karasińska


Journalist with 20 years of experience in Polish and international media (“Newsweek”, “Forbes”, TVN24, Polsat, TRK Ukraine, CNN, CNN Radio). Co-founder and editor-in-chief of “Forbes Women Polska”. Former vice editor of the weekly “Newsweek Polska” (for 6 years). Former producer of TVN24 and deputy head of information at Telewizja Polsat. While still studying, she started her career at Radio Free Europe, and then for the next five years, she worked at Radio Zet. She works as a lecturer at Digital Media Campus SWPS. Author of the “Forbes Women” podcast. In social work, she supports organizations working for equality and women’s rights.

Iga Karasińska


For over 8 years, she has been involved in the work of the third sector, today she is working on one of the most dynamically developing young NGOs, the Important Matters Foundation. She writes and implements social projects, works as a content creator, and takes care of cooperation with other organizations and business. She is a member of the European Democracy Youth Network. Scholarships recipient, incl. Future Leaders Exchange Programme or Yale Young Global Scholars. Currently studying law and sociology at the University of Warsaw within MISH. She can’t wait for the Campus!

Jacek Karnowski


He comes from Sopot, and holds a PhD in economics. Graduate of the Gdańsk University of Technology, the University of Gdańsk, and the Central Connecticut State University. Mayor of Sopot since 1998. Delegate to the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities at the Council of Europe. Member of the board of the Union of Polish MPs and co-chairman of the Team for Systemic Affairs of the Joint Commission of the Government and Local Government. President of the Association “Self-Governments for Poland” (Yes! For Poland). Laureate of the Grzegorz Palka award, three-time winner of the “Newsweek” mayors ranking. Member of the Kashubian-Pomeranian Association, lifeguard and founder of the Sopot WOPR.

Julia Karpińska


Graduate of King’s College London, where she studied comparative literature. Before starting her studies, she studied at the New York Film Academy. She is a board member of Club Alpbach Poland. Before completing her master’s studies, Julia is doing an internship at a political consultancy firm.

Kinga Kasperska


Assistant to the coordinator of SOS for Education activities. Student of preschool and early school pedagogy at the University of Warsaw. She holds a BA in dietetics. Member of the Light-Life Movement, where she was an animator for several years, she ran meetings and conferences for young people.

Tomasz Kasprowicz


Expert in the field of economy. Doctor of economics. Academic lecturer with over a decade of experience on three continents. Commentator and publicist, in Poland and abroad (e.g. “Polityka”, “Gazeta Bankowa”,, “Visegrad Insight”, “Reporter”). Vice-president of the Res Publica Foundation, editor of Res Publica Nowa.

Mariusz Kaszubowski


PhD in economics, MA in mathematics, MA in statistics. Academic teacher (Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology) and a long-term manager in the health service. Currently, the director of the Voivodeship Psychiatric Hospital in Gdańsk. Professional interests: financial mathematics, risk modeling, medical statistics, social statistics, insurance statistics, forecasting, business analytics, quality control processes. Co-author of many publications in the field of economics and clinical medicine (including cardiology, radiology, endocrinology, orthopedics and diabetology).

Przemysław Kawka


Student at the University of Economics in Katowice. From an early age, he has been involved in youth politics and building a civic attitude through acting in the student council, the Youth City Council of Jaworzno, and the Youth Assembly of the Silesian Voivodeship. Currently, vice-president of the Silesian structures of the “New Generation” Association, councillor of the Youth Parliament of the Silesian Voivodeship and a member of the #niezamłodzi Foundation. He is interested in economics, entrepreneurship, politics, and social activities. He loves working with people and for people.

Iga Kazimierczyk


Pedagogue, teacher, educational activist, doctor of pedagogy. For 18 years associated with the third sector. Leader and co-creator of the “Free School” campaign, co-founder of the “SOS for Education” initiative. For 15 years, she has been conducting classes for students of pedagogical faculties. Author of the book “Nuda szkolna i jej oblicza” [School boredom and its aspects] and articles on school work culture. President of the Space for Education foundation.

Alicja Kępka


Political scientist, researcher, volunteer, creative person. She has graduated in polemology at the University of Amsterdam and European studies at the College of Europe. Graduate of the Blue Book programme financed by the European Commission. Involved in social and non-governmental organizations, where she deals with humanitarian aid and education for peace among young people.

Adam Kiciński


CEO at CD PROJEKT S.A. He has been with the company since its beginnings. He has participated in the development of the Polish game distribution market. From 2010, he has headed the Management Board, where he is responsible for the implementation of the strategy and activities for investor relations. In the 1990s, he created the CD PROJEKT chain of stores, and in 1999 he became Commercial Director. From 2006, he has headed CD PROJEKT RED, being responsible for the creation of the first two parts of “The Witcher” and his own game production technology. Recipient of the “Vision and Innovation”Jan Wejchert Business Award.

Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska


Born on May 5, 1957 in Warsaw. Graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology at the University of Warsaw. She has connected her professional career with film and culture. In the second half of the 1980s, she worked in the literary department of the Karol Irzykowski Film Studio. From 1994 to 2005, she was a film producer. Together with her husband, she produced films and TV shows. Their biggest project was the film “Destined for Blues”. She started working in the local government as a councillor of the City Council of Warsaw and a member of the Culture Committee. Member of Parliament since 2005. She was the vice-chairman of the Parliamentary Ethics Committee and a member of the Parliamentary Committee on Culture and Media.

Paulina Kieszkowska-Knapik


Lawyer. She specializes in pharmaceutical and medical law, advises entrepreneurs and industry organizations on health protection law, in particular pharmaceutical law, the Reimbursement Act, and the Act on Medical Activity. For many years, she has been recommended by Polish (“Rzeczpospolita” and “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”) and international (Chambers Europe, Who’s Who, PLC Which Lawyer) rankings as the best specialist in pharmaceutical law in Poland. She is a co-founder of the Lege Pharmaciae Foundation, a non-governmental organization established to analyze and debate legal regulations in the health care sector.

Maciej Kisilowski


Professor of law and strategy and director of the Executive MBA programme for top managers at the Central European University in Vienna. Co-editor of “Umówmy się na Polskę” [Let’s make a deal on Poland” (2023) with Anna Wojciuk and co-founder of the Social Contract Incubator. He publishes in three disciplines: law, management, and political science, dealing with the application of strategic analysis tools to non-market phenomena. His academic papers have appeared in “Business and Society”, “Law and Social Inquiry” and “International Business Review”. Graduate of Yale University Law School (JSD, LLM), Princeton University School of Public and International Affairs (MPA in Economics and Public Policy) and Insead in Fontainebleau near Paris and Singapore (MBA).

Agata Klat


Communications Director at Help.NGO, a non-governmental organization providing humanitarian aid around the world. Graduate of international relations at the University of Warsaw and a photography enthusiast. She started her career in the private sector in the creative industry. After almost 10 years of working in a corporation, she returned to the path related to her interests. Thanks to this, she combines academic knowledge with professional experience. In 2022, she completed postgraduate studies in humanitarian aid at Fordham University.

Jakub Klepek


Extremism and OSINT analyst. Counter-terrorism, P/CVE, international security.

Wojciech Klicki


Lawyer and social activist associated with the Panoptykon Foundation. He deals with the intersection of new technologies and human rights, as well as the powers of secret services. He runs the “Panoptykon 4.0” podcast.

Witalij Kliczko


Ukrainian politician and former professional boxer. Mayor of Kyiv. He began his political career in March 2006, when he ran simultaneously for Verkhovna Rada and the Kyiv City Council as the Head of the “Pora-PRP” Bloc. The election results allowed him to become the bloc group leader at the Kyiv City Council. In 2010, he became the Party Leader for “UDAR (Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reforms)”. He is a dedicated social activist. In 2003, he and his brother Volodymyr founded their own philanthropic organization, the “Klitschko Brothers Foundation”.

Agata Kobylińska


From December 2019, the Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of Łódź for Children and Youth and from February 2022, the Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of Łódź for Humanitarian Action for Ukraine. Member of the Board of the Kongres Kobiet Association, activist working for women’s rights. Co-founder of the EduKABE Foundation of Creative Solutions and the Association of Łódź Girls for Girls. Member of the civic committee of the legislative initiative: Let’s Save Women 2017. She has co-organized women’s strikes and teachers’ strikes. She also actively supports the LGBTQ+ community on a daily basis.

Jakub Kocjan


Member of the board of the Action Democracy Foundation, where since the protests in 2017 he has been campaigning to defend the independence of the courts and strategically supports other campaigns, e.g. to veto the Lex Czarnek 2.0 bill. Coordinator of the Agreement for the Rule of Law. PhD student at the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw and the Warsaw School of Economics. Two-time scholarship holder of the Minister of Education and Science for significant academic achievements in the field of legal sciences. Awarded by the Mayor of Warsaw with the Tadeusz Mazowiecki Award for young people acting for civil society.

Leszek Koczanowicz


Associate Professor, political scientist, philosopher, cultural expert. Nominated for the Marcin Król award 2023 for “Niedokończone polityki. Demokracja, populizm, autokracja” [Unfinished Policies. Democracy, populism, autocracy]. He deals with the philosophy of politics, concepts of democracy, and ethics of politics. He is interested in the philosophy of culture, contemporary culture, and contemporary art. He has conducted research and given lectures at many universities, including Columbia University, the University of California at Berkeley, the University at Buffalo, and the University of Oxford. Author of many books.

Łukasz Kohut


Member of the European Parliament, Silesian, photographer, and political scientist. He was the first to speak in Silesian at the forum of the European Parliament. Main rapporteur of the report on the adoption of the Istanbul Convention by the entire European Union. Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, the Committee on Culture and Education, and the Committee of Inquiry into the use of Pegasus software.

Tomasz Kolankiewicz


Film expert, film historian, film curator. In 2008-2017, he was a programme editor in the film editorial office of TVP Kultura. Artistic director of the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia in 2020-2022.

Jonas Kolecki


Born in 1999. He studies political science and administration at the University of Potsdam. Since 2018, he has been a member of the RCDS (Christian Democratic Students Circle) in Potsdam, acting as Member of the Student Parliament (since 2020) and as chairman of his group (2021-2023). Since January 2023, he has been the chairman of RCDS Northeast (RCDS Nordost). Since 2022, he has been a representative of the RCDS on the board of the CDU in Brandenburg and works in the CDU’s national commission for federal and European affairs. He has devoted his BA thesis to Polish European politics after 2015.

Łukasz Kołodziej


Graduate of the University of Warwick, he has completed academic programmes at UNC Chapel Hill in the USA and Sciences Po in Paris. As a scholarship holder of the United World Schools Association, the OSCE-UNODA and Google BOLD programmes, he has gained valuable international experience and skills. He currently works in the data and technology sector for the European Union in Luxembourg. Before that, he gained experience in technological companies, startups, and academia. Member of the board of the NetworkPL Association. Apart from professional life, he performs in the Luxembourg Philharmonic as a choir singer, dances Polish national and regional dances, and is also a lover of hiking.

Lidia Kołucka


Lawyer, leader & expert in management, development, and implementation of communication and business strategies. Education: Executive MBA at the Central European University, Faculty of Law at the University of Warsaw, postgraduate studies at the University of Warsaw and UE in Wrocław. Completed an internship at the Hunton & Williams law firm. Worked at the Ford Foundation (grant programmes in Central and Eastern Europe) and at the Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe (management of the CEE Trust, supervision of legal and financial activities of the organization). Advisor to the Prime Minister (2008-2012).

Agnieszka Komisarska


Member of the “Vote for a Woman” Foundation, where she is responsible for projects devoted to the representation of women in Polish politics and the fight against disinformation. Member of the European Democracy Youth Network. She is interested in the impact of new technologies on society and democracy, the implications of machine learning solutions, the development of smart cities, and data management and protection. Enthusiast of photography and contemporary art. Graduate of Business.AI studies devoted to artificial intelligence at the Kozminski University and journalism and political science at the University of Warsaw.

Filip Konopczyński


He deals with artificial intelligence regulations, analyses of digital policies, and research on the business and social use of new technologies. Co-founder of the Kalecki Foundation, worked at IDEAS NCBR, NASK, “”, Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights. He has published in “Rzeczpospolita”, “Gazeta Wyborcza”, “Polityka”, “Krytyka Polityczna”, “Przekrój”, “Kultura Liberalna”, “Newsweek” and “Visegrad Insight”. Lawyer and culture expert, graduate of the University of Warsaw.

Marek Konopczyński


Vice-President of the Scientific Council of the Janusz Korczak Institute of Children’s Rights.

Ewa Kopacz


Vice-President of the European Parliament, Coordinator of the European Parliament for Children’s Rights. Former Prime Minister, Minister of Health, Speaker of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. From 2014 to 2016, she was the President of the Civic Platform. Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical Academy in Lublin.

Dariusz Kopik


Former Police Officer and Road Transport Inspector. Security expert.

Michał Kornacki


CEO and co-founder of Closer Music, recipient of a special award in the 12th edition of the prestigious EY Entrepreneur of the Year competition.

Anna Kornecka


Originator and co-author of the “Decalogue of the Polish Energy Transformation”. President at ESG Impact Network. Former Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Development, Labour, and Technology responsible for construction, spatial planning, and development, housing and distributed energy (2020-2021). From 2021 to 2023, Director of the Institute of the Clean Poland Programme Association. Legal adviser, expert, author of books and publications. For many years, she ran her own law firm, where she advised entrepreneurs and local governments. Promoter of community energy and RES development in Poland. Expert in sustainable development.

Ligia Kornowska


Medical Doctor. Managing Director of the Polish Hospital Federation, the largest hospital organization in Poland. Leader of „AI Coalition in Healthcare” for Poland. Co-founder and Chair of the Board in Data Lake and Donate your Data Foundation. Listed among „100 most influential people in Polish healthcare” for the last 4 years, laureate of “25 under 25” and “30 under 30” “Forbes” list.  She has held managerial positions in leading Polish medical startups. Speaker and moderator at the most important conferences related to the healthcare sector.

Marcin Korolec


Director of the Institute of Green Economy, President of the Foundation for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles. Member of the Supervisory Board of Transport&Environment. Lawyer, long-term employee of the state administration. From November 2013 to November 2015, he was the Government Plenipotentiary for Climate Policy, from 2011 to 2013, he was the Minister of the Environment. He was the president of the 19th Conference of the Parties to the Climate Convention in Warsaw (COP19) organized by the United Nations. In 2011, he introduced Poland to the Administrative Council of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). He was a co-founder of the Green Weimar Triangle.

Emilia Korsak


Mental health activist. PhD student at the Department of Clinical Psychology, Development and Education of the University of Warmia and Mazury, head of the university Psychophysiology Laboratory, specialist in bodywork techniques, author of the “Nalu. Mindful Movement” method. Her doctoral dissertation is about body-centred therapeutic approaches for the prevention of eating disorders. During the Campus, you will talk to her about the need for health education, psychological prevention, and meet her on the mat as part of the “Nalu. Mindful Movement” workshop session.

Łukasz Korzeniowski


Founder of the Association of Dead Statutes, student of the fourth year of law at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Author of guidebooks in the field of education law, editor of books: “Prawa ucznia w Polsce. Raport z badań” [Student’s rights in Poland. Research report] (Kraków 2023) and “Statut nieumarły. Wzór statutu szkoły z komentarzem” [The Undead Statute. Template of the school statute with commentary] (Kraków 2023). He has been dealing with student rights since 2018. In the association, he is responsible for a little bit of everything (because this is the role of the president).

Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz


Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, Chairman of the Parliamentary Club of Coalition Poland: PSL, UED, Conservatives, president of the Polish People’s Party. Born in 1981. Doctor of medicine, specialization in internal medicine in progress. Employee of the Clinic of Internal Diseases and Rural Medicine of the Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University. Councillor of the City Council of Kraków dealing with social policy and health protection (2008-2010). Member of the Board of the Faculty of Medicine of the Jagiellonian University Medical College. In 2010, he obtained the title of doctor of medical sciences. He has conducted scientific research at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, USA. Minister of Labour and Social Policy (2011-2015).

Wojciech Kostrzewa


President and co-owner of Billon Group (a Polish-British company operating in the FinTech industry). Member of the board of directors of Stadler Rail, a Swiss manufacturer of rail vehicles, vice-chairman of the supervisory board of ERGO Hestia, and owner and chairman of the supervisory board of Wydawnictwo Pascal. From 2005 to 2018, he was the president of the ITI Group and for many years the chairman of the supervisory board of the television broadcaster TVN. From 1990 to 2004, he managed Polski Bank Rozwoju and BRE Bank (currently mBank), and served as the head of Commerzbank’s operations in Central and Eastern Europe. Since 2019, he has been the president of the Polish Business Roundtable.

Zofia Kościk


Junior Economic Analyst at the FOR Foundation. Student of finance and accounting at Kozminski University. Main interest: economy, interpersonal communication, and business.

Bartłomiej Kot


Programme Director of the Warsaw Security Forum. He is responsible for conceptualizing and managing the agenda of the conference, as well as building relationships with the key partners: speakers and institutional partners. He has gained his policy research experience as analyst in Casimir Pulaski Foundation, Poland’s top defence and national security think tank, as well as working with the Wilfried Martens Centre. Since the start of the War in Ukraine 2022, he has been active in the field of advocacy, becoming Strategic Policy Advisor to the International Centre for Ukrainian Victory.

Marcin Kowalczyk


Climate Policy Expert at WWF Polska and Climate Financing Expert at WWF International. In the past, he worked for over a decade at the Ministry of Finance, dealing with climate policy. A long-term participant of the Climate Conferences of the Climate Convention, including the COP 14 Presidency in Poznań, COP 19 in Warsaw. Leading finance expert of the Polish COP 24 Presidency in Katowice. From 2017 to 2021, one of the coordinators of the group of EU negotiators on climate finance.

Przemysław Kowalewski


Born in Szczecin in 1975. Journalist, local government official, passionate about the history of his hometown. Graduate of the University of Szczecin and the University of Exeter in Great Britain’s scholarship holder . He collaborated with “Kurier Szczeciński”. He was the editor-in-chief of the “Nowy Kurier” monthly. He published the information portal He was involved in public affairs. He was the vice-mayor of Gryfice on behalf of the Civic Platform. He was an OSCE observer during the 2011 elections to the Russian Duma. He co-edited the book “Europe of tomorrow. United States of Europe or Europe of Homelands” published in 2022 by the European Foundation. Currently, he writes for “Monitor Szczeciński”. “Kozioł” is his literary debut.

Jakub Koźniewski


New media designer and artist. Co-founder of the panGenerator collective, in which he creates pioneering projects at the intersection of art, design, and new technologies. Together with the collective, winner of Polityka’s PASSPORTS in Digital Culture and winner of the Golden Lion at Cannes. The installations and objects he has co-created are shown at exhibitions and festivals around the world, including: Milan Design Week, Ars Electronica, WRO media art biennale, Łódź Design. For many years, he has been co-leader of Creative Coding postgraduate studies at the School of Form, and recently the Guest Studio at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. Juror of creative competitions, including KTR and make me!

Urszula Krassowska


Sociologist with over 35 years of practice in opinion and market research (OBOP, TNS, Kantar, Kantar Public). As managing director of Kantar Public Poland, she cooperates with many clients from the public, non-governmental, and media sectors. Thanks to her extensive knowledge in the field of research methodology and organization, she helps clients solve problems and find answers to important questions. She is an expert in polls and political advice. She comments on the results of research for the needs of the press, radio, and television.

Iwan Krastew


Chairman of the Board of the Center for Liberal Strategies and collaborator of the Institute of Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna. He fulfills himself professionally also as a member of the management board, e.g. ECFR or ICG. His achievements include not only writing opinions for the New York Times, but also books. His top work is “Is it Tomorrow, Yet? How the Pandemic Changes Europe”. Winner of the Jean Améry Prize for European Essay Writing 2020. Author of books, such as “Democracy Disrupted. The Politics of Global Protest ” (2014) or “After Europe” (2017).

Łukasz Kremky


Co-founder and president of Club Alpbach Poland, an organization that promotes democratic values and supports the participation of the young generation in the discussion on the future of Europe during the European Forum in Alpbach. For years, he has been active in the field of civic and student activity. He is a co-founder of the Young Leaders Conference, an event connecting young people with business and political leaders, as well as the organizer of the first ever meeting of Prof. Yuval Noah Harari with Polish youth in 2022. Previously, he served as coordinator of the Polish Economic Forum. Graduate of philosophy and political science at LSE.

Karol Kretkowski


Social politician and urban planner. Since 2016, he has been responsible for residential investment projects at TBS Warszawa Południe in Warsaw. From 2019 on, in the Management Board of the Company, for the implementation of the investment. Previously, at Habitat for Humanity Poland, he ran an advocacy programme on housing policy. He has implemented projects within the social economy and activities for biodiversity. He deals with housing problems throughout his adult life, from eviction blockades to the construction of rental apartments. His heart beats on the left side.

Andrzej Kruczyński


Former GROM officer, participant in special operations and foreign missions. For many years, he was the security chief of the National Stadium. Expert, educator, author of books.

Marcin Kruszewski (Prawo Marcina)

Kruszewski (Prawo Marcina)

Lawyer, graduate of law at the University of Warsaw, where he defended his master’s thesis “Economic freedom as a principle of commercial law”. Promoter of knowledge related to law. Tiktoker of the year 2023. He specializes in civil, commercial, consumer law, and student rights. Creator of the channel “Prawo Marcina”. He publishes content in social media that is a source of knowledge about the rights and civil liberties of Polish people, as well as about applicable regulations. His slogan “know your rights” is to encourage not only greater civic awareness, but also to actively fight for the rights of everyone.

Agata Krypczyk


Social media specialist, political advisor, owner of the Panda Media marketing agency, activist for women, minorities, and LGBT+ people, photographer, Silesian. She holds a master’s degree in journalism and social communication. She helps companies to develop their businesses, offices to better reach residents, and politicians to understand the power of social media. Currently, she works with influencers and politicians as well as with the e-commerce and gastronomy industries.

Patrycja Krzesińska


Graduate of bachelor’s studies in economics. Currently, she is the Leader of the Fundraising Team at the Impuls dla Młodych Foundation and the Chairperson of the Independent Student Association of the Poznań University of Economics for the 2023/2024 term. She believes that her background in economics allows her to better understand economic mechanisms and to engage in discussions on economic policy, market trends, and other relevant issues, being aware of their context and implications.

Bartosz Kubiak


Experienced public affairs professional and chairman of the Academy of Civic Knowledge (AWO), focusing on civil service reform and institution building in Poland. His collaborations include work with President Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Ambassador Mark Brzezinski, and the German Marshall Fund. He has represented 40+ companies in the sustainability, trade, and technology sectors across Poland and the EU. He also has experience in working in the US House of Representatives. He holds a law degree from the University of East Anglia.

Oliwer Kubiak


He comes from the Tricity. Passionate about pop culture and everything beautiful. Participant of the first Polish edition of the “Prince Charming” programme, which ended with a happy end for him: he has found love, and together with the Prince Charming, Jacek Jelonek, they live in Warsaw today, creating a harmonious couple.

Dominik Kuc


Member of the Council of the GrowSPACE Foundation, where he supports the education and mental health of children and youth. Winner of the “25 under 25” “Supporting Diversity” category, initiator of the Warsaw Mental Health Line, co-author of the report “Warsaw Schools after the Pandemic”. In 2023, he has co-created the “YES for Suicidal Prevention”agreement. He has been coordinating the LGBTQ+ Friendly Schools Ranking for 5 years. For his activities for the youngest, he has received the Janusz Korczak Award.

Katarzyna Kucewicz


Psychologist, psychotherapist, sexologist. Author of five books and dozens of expert articles. She has been working as a therapist in Warsaw for over 10 years. She is a permanent expert in the media and social media, where she popularizes the idea of taking care of your mental health.

Radosław Kujawa


Former general of the Military Intelligence Service. He holds a degree in history from the University of Wrocław. In the 1980s, activist of the underground Independent Student Association. Since 1992, officer of special services, intelligence and counterintelligence, including in managerial positions. From 2008 to 2015, he was the Head of the Military Intelligence Service. Currently, he is the Chairman of the Programme Board of the Security Forum Foundation and an associate of the Institute of the Middle and Far East of the Jagiellonian University.

Paweł Kulak


At the Israeli Embassy, he deals with political and economic matters. He is also an assistant to the vice-ambassador and helps her in her activities in Poland. He conducts research and analyses on political complexities in Poland as well as in Central and Eastern Europe. Recently, he has been dealing with the OSINT methodology and broadly understood counteracting radicalization. Graduate of politics & international relations (University of Westminster).

Grzegorz Kulik


Translator and promoter of the Silesian language. He has translated into Silesian “Drach” and “Pokora” by Szczepan Twardoch, “Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupery (“Mały Princ”), “Winnie the Pooh” by A.A. Milne (“Niedźwiodek Puch”), “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll (“Przigody ôd Alicyje we Kraju Dziwōw”), and most recently “The Hobbit, or There and Back Again” by J.R.R. Tolkien (“Hobit, abo tam i nazŏd”). Author of the Ślōnskij Mŏwy Corpus, SileSłownik [SileDictionary], and Polish-Silesian machine translator. Laureate of the Fr. Augustin Weltzl “Upper Silesian Tacitus” Award.

Artur Kurasiński


Entrepreneur, creator, investor, observer, and critic of technology-related phenomena. Author of books, radio plays, games, and comics. Tech-realist. Digital narrator, curator, and creator. For over two decades, he has been observing and explaining the impact of technology on our lives. Author of one of the most read Polish blogs, Speaker and participant of the most important technology conferences in Poland. Co-creator of the oldest series of meetings for start-ups in Poland, Aula Polska, and the Aulery awards. Father of Róża and Malina, a lover of indoor football, comic books, sci-fi movies, and RPGs.

Joanna frota Kurkowska

Joanna frota

In her work, she focuses on exploring topics related to digital commerce (trends, etc.), digital assets (in-game items, NFTs, etc.), online communities (memetics, etc.) and games as metaversal platforms. Her experience includes e-commerce, entertainment, and media. On her blog, Digital Data Glitch, she writes about a composable culture that connects topics such as Web3, AI, and gaming. Currently, she works as: Insights & Trade Strategist at G2A.COM

Jarosław Kurski


Deputy editor-in-chief of “Gazeta Wyborcza” since 2006, columnist since 1991. Opposition Young Poland Movement member. Arrested during martial law. Member of the editorial staff of “Solidarność”, an underground magazine of the Gdańsk region, the first issue of which was published in the Gdańsk Shipyard in August 1980. He worked for the Spanish press agency EFE and for “Tygodnik Gdański”. Former spokesman for Lech Wałęsa. In opposition to the “war at the top”, he resigned from his job. Author of the book “Wódz” [The Chief], a political portrait of the leader of “S” against the backdrop of the events of the time.

Magdalena Kuszewska

Kuszewska journalist, intimacy expert, communication trainer, author of books, including famous “Gładko. O polskim wstydzie, obsesji młodości i intymnych operacjach plastycznych” [Smooth. About Polish shame, obsession with youth, and intimate plastic surgeries], co-author of the books: “Co boli związek” [What hurts a relationship], “Rozmowy o odpowiedzialności” [Conversations about responsibility]. Author of a new series of podcasts “Intymnie” [Intimately] for Sekielski Brothers. She has conducted almost 2,000 interviews, published e.g. in, “Gazeta Wyborcza”, “Polityka”, “Polska. The Times”, “National Geographic Traveler”. Graduate of journalism and psychology.

Roman Kuźniar


Head of the Department of Strategic Studies and International Security at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw. Earlier, director of the analytical and planning department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, director of the Polish Institute of International Affairs, advisor to President B. Komorowski for international affairs. Research interests and publications concern international security, human rights, Europe’s position in the international order, and Polish foreign policy.

Piotr Kwapisiewicz


Social activist. For over 15 years, he has been involved in advocacy, social participation and counteracting anti-Semitism, hate speech, hate crimes and other forms of discrimination. Minorities Fellowship of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN/OHCHR) programme. Graduate of the School for Leaders of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation. As an expert, he has collaborated with the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR/OSCE) in creating a platform supporting the reporting of hate crimes and hate speech.

Jolanta Kwaśniewska


First Lady of the Republic of Poland from 1995 to 2005. Founder and President of the Porozumienie Bez Barier [Communication Without Barriers] Foundation. Lawyer. Member of international organizations and honorary patron of European and global initiatives. Organizer of the international conference of First Ladies “Keep Children Smiling In The New Millennium”, which took place in Warsaw in 1999 to honour the 10th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Hamlet Lavastida


Independent artist of the young generation associated with the 27N movement associating Cuban artists and intellectuals opposing censorship and limiting freedom in Cuba. His main theme is Cuba’s political past, history, ideology, collective memory, and propaganda. Dealing with the “archaeology of communism”, he attempts to explore the identity of Cuban society. The main role in his works is played by the text as the basic tool of political propaganda. On June 26, 2021, he was detained by the Cuban security forces, and the only reason for his detention was his art, which questions the political and historical narratives created by the Cuban regime.

Izabela Leszczyna


Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, vice-chairman of the Sejm Public Finance Committee, vice-president of the Civic Platform. From 2013 to 2015, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Finance. She has graduated from Polish philology at the Jagiellonian University and postgraduate studies at the Warsaw School of Economics (public finance), the Jagiellonian University (quality management in organizations), and the Pedagogical Academy in Kraków (philosophy and ethics).

Michał Leszczyński


Lawyer and legislator specializing in spatial planning, revitalization, and the investment and construction process. From 2012, in the construction ministry, he was responsible for creating a regulatory environment for the real estate sector, including the urban planning and construction code or the revitalization act. For over 4 years, he managed the urban planning office in a large infrastructural project. Currently, he works as a lawyer in the Polish Association of Developers, supporting business in matters of the regulatory environment.

Antonina Lewandowska


Activist, feminist, sex educator, PhD student in sociology at the University of Warsaw. She has completed a course in creating public policies at the University of Cambridge. Coordinator of the national advocacy of the FEDERA Foundation and the work of the ASTRA network (Eastern European international network of non-governmental organizations fighting for women’s rights and reproductive rights), sex educator in the Ponton Group. Academically interested mainly in the sociology of sexuality and the sociology of medicine, in her professional activity, she focuses on the fight for reproductive rights in Poland.

Janusz Lewandowski


PhD in economics, Member of the European Parliament. He was a lecturer at the University of Gdańsk and foreign universities, he founded the Institute for Market Economics in Gdańsk. From 1980 to 1989, he was an economic advisor to NSZZ “Solidarność”, and in 1988, he was a co-founder of the Liberal-Democratic Congress. Member of the Sejm of the 1st, 3rd, and 4th term, former minister of ownership transformation in the governments of Jan Krzysztof Bielecki (1990-1991) and Hanna Suchocka (1992-1993). In the European elections on June 13, 2004, he was elected from the PO list. He was the chairman of the budget committee of the European Parliament, then he became its vice-chairman. EU Commissioner for Budget and Financial Programming (2010-2014). Since 2014, Member of the EP.

Maria Libura


Expert of the Analysis Centre of the Jagiellonian Club for health, head of the Didactics and Medical Simulation Department of the Collegium Medicum of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, vice-president of the Polish Society of Medical Communication, member of the Council of Experts at the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights.

Teresa Lipowska


Theatre, television, and cabaret actress. For many years associated with the “Dudek” cabaret. Known as Barbara Mostowiak, the head of the family in the series “M jak miłość”. Professionally active for 66 years. She is constantly working and performing. In 2017, she was honoured with the Badge “For Merits for the City of Łódź”. In 2017, the book “Nad rodzinnym albumem” [Over the family album], which is an interview with the actress conducted by Ilona Łepkowska, was published.

Michał Lisowski


Concept artist with 15 years of experience. He started his career in Polish post-production studios, working on feature and advertising projects. Then he focused on full-length animations and computer games. Associated with CD PROJEKT RED since 2018, author of concept art for Cyberpunk 2077, currently working on the studio’s upcoming titles. He is passionate about sport, in particular cycling.

Agnieszka Liszka-Dobrowolska


Co-founder of the Climate Strategies Poland Foundation, which deals with calculating carbon footprint and supporting companies and local governments in reducing emissions. For several years, she has been working to raise awareness about climate change. Co-founder of the magazine “Pismo”. Member of the Council of the ISP Foundation, the WWF Foundation, and the Pismo Foundation. Expert with many years of experience in building communication strategies in business and administration, originator of many projects related to climate protection and air quality. Doctor of sociology. Mom of twins.

Katarzyna Lubnauer


Doctor of mathematics, since 1995 employee of the University of Łódź, member of Unia Wolności, member of the National Board of Unia Wolności in 2001-2004. From 1998 to 2002, she was a councillor of the City of Łódź, co-creator of the Świecka Szkoła civic initiative. Member of the Sejm since 2015, from 2017 to 2018, chairwoman of the Nowoczesna Club, 2017-2019 chairwoman of the Nowoczesna party, since 2019 vice-chairman of the Parliamentary Club of the Civic Coalition: PO, Nowoczesna, Zieloni, Inicjatywa Polska. Member of the Education and Science Committee and the Health Committee. Yacht helmsman, mother, and wife.

Paweł Łangowski


Opinion leader and expert in Public Affairs, he has been associated with the health care sector and NGOs for over a decade. This year’s representative of Poland in the Young Executive Leaders in Healthcare global programme. Director of Public Affairs at Medicover and member of the Management Board of the Damiana Medical Centre. Chairman of the Healthcare Committee at SGI Europe, an official advisory organization in the European law-making process.

Ewa Łętowska


Professor of law, member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, the first Polish parliamentary ombudsman (1988-1992), judge of the Supreme Administrative Court (1999-2002) and the Constitutional Tribunal (2002-2011). Author of books, articles, essays, and columns devoted to law (constitutional, civil, human rights). She also writes about classical music.

Dorota Łoboda


Councillor of the City Council of Warsaw, chairwoman of the Education Committee of the City Council of Warsaw, president of the Rodzice Mają Głos [Parents Have a Voice] foundation, activist of the Polish Women’s Strike, and member of the Warsaw Women’s Council. For many years, she has been involved in promoting good education and fighting for women’s rights. In her activities, she pays special attention to the issues of equal access to education, counteracting discrimination, and student participation. She has initiated the establishment of the Warsaw Ombudsman for Pupils’ Rights and cooperates with the organizers of the LGBTQ Friendly Schools Ranking.

Piotr Łukasiewicz


Reserve colonel and former civilian and military diplomat, the last Polish ambassador to Afghanistan. He analyzes the international situation in Polityka Insight, and works as a lecturer on international relations at Collegium Civitas. He works with foundations and NGOs. He is a publicist and commentator on world events. In 2022, he published the book “Talibowie. Przekleństwo czy nadzieja Afganistanu” [Taliban: Curse or hope of Afghanistan].

Anna Łukawska-Adamczyk


Leader, animator, president, coordinator. Socially active for 25 years. President of the WIEŚWIEJAK Foundation. Awarded, distinguished in the competitions: Rural Leader of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Mazovian Success Woman, Mazovian Cultural Education Award, Culture Impulse, Pearls of Mazovia.From 2017 to 2020, director of the Youth Cultural Centre in Pruszków, from 2020 to 2022, head of the education and animation department of the Municipal Cultural Centre, from 2023, head of the education department of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw.

Hanna Machińska


Lawyer and social activist with an extremely rich achievements in implementing European legal standards to Polish law, including those related to human rights protection and anti-discrimination law. She has also always been involved in the fight against discrimination, xenophobia, and intolerance. From 1991 to 2002, she worked at the European Centre of the University of Warsaw. From 2002 to 2010, she was the director of the Information Office of the Council of Europe, and from 2011 to 2017, she was the director of the Council of Europe Office. From 2017 to 2022, Deputy Commissioner for Human Rights.

Aldona Machnowska-Góra


Deputy Mayor of Warsaw. Women’s Plenipotentiary. Professionally associated with culture and theatre for years. Activist consistently working to strengthen the third sector and build a civil society.

Przemysław Macholak


Economist dealing with organizational strategy and education. He cooperates with Polish non-governmental organizations, e.g. with the Happy Kids Foundation and the National Children’s Fund. Previously, as a consultant to Bain & Company in Washington, he advised the largest international enterprises and NGOs. Graduate of the Huntsman Program at the University of Pennsylvania and the College of Europe. Finalist of the Wyspiański scholarship 2023, Aspen Central Europe Young Leader 2022, scholarship holder of the European Forum Alpbach 2019.

Wojciech Maciejczak


Director of Regulatory Security at Orange Polska S.A., head of the Security Group of telecommunications operators at the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications.

Maciej Mackiewicz


Attorney specializing in new technologies law, personal data protection, cybersecurity, and commercial criminal law. He is the originator and coordinator of the Telecommunications Security Forum “Tel Sec” and the president of the Security Forum Foundation.

Dorota Madej


She holds a degree in sociology. Culture manager and service designer, advisor and trainer at iSpot, she implements Apple’s educational solutions in schools. For many years, she has been conducting workshops for pupils, teachers, and school management, supporting them in the use of technology in the teaching process.

Konrad Maj


Social psychologist, head of the HumanTech Center at the SWPS University in Warsaw, Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Psychology. He is interested in issues related to media psychology, new technologies, social impact, and innovation. Currently, he conducts research in the field of HRI (Human-Robot-Interaction). He manages the “HumanTech Meetings” project, an international forum for the exchange of ideas between representatives of the world of science and business on topics related to new technologies. One of the 25 most outstanding graduates of the 25th anniversary of SWPS.

Antonina Majchrzak


The youngest councillor of the City Council of Łódź, Chairwoman of the Environmental Protection Committee. Since the age of 16, she has been working in local government and social activities. Co-creator of the “Eco pact for Łódź”, the “Łódź water the best” project and the anti-smog campaign “Łódź, we breathe!”. Member of the Young Democrats Association, Civic Platform, and EDYN. Involved in mentoring programmes, e.g. “Girls Future Ready” or “Enter the calendar”. Graduate of the “International Visitor Leadership Programme” exchange and the “Young Political Leadership Academy, National Democratic Institute”. Her first decision as a local government official was to eliminate water supplies in plastic bottles and disposable dishes from the Łódź City Hall.

Mirosława Makuchowska


Trainer and advocate for the rights of LGBT+ people with over 15 years of experience in activities for the equality of LGBT+ people in Poland. Currently, director of the largest LGBT+ organization in Poland, Campaign Against Homophobia. Certified anti-discrimination trainer and official expert of the European Commission on counteracting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Author of many publications, including the largest social study examining the everyday life of LGBT+ people in Poland. Scholarship holder of the Open World programme and a graduate of EMBA studies at the Central European University.

Ewa Marciniak


Lecturer at the University of Warsaw in the Department of Sociology of Politics and Political Marketing. Since March 2023, Director of CBOS. Doctor of social sciences, political scientist specializing in public opinion research and social communication. She also studies the mechanisms of electoral behaviour and political leadership. Political commentator in Polish and international media, including “El Pais”, “Le Figaro”, “NYT”, “Financial Times”. Member of the Polish Society for Social Communication and the Political Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Dariusz Martynowicz (Nauczyciel Roku)

Martynowicz (Nauczyciel Roku)

Teacher of the Year 2021. Polish philologist, educator, trainer, entrepreneur. Graduate of the Education Management and Project Management studies. Three times entered the prestigious list of 100 of the Broad Agreement for Digital Skills for a special contribution to improving digital competences in Poland. Activist for education full of respect for other people, empathy, and dialogue. He has repeatedly advocated for the rights of students and teachers, most recently in connection with the “new matura exam”. Creator of the campaigns:, #każdyczłowiekjestważny, #popierwszeszacunek. “Gazeta Krakowska” Man of the Year 2020 for interesting remote education solutions and for a reasonable and creative transformation of blackboard education into online.

Paweł Mastalerz


Member of the Młodzi o Polityce [Youth about politics] initiative. Author of texts on the politics of European countries (Poland, Slovakia, France, Great Britain, Germany). Graduate of international relations at the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies at the University of Warsaw. Student of international economic relations and the CEMS (The Global Alliance in Management Education) programme in international management at the Warsaw School of Economics. Participant of academic exchange with the University of the Azores in Portugal and Kyungpook National University in South Korea. Organizer of charity campaigns and events dedicated to human rights in cooperation with, among others, Amnesty International.

Adrian Matak


Student of political science and philosophy at the London School of Economics and Sciences Po. He works at the LSE US Phelan Centre on a research project on NATO nuclear policy and US international policy. He makes wine in Chile.

Agata Matlak–Lutyk


Co-founder of the fashion brand BALAGAN STUDIO from Poland. In her professional work, she deals with design, photography, is an art director and entrepreneur. She has graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and studied in Portugal, ESAD. She has collaborated with various creators and received many awards for her work. In 2015, she co-founded the Transparent Shopping Collective, which focuses on issues of sustainable and responsible operation in the fashion industry.

Maciej Mazur


Co-founder and president of the board of PSPA, one of the largest organizations focusing on the development of new mobility, and president of AVERE – The European Association for Electromobility, the oldest organization related to the zero-emission transport market in Europe. Business practitioner with many years of experience in the energy and automotive sectors. Since 2012, he has been associated with the alternative fuels industry, in particular with the electricity sector (electromobility). He has worked in the implementation of the largest infrastructural investments carried out in Poland.

Maia Mazurkiewicz


Expert on countering disinformation and behavioural changes. She has 15 years of experience in political management, foreign affairs, and communication in administration, business and CSOs. Co-founder and Head of StratCom of Alliance4Europe where she deals with strategic communication for more diverse internet. She co-founded Future Forces Foundation working for more impactful business. She co-created Keyboard Warriors in Poland, community that debunks disinformation (2017). Barrister educated in Poland and the United States. Together with the DISARM Foundation, she develops a disinformation research structure recommended in reports created by NATO or EU StratComm. She spoke at the events, such as Nobel Prize Summit, RightsCon, European Economic Congress. She has cooperated with many NGOs.

Maciej Mętrak


Linguist and ethnologist, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, currently involved in the research project “Linguistic diversity in Poland: Collateral languages, language-oriented activities, and conceptualization of collective identity”. He has been dealing with the subject of ethnic and linguistic minorities, e.g. in Wilamowice, Silesia, and Kashubia. From 2017 to 2019, he led the popular science series of meetings “Small language – a great topic” at the University of Warsaw. Czech interpreter and translator.

Marek Michalak


Doctor of social sciences, special educator, social activist, Chairman of the International Janusz Korczak Association, Chancellor of the International Chapter of the Order of the Smile. Member of the Polish Educational Research Association and the Polish Writers’ Association, Ombudsman for Children (2008-2018). Author of books for children and numerous publications on the protection of children’s rights and the pedagogy of Janusz Korczak.

Adam August Michalik

Adam August

Political scientist which results from both education and passion. Manager of the third sector. At the School for Leaders since 2019, and since 2020, he has been coordinating the political agenda. He is responsible for the organization and the programme of the School for Political Leaders, the Graduate Parliamentary Path of the Political School, issues related to national politics and cooperation with parliamentarians. He is the originator and editor-in-chief of the quarterly “Młodzi o Polityce” [Youth about politics] and a member of the Tour de Konstytucja project.

Ewa Michna


Associate Professor and sociologist, who works at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora at the Jagiellonian University. Researcher of ethnic relations, identity politics, and the struggle for recognition of stateless ethnic minorities. She conducts research among ethnic leaders: Lemkos and Silesians in Poland, Carpathian Ruthenians in Slovakia and Ukraine. Author of two monographs and several dozen scientific articles. Since 2010, an independent expert of the minority side in the committee for examining applications for subsidies for the implementation of tasks aimed at protecting, preserving, and developing the cultural identity of the minority operating in the Ministry of the Interior and Administration.

Piotr Mieczkowski


He manages the work of the Digital Poland foundation, whose mission is to make Poland a centre of innovation. He has 18 years of experience in the technology, media, and telecoms sector, including digital transformation, modeling business processes, creating programmes supporting innovation, implementing business strategies, analyzing markets and services, as well as developing public policies in the new technologies sector. He has worked for Cyfrowy Polsat, EY, Plus, Orange, Shell.

Anna Miernicka


Exuberant specialist in special tasks, who joined the ostomy team on February 15, 2023. Young and enthusiastic, an employee of an insurance company on a daily basis. She treats volunteering in the foundation as fulfillment and an opportunity for personal development. For her, volunteering is not only opening up to new challenges, but also to new acquaintances and positive interactions with others. She shows everyone that age, experience, or education do not matter when it comes to the willingness to act and help each other.

Kamil Mieszczankowski


Activist, security expert. Graduate of the War Studies University and postgraduate studies at the University of Warsaw, Collegium Civitas, Kozminski University, and the Warsaw School of Economics. Better known on social media as “Bezczelny Lewak” [The Cheeky Lefty]. Activist and author of the fundraiser to sue Minister Przemysław Czarnek as well as Professor Roszkowski and the Biały Kruk publishing house for stigmatizing IVF children in the textbook for the subject called history and the present. Originator and co-creator of the first social programme in Poland of 100 free in vitro treatments for couples in need.

Magdalena Milert


Architect, urban planner, graduate of the Silesian University of Technology. In her social media known as @pieing, she talks about spatial planning, architecture, urban planning, and the psychology of space. She promotes good urban UX. She emphasizes that the city should be properly organized and accessible to everyone, as well as adapted to climate change. Co-creator of Archipogotowie, tutor and workshop mentor, featured in Forbes Women 2021.

Natalia Mileszyk


Responsible for the digital & technology department at CEC Group, the longest existing Polish public affairs agency. Thanks to this, she has an in-depth understanding of the regulation of the tech sector, which she combines with broader experience in public matters both in Poland and throughout the European Union. Previously, she worked as a public policy expert at Centrum Cyfrowe Foundation, a leading Polish think-and-do dealing with the social aspects of technology. Her recent work has focused on the regulation of online platforms, artificial intelligence, automated decision-making, and the regulation of the sharing economy. She holds a degree in law. Graduate of the University of Warsaw and the Central European University in Budapest.

Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz


Culture animator, political scientist and researcher, graduate of the Jagiellonian University. She works as a research assistant at the Centre for Migration Research at the University of Warsaw. She has almost 15 years of experience in working in government administration in the area of state policy towards ethnic and national minorities and in coordinating integration policy towards the Romani in Poland. From 2008 to 2014, Plenipotentiary of the Małopolska Voivode for National and Ethnic Minorities. Author of evaluation reports for the European Commission as part of the Roma Civil Monitor (2017-2020) and Roma Civil Monitor II (2021-2025) projects. Author of scientific and popular science articles devoted to Romani issues.

Agata Młynarska


Journalist, presenter, TV personality. Producer, director, and media manager. Involved with the television for over 30 years, with over 3,000 TV programmes. She is known for her charity work; she has contributed to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP). In 2012, she created the first portal for women. Active on social media. On Instagram during the pandemic, she created her own format. Through social media, she engages in and supports social and charity actions. She has created the series “I give them a voice”, in which socially excluded people could show their lives. She has over 165,000 Instagram followers.

Artur Modliński


Head of the Centre for Research on Artificial Intelligence and Cybercommunication at the University of Łódź. He works at research centres dealing with new technologies in Portugal and Italy. Author of over 50 articles on new technologies in business published in the world’s most important academic and professional magazines. He conducts workshops and supports enterprises and non-governmental organizations in digital transformation in Poland and around the world.

Magda Mołek


Journalist and youtuber. For 3 years, she has been running her own YouTube channel “W Moim Stylu” with over 200,000 subscribers. She raises topics related to women’s rights, feminism, mental health, tolerance, parenthood, support, and women’s solidarity. Creator and co-creator of a series of podcasts: with Joanna Keszka about women’s sexuality: “Śmietanka Erotyczna” and “Rozważna I Erotyczna”, and with the Reserved brand about different ways of looking at life and the world: “Z pokolenia na pokolenie”. From the beginning of her professional career (1995), she has been involved with television.

Georgette Mosbacher


Entrepreneur, author, philanthropist, and diplomat. The first woman to serve as the U.S. Ambassador to Poland (2018-2020). She provided critical leadership on top diplomatic and security issues in Central Europe, incl. advocacy of the Three Seas Initiative fostering economic growth, strengthening transatlantic ties, and countering the malign influence of Russia and China in the region. She helped with a defence cooperation agreement between the U.S. and Poland, established a construction schedule for the U.S./NATO Ballistic Missile Defence Site in Poland, and helped Poland become the first nation added to the U.S. Visa Waiver Programme in 5 years. Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland and Department of the Army’s Distinguished Public Servant Medal recipient.

Bartosz Mościcki


Vice-President of the Polish Forum of Young Diplomats, an association whose goal is to promote knowledge about international politics and support the development of young leaders. Student of international relations and law at the University of Warsaw. Scholarship holder and graduate of the European Academy of Diplomacy. He is interested in international and energy security, European integration, and state politics in the region of Europe and East Asia.

Remigiusz Mróz


Bartosz Mucha


Artist, designer, and educator. Lecturer at the Design Department of the SWPS University in Warsaw. He has studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków and ESAG in Paris, he has defended his PhD at the Faculty of Design of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Since 2004, he has been running The POOR design project, in which he creates concepts for everyday objects. Production and distribution of projects in 2012 take the name Poorex. In 2010, a para-architectural activity, Pararch, was established, the aim of which is to get to know the problem of home, shelter, and accommodation. His latest project, Poorex Face, turns to sculpture, nature, and craftsmanship.

Alina Muzioł-Węcławowicz


Housing policy expert. She specializes in housing issues, revitalization of urban areas, local and regional development, and city geography. Author of several dozen academic and popularizing publications as well as expert opinions in the field of economy and housing policy, issues of theory and practice in the field of urban revitalization, development strategies and socio-economic conditions of development. She comes from Mąkowarsko, for many years, she has been living and working in Warsaw. She likes tourism in less populated places, good books, and movies. Grandma, mom, wife, friend, and acquaintance of many cool people.

Olga Napiontek


Co-founder and vice-president of the board of the Civis Polonus Foundation, doctor of sociology. She believes that civic education is the heart of democracy and should be universal, which is why she has been running Civis Polonus since 2004. She deals with civic education in various ways; she is the author of research and articles in the field of civic education and civil dialogue, a trainer designing and conducting workshops for teachers, librarians, officials and young people, as well as creator and manager of Foundation projects enabling meaningful civic participation for children, youth and adults.

Marco Németh


Scholar at the Milestone Institute in Budapest. Since the 2019 European elections, he has been working with the European Parliament Office in Slovakia. He has written and published a book “Europe in a Cube”, which outlines the origins and functioning of the European Union in a language accessible to young people, for which he won the European Citizen Prize in 2022. The book is now being used as educational material in schools all over Slovakia. Since 2022, he has been part of the Visegrad Insight as a Marcin Król Fellow. He is also contributing to Startitup which is one of the largest Slovak news portals. This year, he was elected as one of the Delegates to the EU Youth Dialogue under the Ministry of Education and the European Commission.

Chris Niedenthal


He graduated from photography at the London College of Printing. In 1973, he came to Poland at the invitation of the Polish Interpress Agency and has stayed to this day. He became famous for his reportage photography depicting both historical events and everyday life in the 1980s. He photographed John Paul II’s first visit to Poland, the rise of Solidarity, the introduction of martial law, the fall of communism, and democratic changes in Eastern Europe in 1989. Winner of the World Press Photo award in 1986. Author of socially engaged photographic series about the “invisibility” of children with intellectual disabilities.

Małgorzata Niemczyk


She has represented Poland many times, winning the European Volleyball Championship in 2003. Member of Parliament for the third term, she has managed to achieve a lot during this time: from changing the rules of nutrition in school canteens and shops to introducing new laws and a number of sports programmes. She fights to restore the InVitro programme, financed from the state budget, thanks to which over 20,000 children have been born. Politics, like volleyball, is a team game, so nothing could be achieved without the support of colleagues from the region, parliament, and voters. But whether on the pitch or in the Sejm, she always plays for Łódź and Poland, ans she does not let go of any action and does her best.

Magdalena Niewelt


Lawyer in love with fashion. Mediator. Originator of international mediations in the fashion industry. Together with her husband, she has created the Legal Assistance Centre for Foreigners at the Bar Association in Katowice.

Konrad Niklewicz


Member of the management board of Tramwaje Warszawskie responsible for the departments of logistics, public procurement, infrastructure repairs, and marketing. Former deputy minister of regional development. Earlier, he also managed the Marketing Office of Warsaw. Graduate of the University of Warsaw, research fellow at the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies in Brussels, Knight of the Order of Merit of the French Republic.

Sławomir Nitras


Member of the Sejm of the 5th, 6th, 8th, and 9th term, Member of the European Parliament, from 2014 to 2015, chief adviser to Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz. Member of the National Board of the Civic Platform from 2001 to 2013, chaired the Civic Platform in Szczecin.

Michał Nogaś


Press and radio journalist. From 2000 to 2016, associated with Radio Trójka, since 2016 with “Gazeta Wyborcza”. He also publishes in “Książki. Magazyn do Czytania”, “Wysokie Obcasy”, is one of the hosts of “8:10. Podcast Gazety Wyborczej”. He collaborates with Radio Nowy Świat. Author of the book “Z niejednej półki. Wywiady” [From many shelves. Interviews], which is a selection of interviews with the most outstanding contemporary writers from around the world. Winner (2015) of the Annual Award of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in the category of promoting culture.

Kacper Nosarzewski


Partner at 4CF, member of the board of the Polish Society for Future Studies, author of the methodology and co-author of foresight reports for civilian and military clients, NATO expert. He advises companies and institutions on strategic foresight, including UNESCO and UNDP. He has managed the project of National Development Scenarios 2050 for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development. He has led projects for medium and large companies and government agencies around the world, including in the high-tech, energy, food, financial, logistics, and armaments industries. Member of Association of Professional Futurists.

Barbara Nowacka


Activist of left-wing, social, and women’s movements. She has a degree in information technology, but has also completed management studies at the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw as well as MBA studies. Chairwoman of the Polish Initiative party, member of the Sejm of the 9th term from the Gdynia-Słupsk constituency. She has twice chaired the civic committee of the legislative initiative “Save Women” liberalizing the anti-abortion law. In 2016, she was included in the annual FP Top 100 Global Thinkers list of the “Foreign Policy” magazine.

Michał Nowak


Active activist, social worker, local government official. Graduate of the Gdańsk University of Technology, Kozminski University, and Paweł Adamowicz Civic Study. Lecturer and trainer, he works with NGOs working for the development of rural areas and small towns. Initiator and author of many cyclical cultural and sports events. Since 2015, he has been the mayor of the village of Radunica in the Pruszcz Gdański commune. Founder and moderator of several nationwide groups on social media. President of the Association of Pomeranian Village Administrators. Winner of the Mayor of the Year 2022 award. Happy husband and dad.

Bartłomiej E. Nowak

Bartłomiej E.

Political scientist and doctor of economics. He deals with international organizations and European integration. Lecturer at the Vistula University, member of the Forecast Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences and “Team Europe”, a team of experts at the European Commission. Mountaineer, last year he reached Broad Peak (8,051 m) without the use of oxygen and the support of high-altitude porters.

Arkadiusz Nowak


President of the Institute of Patient Rights and Health Education. Chairman of the Patient Organization Council at the Ministry of Health. Member of the Council of the Medical Research Agency, the Council of Experts at the Ombudsman for Patient Rights, and the Expert Committee on Health with the Commissioner for Human Rights. In his academic work, he focuses on the development of health education and promotion. Received many awards, e.g., The UN Secretary-General’s “Race Against Poverty Award”, the Order of Polonia Restituta, and an award for his contribution to Polish Social Policy.

Michał Nowakowski


Legal adviser and doctor of law. He deals with the area of new technologies from both legal and regulatory and technological perspectives. CEO at GovernedAI, a company dealing with the safe and compliant application of artificial intelligence in enterprises. He has implemented numerous technological solutions for the financial sector, incl. banks. Scientific editor of the commentary to the Act on Counteracting Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism and author of the book “FINTECH: Technology, finance, regulations. A practical guide for the financial innovation sector”. Expert of the AILAWTECH foundation, former deputy chairman of the working group on the law and ethics of artificial intelligence at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister. Lecturer at postgraduate studies.

Piotr Obszarski


Policy & Network Researcher at Visegrad Insight and member of Club Alpbach Poland, member of Młodzi o Polityce [Youth about politics].

Marzena Okła-Drewnowicz


Sociologist. She started her professional career at the District Labour Office in Skarżysko-Kamienna, where she was a work club leader. Then she worked at the Municipal Social Welfare Centre as a deputy director. She started her political path as a Councillor of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship Assembly. She was an expert of the self-government of the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship for negotiations with the European Commission OP Human Capital. Member of the Sejm since 2007. Earlier, vice-chairman of the Sejm Senior Policy Committee, currently vice-chairman of the Social Policy and Family Committee. She prepared and coordinated the Polska Seniora project, under which a package of comprehensive programme solutions in this field was created. From 2021, vice-president of the Civic Platform.

Artur Okonowicz


President of the Help.NGO Poland Foundation, an international non-governmental organization dealing with humanitarian aid. He has a degree in internationalism. He has gained experience at the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in New York, the Chancellery of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in New Zealand. He has been active in non-governmental organizations, including the Polish Forum of Young Diplomats and the Polish Council of Youth Organizations. Today, he heads a non-governmental organization dealing with the use of technology in humanitarian aid. He manages a team of several dozen employees and volunteers from around the world. He is passionate about Gdańsk, his hometown.

Justyna Okrucińska


Coordinator of the society section in “Młodzi o Polityce” [Youth about politics]. Graduate of political science and sociology at the University of Warsaw, student of Sociology – European Societies at the Freie Universität Berlin. Fascinated by the sociology of the European Union, European identity, queer theory, and feminism.

Marcin Oleksy


He comes from Nowa Sól. He started playing football at the age of 7. In 2010, his life situation forced him to devote himself to professional work, at the expense of football. At the time, he was working as a road construction worker, where during his work he was hit by a car, as a result of which his left leg had to be amputated. Since November 2020, he has been an amp football player of Warta Poznań, where he plays as a striker. He regularly plays for the Polish amp football team. On February 27, 2023, during the FIFA The Best 2022 gala in Paris, he received the FIFA Puskás Award for Goal of the Year as the first Pole and amp football player in history.

Nadia Oleszczuk-Zygmuntowska


Activist for women’s rights and employee rights. Leader and founding member of the Consultative Council of the Polish Women’s Strike. President of Konfederacja Pracy Młodych [Confederation of Young Workers]. Member of the Presidium of the OPZZ Council of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. The heroine of the “Defend the Defenders” campaign. She was included in McKinsey & Company and Forbes’ “25under25” 2022 list for her social activity. Involved in the “Unions Help Refugees” initiative, aimed at helping refugee women find their place on the Polish labour market.

Grzegorz Onichimowski


Entrepreneur and manager with over 30 years of practice in the energy and IT sectors. Co-founder and long-term president of the Polish Power Exchange. Consultant in companies from the sector, e.g. EnerNOC, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Columbus, Virtual Power Plant. From 2015 to 2019, he created the energy market of the Persian Gulf countries as the director of a project financed by 6 GCC countries. Currently a senior consultant at NODES, the European Flexibility Platform. Lecturer at Lazarski University and other universities. Expert of the Civic Institute and member of the team creating the energy program of the Civic Coalition.

Daryna Onyshko


She has more than seven years of experience in programme management, advocacy, and research on democratic governance and youth participation. She currently serves as the Community of Democracies’ Youth Network Coordinator, where she coordinates its programmatic activities on youth inclusion and the new Global Democracy Youth Network initiative. As part of her work to make youth participation in democratic processes more effective, Daryna serves as the elected President of the European Democracy Youth Network. As a co-leader in the Youth Cohort of the Biden Administration’s Summit for Democracy, she spoke in Costa Rica at the second Summit, where she launched the “Youth Participation Handbook” in March 2023.

Renata Orłowska


Activist for people with disabilities. Educator, social worker. Internet Personality 2021 in the “Human Without Barriers” competition. She suffers from spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) type 3. Author of the blog and educational workshops carried out in cooperation with SEXEDPL.

Tomasz Orłowski


Titular Ambassador, Doctor of history. From 1990, he worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as deputy director of the departments for Europe, the United Nations System and Global Issues, and director of Diplomatic Protocol. Secretary General of the Polish UNESCO Committee and member of the UNESCO Executive Council. Polish Ambassador to France and Italy, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Most recently, he worked at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Lecturer at the Institut d'Études Politiques/Paris School of International Affairs in Paris and Polish universities.

Anna Orska


Jewellery designer, lover of urban biking, lover of travelling far and near. Art and design have been present in her life since childhood. She made ornate ornaments and objects from the family home the centrepiece of one of her early collections. This is how she discovered her love for upcycling, which she was one of the first in Poland to use in jewellery. Giving objects a second life and putting them in a completely new context has become one of the hallmarks of the ORSKA artistic jewellery brand she created. Graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań, a doctor of fine arts, author of thousands of jewellery designs and small design forms. She does not follow the trend, she creates timeless things.

Marek Osiecimski


TV journalist, documentary filmmaker, and philosopher, graduate of Wajda School & Studio. Most recently, he has directed the documentary film “O tym się nie mówi” [It is not commented upon] (2022) about the situation of women after the pseudo-ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal headed by Julia Przyłębska. For the documentary series “Kanada pachnąca cierpieniem. Dzieci nie tego Boga” [Canada Smells of Suffering. Children of the wrong God] (2022) about indigenous Canadian children tortured in the so-called residential schools produced for TVN24 he received the Gold Award 2023 at the World Media Festival in Hamburg.

Piotr Osiecki


Founder and long-term President of the Management Board of the largest independent Investment Funds Association in Central and Eastern Europe, ALTUS S.A., he has managed assets of PLN 18 billion. Graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics and a scholarship holder of the CEMS programme at the London School of Economics. He holds an MBA from the Warsaw School of Economics/University of Minnesota/Carlson School of Mngt. Investment advisor (licence no. 128) and licensed securities broker (licence no. 991). He holds the title of CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst). In 2018, he and his company fell victim to the ruthless state apparatus aimed at Polish independent entrepreneurs.

Tomasz Ossoliński


He is considered the best Polish men’s tailor and one of the most famous and respected fashion designers in the country (his talent was appreciated, among others, by the magazine “Twój Styl”, granting him the award of the best designer of the year 2019, and earlier he was awarded the same title by the monthly “Elle” ). The Ossoliński brand stands for respect for tailoring traditions and craftsmanship, as well as uncompromising quality. An innovator for whom clothing is the starting point for creative activities in many guises: from evening fashion, through the red carpet, film set or opera stage. This year he celebrates the 30th anniversary of his work.

Piotr Ostrowski


Chairman of the National Alliance of Trade Unions. Vice-chairman of OPZZ Konfederacja Pracy. Vice-President of the Social Dialogue Council. Member of the Statistics Council. Deputy member of the Governing Council of the International Labour Organization (ILO). Member of the General Council of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). Member of the Executive Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). Doctor of humanities (sociology). From 2009 to 2018, he worked as a researcher at the University of Warsaw.

Aleksandra Ozimek


Activist, political advocacy specialist at the Otwarte Klatki Association, an organization that has been working to improve the fate of farm animals for over 10 years. Doctor, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, graduate of Gender Studies at IBL PAN.

Alicja Pacewicz


Co-founder of the Centre for Civic Education and the School with Class Foundation. Co-author of textbooks on civics and numerous guides for teachers as well as civic, legal, historical, film, and other education programmes. Expert of the European civic education network called Networking European Citizenship Education+. Co-founder and coordinator of SOS for Education and the Free School campaign, member of the Warsaw Educational Council and the Historical and Programme College of the European Solidarity Centre.

Sylwia Panek


Author of the blog, specialist in healthy and ecological cleaning, and discouraging people from using plastic. She holds a degree in chemistry, but left her job in the laboratory to write about chemistry around us and educate others on this topic.

Paweł Papke


Urszula Pasławska


Born on January 28, 1977 in Biskupiec. Lawyer, politician, local government official. Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk. From 2006 to 2012, Deputy Marshal of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, from 2012 to 2015, Deputy Minister of the State Treasury, since 2015, Member of the Sejm of the 7th, 8th, and 9th term. Since 2019, she has been the chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Environmental Protection, Forestry and Natural Resources. Her priorities also include the development of the region, pro-family policy, and broadly understood women’s issues. Since 2012, she has been the vice-president of the Polish People’s Party.

Alicja Patanowska


Potter. Artist, designer, and doctor of arts. The knowledge of the body acquired in direct contact with the material is crucial for her artistic and design practice. She combines art with design. Her response to the escalation of consumption chaos is to take into account the non-anthropocentric perspective in human’s relationship with the world. Fan of plants and barter. She has graduated from the Royal College of Art in London and the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. She is a laureate of the Mazda Design Award and the Gazeta Wyborcza WARTO award. Her works are in the collection of The National Museum in Kraków and the Shanghai Museum of Glass.

Ada Florentyna Pawlak

Ada Florentyna

Technology anthropologist, lawyer, and art historian, academic lecturer. She specializes in the area of social implications of technology, e.g. artificial intelligence and transhumanism. She teaches classes on the anthropology of technology and digital culture, technointimacy, and human-machine cooperation. She studies how the development of technological tools affects social perceptions. Founder member of the Polish Transhumanist Association, regular columnist of the “Domena” PTI magazine, laureate of the “Jutronauci” project of “Gazeta Wyborcza” and Kulczyk Investments.

Aleksandra Pawlicka


Journalist of “Newsweek”, political commentator on TVN 24, Nowy Świat radio, and TOK FM. Previously, she worked in the weekly “Przekrój”, as a correspondent of the BBC Polish Section in Brussels during Polish negotiations with the EU and NATO, and co-created new publishing projects in Agora. Author of the books: interviews with Jan Tomasz Gross, with Joanna Kros-Krauze, with Magdalena Środa, a biographical novel about the Stuhr family, monographs devoted to the Women’s Congress “Czas na kobiety” [Time for women] and “Grzeczne już byłyśmy” [We’ve already been polite] that will be published this autumn. Feminist, yoga instructor, vegetarian.

Ryszard Pawłowski


Mountaineering instructor, Himalayan climber, and mountain guide. He has participated in over 300 expeditions to various mountains of the world. He has summited eleven eight-thousanders. He is the only Pole who has stood at the top of Mt. Everest (8848 m). He has made many ascents on difficult climbing routes in various parts of the world. A climbing partner of Jerzy Kukuczka, Adam Zyzak, Piotr Pustelnik, Janusz Majer, Krzysztof Wielicki, and many other famous mountaineers. He trains young adepts of mountaineering, organizes expeditions, and gives lectures on mountain topics.

Marcin Perfuński


Parenting influencer, radio journalist, book editor, father of 5 daughters. Known online as SuperTata [SuperDad], he uses social media to promote engaged parenting. He does this through webinars, live broadcasts, podcasts, a blog, and running profiles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and LinkedIn. He is involved in many initiatives: member of the NASK Parent Advisory Council, jury of the Child-Friendly World competition, ambassador of the Asy Internetu educational programme, juror of the digital competition for children What’s Your Story.

Edyta Piaszczyk


Manager of the communication and PR area at the Polska Bezgotówkowa Foundation. She is responsible for the adopted communication strategy of the Foundation and for projects promoting non-cash transactions. She has over 13 years of communication experience gained in the best PR agencies in Poland. She specializes in corporate PR and crisis communication management, as well as special events. For nearly 5 years, she has been teaching public relations classes at the SWPS University in Warsaw.

Justyna Piątek-Pawłowska


Graduate of American Studies at the University of Gdańsk, regional director of Ladies of Liberty Alliance in Europe and founder of their Polish branch LOLA Poland. On a daily basis, she works as a social media specialist at the Objective Standard Institute. She has co-organized various international conferences, e.g. Liberty International World Conference 2021 in Medellín, Colombia and 2022 in Tbilisi, Georgia, and the TEDx conference in Gdańsk. She is currently developing her journalistic skills, focusing on pop culture and the reality of her Gen Z generation from a classical-liberal/libertarian perspective.

Hanna Piechowska


Women’s personal trainer, Zumba® Fitness and Pilates instructor. From an early age, she has been involved with jazz and classical dance. She has also developed her skills in Latin American dances. During personal training, she brings out their uniqueness in women. Her classes are based on the correct technique of exercises and work with the breath, and these, in turn, are always enveloped in the positive energy of the instructor and a unique atmosphere. It is very important for her that during joint meetings her clients are “here and now”, and after the trainings... they are simply in a good mood.

Mariola Pilas-Kołodziej


Director of Harmonia LUX MED Medical Centres. She manages mental health clinics and supports the development of mental health in companies. Graduate of the Lazarski University in Warsaw at the Faculty of Law and Administration and the University of Marketing Management and Foreign Languages in Katowice in the field of marketing company management. She has been associated with the medical services market since 2010.

Konstanty Pilawa


Member of the board of the Jagiellonian Club. Editor-in-chief of the magazine “Pressje”. Co-creator of the podcast “Kultura Poświęcona”.

Klaudia Piotrowicz-Zakrzewska


Justyna Piszczatowska


Editor-in-chief of Expert and entrepreneur. One of the leading journalists in the field of energy and energy transformation in Poland. Previously, she worked in the economic departments of “Rzeczpospolita” and “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, and co-created the website

Marlena Plebańska


Certified Apple Professional Learning Specialist trainer. One of the precursors of Polish e-education, specialization in knowledge management, e-learning, Design Thinking. Expert in STEAM, distance learning, and the use of new media in education. Manager and consultant of educational and e-learning projects. Researcher, trainer, and lecturer. Precursor of STEAM in Poland. Author of books, “STEAM-owe Lekcje” [STEAM Lessons] and “STEAM-owe Przedszkole” [STEAM Kindergarten]. Since 2017, the initiator and coordinator of the STEAM Polska project, President of the STEAM Polska Foundation.

Bartłomiej Plewczyński


Graduate of diplomacy at the University of Gdańsk. Socially involved for years, also in social and information campaigns in social media. He is particularly interested in issues related to education and human rights. For his involvement in helping the Ukrainian community, he received the “Altruists – Wartime Heroes” award from the Hel Sapere Aude Foundation. He is interested in sports and music.

Beata Plewka


Pharmacist, PhD student at the Poznań University of Medical Sciences in Poznań, as well as the manager of the Medicover pharmacy in Poznań. Author and co-author of publications on pharmaceutical care and educational materials supporting pharmacists in their daily work. She also teaches at postgraduate studies programme called “Professional advice and pharmaceutical care in a public pharmacy” at the Poznań University of Medical Sciences. She is committed to helping pharmacy patients in making decisions regarding their health in a rational and compliant with the principles of EBM (evidence-based medicine) way.

Justyna Pokojska


Elżbieta Anna Polak

Elżbieta Anna

From November 2010 to this day, she has been the Marshal, as the only woman in Poland. Member of the Board of ZWRP and representative of ZWRP in the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. Member of the Polish-German Intergovernmental Commission for Regional and Cross-border Cooperation, she also serves as the Chairperson of the Polish part of the Committee for Interregional Cooperation. From 1998 to 2002, mayor of Małomice. Since 2007, she has been a councillor of the Lubuskie Voivodeship. Human of the Year in the Golden Antennas of the World of Telecommunications and Media competition, awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.

Agnieszka Pomaska


Plenipotentiary of the Legislative Initiative Committee “Yes for In Vitro”. Citizen of Gdańsk, councillor of the City Council of Gdańsk (2002-2009), since 2009, Member of the Polish Parliament, Vice-President of the European Union Affairs Committee. Vice-President of the delegation of the Sejm and the Senate of the Republic of Poland to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. Vice-President of EPP Women. Graduate of political science at the University of Gdańsk. Scholarship holder of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the US State Department. Founder and chairwoman of the Parliamentary Group “Zerwij z plastikiem” [Break up with plastic. In her political activity, she focuses on issues related to European integration, foreign policy, environmental protection, and human rights.

Patryk Poniewierza


Director of the Medicover Medical Department, graduate of the Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) studies in the field of health care management, and a researcher at the Medical Faculty of the Lazarski University in Warsaw. He is actively involved in building relations between the scientific community and the business community as a member of the economic convention at the Daniel Fahrenheit Association of Universities in Gdańsk. He has authored and co-authored publications in international journals in the field of women’s cancers. Long-term speaker in the area of cervical cancer prevention and the principles of doctor-patient communication.

Joanna Popińska


Renowned Polish-Canadian XR filmmaker, documentarian, and sociologist who has made significant contributions to the VR film industry. PhD in Film Directing from the Polish National Film School with a specialization in VR filmmaking and storytelling. She debuted with a critically acclaimed documentary “The Choice”. Her innovative work in VR filmmaking has been recognized with multiple awards, incl. the Audience Award at SXSW, Best XR for Impact at Games for Change, and a nomination for the Best Immersive Experience: Non-Fiction at the Canadian Screen Awards. Co-founder of Infinite Frame Media, an award-winning XR studio that specializes in providing a unique and high-impact media experience through technology and creative storytelling.

Zofia Popowicz


Marketing Director of the Polish Space Industry Foundation. Lawyer. For many years, she has been involved in social activities on various levels, in recent years she has been particularly interested in initiatives related to the space sector. In her spare time, she likes to explore astronomy, politics, and philosophy. Her interest in space exploration focuses mainly on the practical application of space technologies.

Paweł Potoroczyn


Graduate of the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw. Author, diplomat, producer. The state matters are very important to him.

Marek Prawda


From 2016 to 2021, he was the director of the European Commission Representation in Poland, and from 2012 to 2016, he was the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Poland to the European Union. Previously, he was the Polish ambassador to Sweden and Germany, and was also employed in managerial positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the 1980s, he was active in “Solidarity”. He worked at the Polish Academy of Sciences, where in 1984, he defended his doctoral thesis in sociology. Author of many works on Polish-German relations and European integration.

Andrzej Prendke


Lawyer, vice-chairman of Nowoczesna and chairman of the Młodzi Nowocześni association.

Piotr Pronobis


Graduate of history at the University of London (UCL). Culture and sports manager. In his activities, he focuses on connecting cultural organizations and introducing innovative practices to them. He is a co-owner of the Ilex Photo photo gallery, the only foreign photo gallery managed entirely by Poles. He is also a co-founder of Varsophie, a Warsaw-based philosophy workshop aimed at popularizing humanistic thinking. Initiator of numerous charity campaigns, educator at therapeutic camps. Fan of long-distance running, documentaries, and walks around Bergamo.

Jacek Protas


Member of the Polish Parliament, vice-chairman of the Local Government and Regional Policy Committee. From 2006 to 2014, the Marshal of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship. From 2009 to 2015, President of the Board of the Association of Voivodeships of the Republic of Poland. Chairman of the Civic Platform in the Warmian-Masurian Region. He holds a degree in physical education. He has graduated from the Academy of Physical Education in Gdańsk and post-graduate studies in management in public administration at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.

Karolina Prus-Wirzbicka


Coordinator of projects implemented as part of SOS for Education. For several years, she has been cooperating with the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics, Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Warsaw, conducting methodical and practical classes for future teachers.

Anna Przedpełska-Trzeciakowska


Graduate of the school of Cecilia Plater-Zyberkówna. Nurse of the Home Army in the Warsaw Uprising. English studies graduate (University of Warsaw), translator. She has translated outstanding works of English and American classics into Polish. Author of monographs on the Brontë family (“Na plebanii w Haworth” [At the Rectory in Haworth]) and on Jane Austen. In the 1980s, she was active in the Primate’s Committee for Aid to Imprisoned Persons and Their Families. For many years, she was the president of the Polish Translators’ Club and a member of the last Management Board of this association before its dissolution. In the 1980s, she was a member of the authorities of the Polish PEN Club. In the 1990s, she was active for Imprisoned Writers.

Aleksandra Przegalińska, prof. ALK

Przegalińska, prof. ALK

Associate Professor at Kozminski University, PhD in philosophy of AI, habilitated in management science. Vice-Rector for International Relations and ESR at Kozminski University. A graduate of The New School for Social Research in New York, where she participated in research on identity in virtual reality, with particular emphasis on Second Life. She is interested in the development of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, machine learning, social robots, and wearable technologies.

Agnieszka Przepiórska-Frankiewicz


Known to the viewers of the Łaźnia Nowa Theatre as the performer of the title role and co-author of the play “Ginczanka. A recipe for the simplicity of life” (dir. Anna Gryszkówka, co-production: Bałtycka Agencja Artystyczna), Danuta Wałęsa from the play “Wałęsa in Kolonos” (dir. Bartosz Szydłowski), and the mesmerizing fairy Talia from “Nowohucka soap opera” (dir. Jakub Roszkowski). Together with Anna Gryszkówna and Piotr Rowicki, they have been forming a harmonious creative trio for years, taking biographies of Polish women presented in the form of expressive monodramas.

Joanna Przetakiewicz-Rooijens


Legal adviser, activist, hedonist, businesswoman, founder of the fashion brand and the Era of New Women, the largest social movement in Poland. Mother of 3 sons and wife of producer Rinke Rooijens. Author of the book “I wasn’t afraid to talk about it” (in Polish). Initiator of nationwide social campaigns, e.g. “I’m not afraid”, “Happiness can be learned”, “New era supports single mothers”, “New era supports – for Ukraine”. Together with experts, she published a free book “Money brings happiness", which is part of a nationwide social campaign for women’s financial independence.

Katarzyna Przyborska


Editor of website, cultural anthropologist. Graduate of The Graduate School for Social Research IFiS PAN. Mum. She was an editor at the KARTA Centre and at “Newsweek Historia”. Co-editor of the book “Salon. Niezależni w »świetlicy« Anny Erdman i Tadeusza Walendowskiego 1976-79”[ Salon. Independents in Anna Erdman and Tadeusz Walendowski’s ‘community room’ 1976-1979]. Author of the book “Żaba” published by Krytyka Polityczna.

Bartłomiej Przymusiński


Spokesperson and board member of the Association of Polish Judges “IUSTITIA”, president of the Poznań Branch. Member of the Editorial Board of the “IUSTITIA” Quarterly. Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University. After completing the judge’s training in 2003, he ruled in the District Court in Chrzanów (Commercial Department), and since 2008, he has been adjudicating in the Commercial Department in the District Court Poznań-Stare Miasto in Poznań, from 2017 to 2019, he was the head of the department. Graduate of Postgraduate Studies in Rhetoric and Image Development for Lawyers of the University of Silesia and Postgraduate Studies in Economics for Judges of the Jagiellonian University.

Jacek Purski


Political scientist, social activist, educator, expert in the field of prevention and counteracting radicalization. President of the Institute of Social Security.

Piotr Pustelnik


President of the Polish Mountaineering Association. As the third Pole, and the twentieth man in history, he has earned the Crown of the Himalayas and Karakorum. He holds a PhD in chemical engineering.

Paweł Rabiej


Social politician, manager, journalist, lecturer at the Korczak University in Warsaw, expert and advisor in many projects of changes in education, health, social and senior policies implemented by local governments and public institutions. From 2018 to 2020, the first deputy mayor of Warsaw. Co-founder of Nowoczesna. Member of the Polish Society for Social Policy.

Ewa Raczyńska


Journalist associated with Onet since 2018, who stubbornly believes that by listening carefully to another person and describing his or her story, the world can be changed for the better. She likes people and is curious about them, in her opinion, there is no good journalism without it. Co-author of the book “Porażony życiem. Jak wyjechać z piekła” [Stroked by life. How to ride out of hell].

Zuzanna Radzik


Vice President of the Forum for Dialogue, for 20 years she has been dealing with Polish-Jewish and Christian-Jewish dialogue. Theologian, publicist, and columnist associated with “Tygodnik Powszechny”. Author of books on Catholic feminism.

Arkadiusz Regiec


President of the Polish Crowdfunding Society. He believes in the power of community and the change it can make. He has helped implement over 200 social and business projects using the crowdfunding mechanism. Creator of the largest equity crowdfunding platform in Central and Eastern Europe.

Agata Roczniak


Inspirer, educator, and model. Expert on the inclusion of people with disabilities in BNP Paribas. Motivational speaker promoting the activity of people with disabilities in various areas of life. Founder and President of the Diversum Foundation. Graduate of finance and banking as well as philosophy and psychology, swimmer. She educates the youngest, bringing the world of people with disabilities closer. She conducts motivational speeches for employees of companies and the business world.

Suzanna Romantsova


Founder of DEI Consulting, strategist, and certified DEI trainer. TEDx speaker. LinkedIn Top Voice on Gender Equity on a global level. Winner of the Forbes 30 Under 30 list. She has 10 years of experience working with diversity in business, advising international organizations on how to create DEI strategies and build an inclusive work culture. As a Diversity and Inclusion Leader at IKEA, she co-created and implemented the first 3-year diversity and inclusion strategy in Poland. Her projects included Gender Equal Pay and the first project in Poland to employ people with refugee experience. Master’s degree in clinical psychology (SWPS University), specialization in psychology of diversity (Harvard University).

Monika Rosa


Silesian, MP, feminist. Vice-president of the .Nowoczesna party. She supports the LGBTQ+ community in its pursuit of equal rights, Silesians in the recognition of the language and minority status, and people with disabilities in the fight for a dignified life. She has created the Parliamentary Team for Children’s Rights because there is a lot to do in this area. Her life motto is “Kożdy inkszy, wszyjscy rōwni” [All different, all equal]. Member of the Parliamentary Committees: Health Committee, Social Policy and Family Committee, National and Ethnic Minorities Committee. Interested in mining and energy transformation.

Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan


Lawyer, television personality, associated with TVN for over 10 years. Author of many publications, including an extremely important book on treating infertility with in vitro fertilization. Founder of the MRM Foundation, which aims to support Poles in access to medical procedures enabling diagnosis and treatment of infertility. In 2022, together with the Vice-President of the European Parliament, Ewa Kopacz, she initiated the Civic Project “YES for In Vitro, In Vitro is PEOPLE”. Rozenek-Majdan is an entrepreneur, mother of 3 sons, and a person who advocates equal access of Poles to treatment.

Marcin Różyc


Journalist, curator, author of books, lecturer. The main area of his interests is broadly understood fashion and its connections with culture, politics, and social changes. He publishes on and in “Vogue Polska”. He works at the Central Museum of Textiles in Łódź, where he is expanding the collection of contemporary fashion. Curator of numerous exhibitions, including: “Helena Bohle-Szacka. Penetration” (CMWŁ), “Krzyk mody” (Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw), “Great Sarmatians of this country” (BWA Tarnów), “Warsaw Calling” (International Fashion Showcase, London).

Hubert Różyk


Communications consultant, European policy analyst, academic lecturer. Since 2013, a lecturer at Collegium Civitas, where he focuses on political communication and the impact of new media on public debate. In his academic work, he studies the relationship between politics and technology. From 2011 to 2015, consultant for political communication on the Internet and public policy. He is responsible for communication of the Foundation for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles, where he also deals with the topic of clean transport zones, air quality, and analysis of European policy in the field of transport electrification.

Zuzanna Rudzińska-Bluszcz


President of the ClientEarth Lawyers for the Earth Foundation, an NGO that uses the law to protect the planet and its inhabitants, human rights lawyer. In 2021, she was a civic candidate for the Commissioner for Human Rights in Poland, and from 2015 to 2021, she was responsible for strategic litigation at the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights. A graduate of Leadership Academy for Poland, Marshall Memorial Fellowship, and Obama Foundation: Leaders Europe.

Jakub Rychlý


Young changemaker with an interest in education, primarily focusing on financial literacy, participation, and innovations. He has co-founded two non-profit organizations and now serves as a member of several boards of trustees, a board of directors, and as media manager for Czech Pirate Party. His main area of interest are innovations in education. He is also interested in international relations issues, especially in the context of EU enlargement to the Western Balkan countries and youth participation in V4 countries. He is currently Czech ambassador of the European Democracy Youth Network.

Tomek Rygalik


Chief designer at Studio Rygalik working on architecture and products for leading companies and international brands. Educator with openness and extensive experience and a PhD in industrial design, professor at Aalto University. Founder of the furniture and accessories brand called TRE Product. Co-founder of the interdisciplinary DesignNature community and its creative campus in Sobole.

Piotr Rypson


Curator of exhibitions, historian of literature and culture. Chairman of the national committee of the International Council of Museums ICOM Poland. He specializes in avant-garde art, research on the borderline between literature and art in the eras of data and the present, and visual records of the time of the Holocaust. Author of many exhibitions, e.g. Gallery of 20th and 21st Century Art and Screaming: Poland! Independent – 1918 (both at the National Museum in Warsaw, 2013, 2018) and many others. Author of over a dozen books and nearly 300 publications. Curator of the ongoing exhibition of the underground archive of the Warsaw Ghetto (Ringelblum Archive) at the Documentation Centre for the History of National Socialism in Munich.

Przemysław Sadura


Doctor of social sciences, Associate Professor at the University of Warsaw. Head of the Department of Political Sociology at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Warsaw. Visiting professor at University College London (2019-2022). Curator of the Institute of Krytyka Polityczna. Expert of the Pole Dialogu Foundation. Author or co-author of several dozen scientific papers and several books, including “Państwo, szkoła, klasy” [State, school, classes] and with Maciej Gdula “Style życia i porządek klasowy w Polsce” [Lifestyles and class order in Poland].

Michał Salamon


Pianist, composer, arranger, and music producer. Co-founder of the bands FOURS Collective, which reached the semi-finals of the TV show “Mam Talent” and Quindependence. Creator of the Salamonspace project. Graduate of the Academy of Music in Kraków in jazz piano and artistic education in musical art with choir conducting. He has performed many times on the music stages of Poland and Europe, collaborated with many artists from the world of popular music, such as: Kayah, Małgorzata Ostrowska, Natalia Kukulska, Ania Karwan, Marysia Sadowska, Mateusz Ziółko, Damian Ukeje, and with the Futura Philharmonic and the Vieniawa Orchestra.

Olga Sarna


President of the Management Board of the MARE Foundation, the only public benefit organization in Poland whose activities focus solely on the protection of marine ecosystems, with particular focus on the protection of the Baltic Sea. Graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology and the University of Warsaw. For nearly 10 years, she has been actively involved in activities for the Baltic Sea. She has extensive experience in implementing social and environmental projects in cooperation with non-governmental and scientific organizations. She has participated in the implementation of numerous projects on marine litter, wreck management, sustainable fishing, and other topics related to the protection of the marine environment and maritime economy.

Aleksandra Sarna


PhD in humanities, psychologist, psychotherapist, sexologist during certification. Academic lecturer.

Justyna Sarnowska-Wilczyńska


Sociologist, Assistant Professor, and deputy dean for teaching at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the SWPS University in Warsaw. Academically affiliated with the Youth Research Lab. She is interested in the broadly understood process of entering adulthood, formal education at the higher level, professional initiation, moving out of the family home, social inequalities. Researcher in the project: “ULTRAGEN: Entering adulthood in times of ultra-uncertainty: intergenerational theory of ‘vibrating’ transitions” financed by the National Science Centre. At the SWPS University, she teaches classes on the role of the young generation in public life, social relations and social research, and conducting qualitative research.

Wilhelm Sasnal


Painter, illustrator, filmmaker, creator of comic books, author of book covers, his own monograph, and posters. His works have been shown in a number of individual and group exhibitions. At the same time, from the very beginning, he has developed another important part of his work, which are short films and feature-length films. In recent years, he has made five feature-length films. The last five films have been made in collaboration with his wife, Anka. Most of Wilhelm Sasnal’s films are shot on 8 or 16mm film.

Patrycja Satora


Co-founder of the resistArt Gallery. PR and fundraising manager in non-governmental organizations. In the past, the consul of the Republic of Poland in Venezuela. Co-author of the programme Solidarni z Kubą, the first programme in Poland supporting the civic movement in Cuba.

Joanna Sawicka


Senior political analyst, since 2013 in Polityka Insight, she tracks and analyzes party and local government politics. She observes cities in terms of the implementation of anti-smog policy.

Michał Sawicki


Psychologist and sexologist. He offers sexological therapy for adults. He cooperates with non-governmental organizations in the field of aid. In his work, he focuses on the promotion of sexual health and the philosophy of harm reduction. For years, on behalf of the Projekt:Polska Foundation, he has been training in the field of diversity and inclusive language. Instagram and TikTok: @michal_seksuolog.

Grzegorz Schetyna


He holds a degree in history, graduate of the University of Wrocław. During martial law, he was active in Fighting Solidarity and the Independent Student Association. Director of the Voivodeship Office in Wrocław (1990-1992). Since 1997, a member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior and Administration, former Speaker of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland (2007-2009). In 2010, he performed the duties of the President of the Republic of Poland. From 2014 to 2015, he was the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Chairman of the Sejm Foreign Affairs Committee (2015-2019). One of the creators of the Civic Platform of the Republic of Poland. In the 1990s, he founded Radio Eska Wrocław and developed Śląsk Wrocław.

Ryszard Schnepf


Lecturer at the American Studies Centre of the University of Warsaw and advisor to the Marshal of the Senate for international affairs. He was the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Uruguay and Paraguay. In 2000, he took the position of deputy head of post at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Madrid, where he was responsible for EU affairs. In the following year, he was appointed ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Costa Rica with accreditation for all Central American countries (including Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama, and Belize). From 2005 to 2006, Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister responsible for foreign and security policy. From 2007 to 2008, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Mikita Semianenka


Member of the council of the movement “For Freedom” (Belarus) and member of the “Forum of Young Diplomats” (Poland). Graduate of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, graduate student at the University of Warsaw, he studies the media and political communication. Participant in election campaigns and demonstrations against falsification of elections in Belarus. After the protests were suppressed in 2020, he left for Warsaw, runs the TikTok of the “For Freedom” movement and his own business in e-commerce.

Zuzanna Setkowicz-Janeczko


Neurobiologist, Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Neuropathology at the Jagiellonian University. Graduate of the Formal Practice Programme, MBSR teacher (certificate of the Polish Mindfulness Institute in partnership with The Institute for Mindfulness-Based Approaches IMA). Member of the Foundation Board of the Polish Mindfulness Institute. Mother of three children. She likes new challenges, distant travels, moral and biographical novels, as well as popular science literature. She watches the same films over and over again.

Vincent V. Severski

Vincent V.

Former intelligence officer, writer. He has served 26 years as an officer. He has completed about 140 missions in nearly 50 countries. Author of two spy series (“Nielegalni” [Illegals], “Nieśmiertelni” [Immortals], “Niewierni” [Unfaithful], and “Niepokorni” [Rebellious] as well as “Zamęt” [Confusion], “Odwet” [Retaliation], and “Nabór” [Recruitment]). He has also written a novel about a Polish agent of the British Secret Service, “Christine. Powieść o Krystynie Skarbek” [Christine. A novel about Krystyna Skarbek]. This year, in September, there will be a premiere of his latest novel “Dystopia 2.0”.

Andrzej Seweryn


Jan Sętowski


Artist, art curator, entrepreneur, and social activist. Co-founder of the artistic project Sętowski Gawron, in which he describes the reality of the times of economic transformation in Poland using the language of contemporary art. He has graduated from the Design Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice with a specialization in Visual Information, where he studied the correlation between the form of presented information and their perception. Through his social activities, he promotes ideas close to him, not only in theory but also in practice.

Bogumiła Siedlecka-Goślicka


Influencer for 11 years, known as Anioł Na Resorach. For several months, she has been a co-organizer of the 2119 protest, a protest of people with disabilities and their caretakers, the heroine of the Avalon Foundation campaign “Nothing human is alien to us”, and recently an employee of the Avalon Foundation.

Anna Sienicka


Vice President Europe at TechSoup. Responsible for the strategic direction of the TechSoup Europe which is part of the TechSoup Global Network that consist of 63 of capacity-building organizations, and serves 1,4 Million registered NGOs, within over 17 billion euros delivered in technology tools and philanthropic services. Her background includes employability, social and digital inclusion, civic technology, capacity building for social enterprises, as well as development of friendly policies and legal environment for civil society. She holds master degrees in both law and economy and society from Warsaw and Lancaster Universities respectively. She was a member on the Minister of Labour’s Public Benefit Work Council and the Polish Prime Minister’s Social Economy Task Force in Poland.

Sławomir Sierakowski


Editor-in-chief of “Krytyka Polityczna”. Senior Fellow at the German Council for Foreign Policy (DGAP). Scholar of Harvard, Princeton, and Yale universities, and twice of the Institute of Human Sciences in Vienna, Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow at the Robert Bosch Academy in Berlin, and Mercator Fellow for Outstanding Personalities. Publicist of “Polityka”. Columnist first for “The New York Times” and now for “Project Syndicate” and He also contributes to “The Financial Times”, “Die Zeit”, and “The New York Review of Books”.

Piotr Siergiej


Spokesman of the Polish Smog Alert. Since 2006, he has published articles in “Tygodnik Powszechny” and “Gazeta Wyborcza”. From 2011 to 2012, he was the managing editor of the ecological section at the portal. He worked as a spokesman for the Climate Coalition. From 2014 to 2015, he was the managing editor of the portal. Since 2015, he has been a spokesman for the Polish Smog Alert.

Alexander Sikorski


Senior Policy Advisor at the Human Rights Foundation (HRF), where he researches and writes on democracy, human rights, and corruption in Eastern Europe. He is the manager of the Ukraine Solidarity Fund, which provides humanitarian aid and financial support to Ukraine. His work has been published in HRF and international publications, including “the National Review”, “Netgazeti”, and “Deutsche Welle”.

Radosław Sikorski


Polish politician, journalist, and political scientist. Graduate of Oxford University. He has worked as a journalist for leading English newspapers. As a war correspondent, he went to Afghanistan, where the photo he took was awarded the World Press Photo award. In 2005, he became the head of the Ministry of National Defence, and in 2007, he took over the position of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, which he held the longest of all ministers of the Third Republic of Poland. Marshal of the Sejm of the 7th term. In 2019, he was elected to the European Parliament, where he is the head of the EU-US delegation. Selected as one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers by “Foreign Policy” magazine.

Bianka Siwińska


President of the Perspektywy Educational Foundation, creator of the “Girls to Polytechnics!” and “You don't read? I'm not going to bed with you!” initiatives and the largest event for women in technology and science in Europe “Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit”.

Daniel Sjargi


Lawyer and social activist, vice-president of the Association of the Dead Statutes. Actively involved in volunteer initiatives for the local community, including the organizer of charity events. He is currently conducting research on the legal status of parents’ councils. Earlier, president of the student council and member of youth advisory bodies. Christian.

Katarzyna Skrzydłowska-Kalukin


Journalist of “Kultura Liberalna”, she is particularly interested in social issues, topics related to minorities, and equality. Author of books including “Dziewięć rozmów o aborcji” [Nine conversations about abortion] (with Krystyna Romanowska) and “Mów o mnie ono. Dlaczego współczesne dzieci szukają swojej płci” [Call me “they”. Why modern children are looking for their gender] (with Joanna Sokolińska).

Jakub Skrzywanek


Director, playwright, creator of performative installations, artistic director of the Contemporary Theatre in Szczecin. He is a laureate of the most important theatre awards. In January 2022, he assumed the position of artistic director. He focuses on discovering young artists and searching for new theatre languages. The motto of his institution is the phrase: “Theatre that listens” because the audience and the community should be a source of inspiration and topics undertaken by the theatre. At work, apart from artistic activities, social and pedagogical activities are important to him. He is the author of performances for children and youth, and conducts workshops for socially excluded people.

Piotr Skubała


Professor of biology. He works at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Silesia. Ecologist, acarologist, author of 170 scientific articles, environmental ethicist, ecological educator, nature conservation activist, climate activist. Leader of Climate Reality, “ethic expert” at the European Commission in Brussels (HORIZON 2020 programme), organizer and co-host of meetings of the Ecological Thought Club, member of the Green REV Institute Expert Council.

Patrycja Sławuta


Sydney-based, NYC-educated and Poland-born behavioural scientist, successful entrepreneur, and life-long learner. After spending many years in academia (yet never finishing her PhD), she founded SelfHackathon, a global boutique behavioural consultancy of scientists that applies evidence-based research to help organizations and enterprises navigate the complexities of human nature in the face of disruption, change and uncertainty. She believes the human mind is the world’s most untapped natural resource. In her free time she runs marathons (30 so far), reads and explores unusual places. In that particular order.

Przemysław Słowik


Leader of the Greens Party. Councillor of the City Council of Szczecin. Activist and social worker fighting for progressive changes. On a daily basis, he takes action to save trees in cities, increase green areas, and end widespread presence of concrete on the streets and in the hearts and minds of officials.

Tomasz Słupik


Doctor of humanities in the field of political science. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Silesia in Katowice. He deals with the history of ideas, with particular emphasis on the modern era and Russian socio-political thought of the 19th and 20th centuries. He is primarily interested in political philosophy. Expert on history, culture, and contemporary national relations in Upper Silesia. Author of numerous scientific and popular science articles. Together with Dr Myśliwiec, he has conducted research on the political activity of the inhabitants of the Silesian Voivodeship in 2009 and 2010. Publicist dealing with issues of political and social life. Commentator of political life in national and regional media.

Karolina Smakowska-Danis


Special educator, therapist, and educator. As CODA, a child of the deaf, she connects the world of the hearing and the deaf. She is a Polish sign language (PJM) translator. For years, she has taught children with hearing impairments at the Institute of the Deaf in Warsaw. She conducts trainings and workshops for adults and children, e.g. with PJM, methodology of work with deaf students, and advice on cooperation with people with disabilities. From September, she will start the function of the director of the Specialist Clinic MOP in Warsaw.

Wawrzyniec Smoczyński


Journalist, manager, social activist, lecturer. Editor of the “Polityka” weekly, founder of the Polityka Insight analytical centre. Co-founder and president of the New Community Foundation, which deals with reducing ideological polarization ( As the rector’s proxy, he is responsible for the long-term strategy of the SWPS University. Earlier, together with his team, he created the Public Life course at this university, which educates socially engaged people. He advises corporations and trains managers in critical and strategic thinking. He has studied Egyptology, Coptology, and general linguistics. Member of the European Council on International Relations, Marshall Memorial Fellow, Open Society Fellow, IMF Journalism Fellow, Leadership Academy for Poland alumn.

Marzena Smolińska


Experienced communications and PR specialist specializing in healthcare and the pharmaceutical industry. She has many years of communication experience as an expert in the healthcare environment. Currently, the Director for Development of the Medicover Communication Platform and Advisor to the Management Board of InviMed for Communication and PR.

Andrzej Snopiński


Vice President of the Ad Personam Foundation dealing with the media, Junior Analyst of the Demagog association, winner of the “Detektor” fact-checking competition in 2023. Passionate about economics, macroeconomics, economic policy, and business. In terms of disinformation, he is particularly interested in human psychology in the field of conspiracy theories, issues of the war in Ukraine, and topics related to the pandemic. Internet creator, until recently his favourite hobby was a lively and constructive discussion with disinformation disseminators.

Tomasz Sobierajski


Sociologist, analyst, methodologist, social vaccinologist, interpersonal and medical communication trainer, sociomedical researcher, sociourbanist, academic lecturer, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Applied Social Sciences of the University of Warsaw. Author of many Polish and international scientific and popular science publications in sociology, interpersonal communication, social vaccinology, and antibiotic resistance. He publishes in “Antibiotics”, “Vaccines”, and “PLOS”. He carries out research with the Medical University of Warsaw and the National Institute of Public Health.

Magdalena Sobkowiak


President of the association “Kobiety w Centrum” and originator of the Academy of Leaders KwC. Public speaking trainer. For years, head of the team of advisers to W. Kosiniak-Kamysz and head of his presidential campaign. From 2016 to 2018, she worked as a speechwriter at the European Commission in Brussels, preparing speeches for Commissioners. Certified EU official in the field of communication (FG IV). Correspondent of TVP “Wiadomości” in Brussels, reporter of TVP2 “Panorama” and Polsat “Wydarzenia”. She has reported on domestic and international politics, incl. elections in the USA, terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels, and Brexit. Recognized by the German Marshall Found as one of the future leaders of Europe in The German Marshall Fund Brussels Forum’s Young Proffesionals Summit.

Maciej Socha


Gynecologist-oncologist, obstetrician, and perinatologist. He has completed specialization training in sexology and MBA postgraduate studies in health care management. Professionally associated, as a head, with the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Św. Wojciech Hospital in Gdańsk and the private clinic LEKARZE Mostowa4 in Bydgoszcz. Member of Polish and international scientific societies. Involved in the fight for the protection of minority rights, for LGBT+ and women’s equality, reproductive health, prenatal diagnosis, and access to abortion, as well as sex education for Poles.

Jana Soukupová


Director of the Cabinet Department of the Minister for Science, Research, and Innovation. Founder of the organization Youth, Speak Up! which aims to introduce young people and their topics into politics. She has been politically active for over ten years, and opened deliberative platforms for young people in the Chamber of Deputies (Parliament of the Czech Republic), platforms focused on the youth-oriented political agenda, such as environment, mental health, digitalization, and the support of early-career scientists. As a female leader, she emphasizes creating a diverse and progressive environment within the political and scientific sphere.

Marek Sowa


Politician and local government official. Marshal of the Małopolska Region (2010-2015), previously he was a Member of the Management Board of the Małopolska Region, Councillor of the Małopolska Voivodeship, Councillor of the City Council in Chełmek, and Mayor of the village of Bobrek. Since 2015, Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Vice-chairman of the Parliamentary Club Koalicja Obywatelska: Platforma Obywatelska, Nowoczesna, Initiative Poland, Greens. Currently, a member of the Public Finance Committee, the Infrastructure Committee, chairman of the permanent Subcommittee for monitoring the use of EU funds.

Danuta Sowińska


Certified suicidologist, member of the Polish Society of Suicidology. Graduate of the School for Political Leaders. Founder and president of the Diversity Polska Foundation. Producer of film reports: “At this age you can be happy”, “My problems are not trivial”. Certified coach with the ACSTH certificate. Anti-discrimination and business trainer. Trainer in the “Human Rights Friendly School” project. Social activist, expert in the field of counteracting discrimination. Entrepreneur. Publisher and author of a book on innovation management. Former journalist of the “Replika” magazine. Author of articles in

Jarosław Marek Spychała

Jarosław Marek

Head of the Artificial Intelligence Management specialization in the Management programme and the Artificial Intelligence and Transhumanism specialization in the Sociology programme at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw. He researches the presence of the idea of artificial beings in culture, in particular the tradition of the Golem myth and artificial intelligence, and explores the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in education, culture, and economy.

Sonia Dominika Stachowiak

Sonia Dominika

Always a joyful optimist. Vietnamese, Thai, and Croatian philologist. On a daily basis, a woman-dynamite for special tasks and a yogi, a long-term teacher of the dynamic Ashtanga Vinyasa style, in which the mind follows the body in constant motion, building strength, focus and flexibility. She co-creates the Dom Kultury Yoga school in Poznań and organizes workshops all over Poland. Student of the son of the creator of Ashtanga, Manju Jois. She constantly deepens her knowledge and experience under the supervision of the best, e.g. Beata Darowska, Balu, Kino McGregor. Meet her on the other side of the mat. NAMASTÉ.

Andreas Stadler


Austrian Ambassador to Poland. After graduating from the University of Vienna, he joined the Federal Foreign Office of Austria, where he continued his career in various positions over the next three decades. From 2007 to 2013, he was appointed director of the Austrian Cultural Forum in New York. From 2013 to 2018, he worked in the OSCE/Council of Europe department, where he was the deputy head of the mission of the Austrian delegation to the OSCE. From 2018 to 2021, he was the ambassador to Malta.

Małgorzata Stanowska


Expert of the Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs. She has 20 years of experience in public policy gained in international organizations, including UN agencies (World Bank), as well as in consulting agencies and high-tech companies.

Maciej Stasiński


Journalist of “Gazeta Wyborcza”, since the 1980s, correspondent of the Barcelona daily “La Vanguardia”. Author of “Diabeł umiera w Hawanie” [The devil dies in Havana]. Together with Hamlet Lavastida, he has published a series of articles devoted to refugees from Cuba as part of the programme: “Re:framing Migrants in the European Media”.

Andrzej Stasiuk


Prose writer, playwright, poet. He also deals with literary criticism. He was born in 1960 in Warsaw. Honoured with many literary awards, previously expelled from schools and taking up various jobs. In the early 1980s, involved in the pacifist movement, he deserted from the army and spent a year and a half in prison. In 1986, he left Warsaw and settled permanently in Beskid Niski. Author of several books, most recently the novel “Przewóz”.

Bart Staszewski


LGBT+ activist and documentary filmmaker. Director of the famous documentary about the fight for the rights of LGBT+ people “Article 18”. Co-founder of the Equality March in Lublin and Miłość Nie Wyklucza [Love Does Not Exclude]. Together with his partner, he has founded the Basta Foundation, which monitors homophobic hatred in the media.

Janusz Wojciech Steinhoff

Janusz Wojciech

Born in Gliwice, co-founder of “Solidarity” at the Silesian University of Technology (1980). He engaged in opposition activities (1981-1989). Expert in mining and environmental protection on behalf of “Solidarity” during the Round Table Talks. Member of the Sejm of the 10th, 1st, and 3rd term. President of the State Mining Authority (1990-1994). Minister of Economy (1997-2001) and the Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers in the government of Jerzy Buzek (2000-2001). National Development Council member under President Lech Kaczyński. Currently, he chairs the Economic Shadow Cabinet of BCC.

Franciszek Sterczewski


Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland of the 9th term. Councillor of the Osiedle Św. Łazarz in Poznań. Architect, activist, promoter of public transport. Initiator of the Chain of Light, a series of protests in defence of the independence of the judiciary. Graduate of architecture and urban planning at the University of Arts in Poznań. Cultural animator and curator of events related to public space.

Dorota Stępniak


Curator, researcher, journalist, and lecturer. Originator of the first Design Festival in Poland, Łódź Design (2007-2011) and operational manager of FashionPhilosophy Fashion Week Poland. For 4 years, she worked for IDZ, International Design Centre in Berlin. She is the founder of the Content Story Foundation, which initiates activities involving critical and speculative thinking on the borderline of business, science, art, fashion, and design. Curator of projects, i.e.: Body (ECK2016), Man Distribution of Resources II, Overload, Undiscover, Charm of Knowledge. She has graduated from design at the Łódź University of Technology.

Borys Stokalski


Entrepreneur, investor, manager, and advisor for over 25 years associated with the IT industry and business applications of technological innovations. Graduate of computer science at the Faculty of MIM at the University of Warsaw, co-creator of the first Human Computer Interaction programme at this faculty. Enthusiast of the transformational potential of digital technologies. Co-founder and long-term president of the board of the Infovide-Matrix group, one of the largest IT consulting companies on the Polish market at the time. Since 2016, partner of RETHINK, a company specializing in supporting digital transformations of enterprises and public institutions, and investor in the areas of artificial intelligence and robotics. Expert of the international think tank Cutter Consortium.

Igor Stokfiszewski


Culture researcher, curator, activist. Since 2006, member of the “Krytyka Polityczna” team, where he manages the programme of JASNA10, the Social Institution of “Krytyka Polityczna”. Since 2017, member of the curatorial team of the Forum for the Future of Culture. He constantly collaborates with the artist Jaśmina Wójcik, with whom he has co-created activities with the community of the Ursus district of Warsaw, including the creative documentary “Symphony of the Ursus Factory” (2018) and activities related to children’s participation. He also cooperates with the Strefa WolnoSłowa Foundation in terms of including migrants and refugees through art. Author of the books “Zwrot polityczny” [Political Turn] (2009) and “Prawo do Kultury” [Right to Culture] (2018).

Agata Stremecka


President of the board of the Four Reasons Foundation, a think tank focusing on energy transformation and economic development. Manager with over 20 years of experience in the field of communication, co-author of several election campaigns, social campaigns, and PR strategies. From 2001 to 2005, advisor to foreign investors in the privatization processes of Polish industry, author of articles and training in communication, long-term president of the Civic Development Forum, member of the Council of the Economic Freedom Foundation.

Jarosław Stróżyk


Brigadier General of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. Assistant Professor at the University of Wrocław. He has served in the Military Information Services and in the Military Intelligence Service (SWW). In April 2010, he was elected Deputy Director of the Intelligence Division of the International Military Staff of NATO. In 2011, he was promoted to Brigadier General of Military Intelligence Service. In September 2013, he was appointed defence attaché at the Polish Embassy in the USA. On January 31, 2016, he ended his professional military service, joining the reserve.

Adam Struzik


Medical doctor, local government official, social worker, parliamentarian, politician. Since 2001, he has been continuously serving as the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship (in 2007, he was elected deputy of the 6th term of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, he resigned his mandate, remaining in the position of Marshal of the Voivodeship). In the elections to the voivodeship assembly in 2018, he received record support not only in Mazovia, but also on a national scale: 76,971 people voted for him. Since 1984, a member of the Polish People’s Party, he sits in the voivodeship and national authorities of this party. Member of the European People’s Party (EPP). Senator of the Republic of Poland (1991-2001). Marshal of the Senate of the 3rd term.

Maciej Stuhr


Agata Supeł


Manager of projects, events, and teams with many years of experience. Graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics and the Warsaw University of Technology, a creative scientific mind with a passion for management. On a daily basis, she manages projects in various industries and organizes sports events throughout Poland. She loves working with people and sharing positive energy with them, which is why she is happy to coordinate the Campus Sports Zone for you for the third time.

David Sypniewski


His journey has included cultural studies at the University of Warsaw, acting in alternative theatres, a company producing stilts, an association dealing with cultural animation with socially excluded people, being an anti-discrimination trainer, and working in the Rzeczyobrazkowe creative studio, where he created interactive experiences and conducted strategic workshops. At the same time, he did not stop designing and programming, mainly for the third sector in Poland and abroad. He has been teaching creative coding, social robotics, and AI in the context of art at the SWPS University for three years now.

Wojciech Szacki


He heads the political department of Polityka Insight, is responsible for following the party scene and maintaining contacts with PO and PiS. He is also responsible for the morning political briefing. From 2002 to 2012, he was a journalist for “Gazeta Wyborcza”, where he followed party politics and described changes in public opinion. Author of articles, columns, commentaries, interviews, and political analyses. He has graduated from law at the University of Warsaw.

Lucyna Szaszkiewicz


Co-founder and CEO of, a company that provides cybersecurity solutions by simulating phishing, ransomware, and other attacks using artificial intelligence.

Piotr Szatkowski


Born in 1992 in Działdowo. Translator, promoter, and researcher of the Masurian ethnolect and the Prussian language. PhD student at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He translated “The Little Prince” into Masurian (2018) and reconstructed Prussian (2015), creator of “Elementarz mowy mazurskiej” [Primer of Masurian] (2019), co-author of “Słownik mowy mazurskiej” [Dictionary of Masurian] (2019). Author of a series of radio pieces in and about Masurian: “Ónkel Psioter gádá” (PR Olsztyn, 2021) and “Jek to móziéć” (Bayer FM, 2022), as well as podcasts “Mazurske Radijo”. Creator of the regional page on Facebook “Mazurskie słówko na dziś” [Mazurian word for today] (2013-), editor and originator of the magazine “Céch – Mazurski Cejtunek” (2018-2019).

Michał Szczerba


MP from Warsaw and former local government official. Originator and first chairman of the Senior Policy Committee. Member of the Justice and Human Rights Committee. Election observer in Belarus in 2020. Deputy head of the delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Chairman of the Polish-Israeli Parliamentary Group. Decorated with the Georgian Order of Honour. “Master of Riposte” of “Szkło Kontaktowe”.

Katarzyna Szczerbowska


Person with the experience of a mental crisis with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, recovery assistant (a person after a crisis and trained to support people in crisis and their relatives). Journalist with twenty years of experience. She studies psychology, works as a spokesman for the Pilot Office of the National Mental Health Protection Programme dealing with the reform of psychiatry, supporting the creation of mental health centres. Her passion is hiking in the mountains and reading.

Jakub Szczudłowski


Varsovian, student of international relations at the University of Warsaw. Co-founder of the Ad Personam Foundation, creating the largest youth media project in Poland. From 2020 to 2023, he was its vice-president. Alumnus of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Saxony and the Robert Schuman Institute in Budapest. Graduate of the Summer School of Intercultural Communication in Diplomacy and Public Administration. He was the youngest Chairman of the Election Commission in 2020. He has completed courses of international election observation of the European Union and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Mariusz Szczygieł


Reporter, columnist, non-fiction writer. His books have been published in 21 countries. Winner of the European Book Prize 2009 and Nike Audience Award 2007 for “Gottland”. Winner of the double Nike Literary Award 2019 for “Nie ma” [Not There] (as selected by the jury and the audience). Since 1990, he has been associated with “Gazeta Wyborcza”. Co-founder of the Wrzenie świata bookstore and cafe and the Dowody na Istnienie publishing house. Czechophile. He lives in Warsaw, but as he says, his soul lives in Prague. Author of the bestselling “Personal Guide to Prague”.

Zsuzsanna Szelényi


Founding director of the CEU Democracy Institute Leadership Academy, a flagship programme for talents in Central and Eastern Europe. She is conducting research on the influence of autocratization on the future of the European Union. From 2019 to 2022, she was Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow at the Robert Bosch Academy and Fellow of the IWM’s Europe’s Futures programme. In 2012, she was co-founder of the opposition party Together and served as Member of Parliament in Hungary until 2018. From 1996 to 2010, she served at the Council of Europe working in conflict regions. She was member of liberal party.

Robert Szewczyk


Chairman of the Olsztyn City Council. Director of the Promotion Coordination Department of the Marshal’s Office of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship. Responsible for the promotion of European Funds for Warmia and Mazury, COIE, PIFE, organization of industry and economic conferences, including (WaMa Marketing, WiM Entrepreneurship Festival), website. Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warmia and Mazury, School of Civil Society Leaders.

Adam Szłapka


Member of the Sejm of the 8th and 9th term. From 2019, the Chairman of Nowoczesna, previously its Secretary General. He belongs to the Parliamentary Committee on Special Services and the Foreign Affairs Committee. From 2006 to 2010, he was a councillor and vice-chairman of the City Council of Kościan. He was the Secretary General of the Young Centre organization. In the following years, he was the director of the Projekt: Polska Foundation, where he was responsible, among others, for organizing the projects “Razem 89” and “Generation of Solidarity”. From 2011 to 2015, he worked in the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland.

Monika Sznajderman


Cultural anthropologist, writer, publisher, co-founder of Wydawnictwo Czarne. She has received her doctoral degree in humanities at the Art Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. Recently, she has published the books “Fałszerze pieprzu. Historia rodzinna” [Pepper counterfeiters. Family history] and “Pusty las” [Empty Forest].

Izabela Szostak-Smith


Deputy Mayor of the Praga-Południe District. She designs and implements activities for local communities, environmental protection and sustainable development. Creator of innovative projects, such as 4P Prasko Południowa Przestrzeń Przedsiębiorczych and Dzielnia Saska Kępa, honoured with the title of Initiative of the Year 2022 in the Warszawiaki plebiscite. Lawyer with extensive experience in cooperation with public institutions, entrepreneurs, and third sector organizations in Poland, Great Britain, and France. She inspires and actively participates in the development of creative and effective social action strategies.

Małgorzata Szumowska


Ally of people with disabilities and their relatives, advocate for a good cause, activist, educator. Varsovian of the Year 2022, awarded the Silver Cross of Merit, winner of the Business Woman 2022 plebiscite organized by “Puls Biznesu” in the social activity category. Author and host of the podcast “Nie widzę problemu” [I don't see a problem] touching on social topics in a playful way.

Borys Szyc


Award-winning film and theatre actor, since 2022 a film producer and co-owner of the production company called Boma Films. He has received numerous award nominations for his acting. The awards he has won include Golden Lions for the leading male role in “Polish-Russian War” or the Montreal World Film Festival award for the leading male role in “The Mole”.

Jakub Szymik


Political strategist specializing in regulatory activities, supporting grassroots movements, and advising civic organizations on online communication. He has ten years of experience in running political campaigns for international brands, social organizations, and activists on the Polish, European, and global markets. On a daily basis, he is associated with the Brussels office of Red Flag Global. Graduate of law at the University of Warsaw and creative production at the Łódź Film School. Member of the board of the Basta Foundation.

Krzysztof Śmiszek


Vice-chairman of the Coalition Parliamentary Club of the Left. Doctor of law, advocate, academic lecturer, social activist, human rights defender. Longtime expert of the European Commission, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights and the Council of Europe in the field of human rights and minority rights. Originator of the Polish Society of Anti-Discrimination Law, a nationwide organization working for human rights. He is also a delegate of the Sejm to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the chairman of the first ever Parliamentary Team for Equality of the LGBT+ Community.

Julia Święch


Social campaigner and activist. Generation Z expert. Co-creator, editor, and journalist of Orientuj.się channel. She has worked in the communication and production team on campaigns, e.g. Wolna Szkoła, Zuzanna Rudzińska-Bluszcz’s and Robert Biedroń’s. She has co-created Anja Rubik’s #SEXEDPL campaign. In 2021, she became a finalist of the nationwide Make TikToks Contest. Author of articles for and “Wysokie Obcasy”. On a daily basis, Head of Gen Z Team at Agencja Pacyfika.

Marcin Święcicki


Chairman of the European Movement Forum, the Powązki Committee and the Polish Committee for Supporting the POLIN Museum. Former minister in the government of Tadeusz Mazowiecki, in which he led to the cancellation of Polish debt to the USSR worth USD 9.2 billion. Former Member of Parliament, former Mayor of Warsaw, former OSCE Coordinator for Economic and Environmental Affairs. Author of the constitutional provision limiting debt to 3/5 of GDP. He negotiated Poland’s accession to the European Union. From 2007 to 2011, he headed the UNDP think tank in Kyiv, and from October 2019 to December 2021, he was the Ombudsman for Entrepreneurs’ Rights in Ukraine.

Jarosław Święcicki


President of the Management Board and co-founder of the MZN Property S.A. Group, which is, among others, publisher of leading advertising services (Morizon, Gratka) and is the owner of Lendi, one of the largest mortgage brokerage networks in Poland. Earlier, he was the originator and co-creator of a number of pioneering projects on the Polish Internet market: the first content management systems, the first systems for real estate agencies integrated with the web, the first websites with real estate ads, as well as one of the first product comparison websites on the Polish Internet. In 2017, he introduced MZN Property S.A. to the Warsaw Stock Exchange, and in 2020 led to the merger of Grupa Horizon sp. z o.o. and Gratka sp. z o.o.

Janek Świtała


Paramedic, first aid instructor. Member of the “Medics on the Border” group, he has taken part in humanitarian activities for the fighting Ukraine. Blogger.

Hubert Tadych


Representative of the European Democracy Youth Network, where he serves as Ambassador in Poland and is responsible for external relations in the rank of Partnership Officer. He cooperates with the Campus Poland Foundation, with which he coordinates a number of international projects. He was the Vice-President of European Democrat Students and an expert of the European Youth Forum. Professionally a lawyer and trainee lawyer. He has worked in the European Parliament and in the European Committee of the Regions. Graduate of the MBA programme in energy and climate. Participant in the Office for International Leadership programmes of the US Congress, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and the School for Political Leadership.

Michał Tarnowski


Graduate of PPE at the University of Oxford and social entrepreneur who focuses on introducing the best practices from the business world to the sphere of non-governmental organizations. He is a co-founder of the Academy of Civic Knowledge, a non-governmental organization working for the reform of the civil service in Poland. He is also a co-founder of Language Supp, an online pro bono platform which, in cooperation with Save The Children, provides free Polish language lessons to children of Ukrainian refugees. He was included in the list of 25 under 25 Poland and is the winner of the Aspen Central Europe Leadership Award. He is a member of the European Democracy Youth Network and the Sigma Squared Society.

Marek Tatała


Economist, manager in the sector of non-governmental organizations and think-tanks, expert in economic policy, regulations and economic analysis of law. Graduate of the University of Bristol in Great Britain and the Warsaw School of Economics. He has completed the international Atlas Leadership Academy and Think Tank MBA trainings organized by the American Atlas Network. From 2013 to 2021, Vice-President of the Civic Development Forum (FOR) Foundation, founded by Leszek Balcerowicz. From 2021, Vice-President and Managing Director of the Economic Freedom Foundation.

Magdalena Tchórznicka


President of the School for Leaders Foundation and soft skills trainer: leadership, communication, public speaking, leadership based on values. She has been associated with many non-governmental organizations for over 20 years; she has worked as a board member, team leader, project coordinator, consultant, and expert. Enthusiast of introducing changes, undermining reality, and asking questions.

Tomasz Terlikowski


Doctor of philosophy, writer, publicist. Journalist of RMF FM, publicist of “Plus Minus” and the Deon portal, he also cooperates with “Tygodnik Powszechny”, runs the podcast “Tak myślę”. Earlier, deputy editor-in-chief of the “Ozon” weekly and editor-in-chief of Telewizja Republika.

Michał Tęcza


Expert with over 10 years of experience in working with people. Sexologist, trainer, prevention specialist, expert in the field of humanitarian aid and counteracting discrimination. He has a background in the field of psychological assistance and crisis intervention accredited by the Polish Psychological Association.

Olga Tokarczuk


Monika Tomaszewska


Doctor of health sciences and master of nursing, MBA, graduate of the Henryka Bochniarz Academy for Leaders, mentor. Currently a student of law (last year). She is the Director of Medical Strategy and Prevention at LUXMED, additionally, she is the General Director of the Employers’ Association for Health in the Lewiatan Confederation.

Cezary Tomczyk


Graduate of political science at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw. He has also completed the Higher Defence Courses at the National Defence University. He began his political career as a councillor of the City Council in Sieradz. Member of Parliament since 2007. In 2015, he was Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and Government Spokesman Ewa Kopacz.

Wanda Traczyk-Stawska


Nickname “Pączek”. Born on April 7, 1927 in Warsaw. Polish psychologist and social activist, activist of the independence underground during World War II, soldier of the Home Army, member of the Gray Ranks, participant of the Warsaw Uprising, chairwoman of the Social Committee for the Warsaw Insurgents Cemetery.

Stanisława Trebunia-Staszel


Ethnologist, Associate Professor at the Jagiellonian University, regionalist. Director of the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the Jagiellonian University. Her research interests focus on the ethnography of the Carpathians, anthropology of war, cultural heritage, and museology. Author of many articles and several books, incl. “Śladami podhalańskiej mody” [Following the Podhale fashion], “Rodzinne zwyczaje i obrzędy mieszkańców pogranicza polsko-słowackiego” [Family customs and rituals of the inhabitants of the Polish-Slovak borderland]. “Podhalanie. Wokół tożsamości” [Podhale inhabitants. On identity] (co-author: A. Gąsienica-Giewont). Vice-chairwoman of the Scientific Council of the Podhale inhabitants Association, she works in the “Drogami Tischnera” association.

Mikołaj Troczyński


Renewable energy specialist in the Sustainable Development Team of the WWF Polska Foundation. Environmental biologist, electrical engineer, doctor of agricultural sciences. A long-time academic teacher and researcher dealing with, among others, waste management and renewable energy. Co-author of patents and technical solutions in environmental protection. Involved in activities for environmental protection and sustainable energy.

Piotr Trudnowski


Coordinator of, Institute of Direct Democracy. Member and former president of the Jagiellonian Club association. Publicist, activist, and manager of civic organizations. Apart from the NGO sector, he has also worked for public institutions, business, and politicians. He was born in Grudziądz. Husband of Karolina, father of Leon and Józef.

Rafał Trzaskowski


Mayor of Warsaw since 2018. Member of the European Committee of the Regions and the Board of Eurocities. In 2020, he was a candidate of the Civic Coalition for the presidency of Poland. Former MP, MEP, and vice-chairman of the European People’s Party, in 2014 he was the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, and in 2013 he was the Minister of Administration and Digitization in the office of Prime Minister Donald Tusk. He was born in Warsaw, where he studied and graduated from International Relations and English Philology at the University of Warsaw. In 2004, he obtained a PhD in political science.

Julia Trzcińska


Sociologist and researcher of European cities. At work, an expert in communication and public relations. Locally involved in social activities in Praga Południe. For years, she has been active in Polish and European social organizations in education, sustainable development, and new technologies. At School in the Cloud, she builds relations between the Cloud and the world, in particular, she is responsible for partnerships with non-governmental organizations.

Frederick Tsiam


Jego główne badania koncentrują się na naukach politycznych, w szczególności na geostrategii i bezpieczeństwie morskim w rejonie Azji Wschodniej. Obecnie pracuje w Instytucie Badań nad Obroną Narodową i Bezpieczeństwem (INDSR) jako analityk polityczny. Zanim dołączył do INDSR, pracował również jako asystent legislacyjny w Parlamencie Tajwanu i asystent badacza w think tankach. Przez rok służył w armii jako kierowca transportera opancerzonego na Tajwanie.

Marian Turski


Historian, journalist, and social activist, former prisoner of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp and KL Buchenwald. Since 1958, head of the history section of “Polityka”. He has written and edited over a dozen books. Honorary citizen of Warsaw for many years of effort leading to the establishment of the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews. From the beginning, he has also been the chairman of the Museum Council. He sits on the authorities of: the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute in Poland, the Association of Jewish Veterans and Victims of World War II, the Council of the Wannsee Conference House, a Memorial and Historical Education Site in Berlin. For many years he served as vice-president of the International Auschwitz Committee, and for two years, he has been its president.

Donald Tusk


Chairman of the Civic Platform. He studied history at the University of Gdańsk, where he became involved in illegal activities against the communist regime. He started cooperation with the underground Free Trade Unions. In 1983, he founded the illegal monthly “Przegląd Polityczny”, promoting economic liberalism and the principles of liberal democracy. Member of the Sejm of the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th term. Senator and deputy marshal of the Senate of the 4th term (1997-2001), deputy marshal of the Sejm of the 4th term (2001-2005), chairman of the Committee for European Integration (2007-2009). Prime Minister (2007-2014), the longest-serving prime minister in the Third Republic of Poland.

Agata Tuszyńska


Writer, poet, reporter. As she says: “The heroine of all my books is MEMORY. Disappearing worlds and departing people. I write them down so they don't cease to exist. I believe in the saving power of the word”. Laureate of the Ksawery Pruszyński Polish PEN-Club Award for outstanding achievements in the field of reportage and non-fiction, the Medal for Merit to Culture – Gloria Artis, and Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. Her books have been translated into several languages. Since March 2022, she has been a columnist for the Polish edition of Vogue.

Sara Tylka


Psychologist and sexologist. In addition to working in the office, she shares her knowledge on Instagram on the @psychosekslogicznie profile. She conducts education on psychology, sexuality, identity, and relationships. She is also the host of the “W sypialni” [In the bedroom] podcast. She provides expert support to SEXEDPL in creating substantive content.

Zuzanna Uba


Young legal professional specialising in technology law. Co-founder of Our Rule of Law, a European Rule of Law-focused organisation that, since 2021, has established a network of hundreds of engaged students and professionals across Europe actively fighting the rule of law backsliding. Currently working to grow Alliance4Europe and drive European democracy forward.

Mateusz Ulański


President of the Polish Space Industry Foundation. Entrepreneur. Reserve Second Lieutenant. Graduate of law and MBA postgraduate studies. Management engineering student. Passionate about physics and philosophy. His interest in space exploration focuses mainly on issues related to the militarization and commercialization of space.

Tomoho Umeda


Founder of Hynfra and Hynfra Energy Storage. Entrepreneur, strategic advisor, promoter of hydrogen technologies and large-scale renewable energy solutions. He is committed to accelerating market and technological progress towards climate neutrality. Chairman of the Hydrogen Technologies Committee at the Polish Chamber of Commerce, VP of the Hydrogen Poland association, member of Hydrogen Europe and the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance. Member of the board of the Chamber of Commerce for Energy and Environmental Protection, member of the Honorary Council of the Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Technology Centre at WroclawTech.

Aleksandra von Mach-Taszner

von Mach-Taszner

Expert in the field of helping injured wild animals. Deputy President of the Management Board of the Ostoja Pomeranian Wild Animals Rehabilitation Centre Foundation, where she has been working for over a decade. She started out as a volunteer and then worked her way up to a wildlife caretaker and the Centre coordinator. She has implemented dozens of projects in nature conservation and environmental education.

Miloš Vystrčil


President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Member of the Civic Democratic Party (ODS) and TOP 09 Senate Caucus. He previously served as Mayor of Telč and governor of Vysočina Region. He has also worked as a teacher. In the Senate, he has been Chair of the Committee on Agenda and Procedure and the Sub-Committee on Bestowing Decorations of the Committee on Agenda and Procedure, as well as member of the Standing Senate Commission on the Constitution of the Czech Republic and Parliamentary Procedures. He holds a Dr. rer. nat. degree in mathematics and physics.

Iwona Wagner


Associate Professor at the University of Łódź in the UNESCO Chair on Ecohydrology and Applied Ecology at the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection. She deals with ecohydrology of urban areas, blue and green infrastructure, solutions based on nature, rainwater management, and adaptation of cities to climate change. She has participated in many national and international projects on these issues. Since 2020, she has been the Secretary of the interdisciplinary advisory team for the climate crisis at the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Author and co-author of several dozen scientific publications, monographs, and textbook chapters as well as conference presentations in this area.

Adam Wajrak


Journalist of “Gazeta Wyborcza". He writes mainly about nature conservation and animals, his passion since childhood. For over 20 years, he has been living in Teremiski in the Białowieża Forest, for whose protection he has been striving. Author of several books on nature, including “Wilki” [Wolves], “Kuny za kaloryferem” [Martens behind the radiator] (with his wife Nuria Selva Fernández). As he likes to travel the world on skis, he participated in polar expeditions to Svalbard and Greenland. This is how his last book “To the North” was created. In 2005, the “Time” magazine named him the Hero of Europe. For his efforts to save the unique Rospuda Valley, he received the Andrzej Woyciechowski award. In 2019, he received the Andrzej Wajda award and the Prószyńscy Polish PEN Club award.

Jacek Wasilewski


He deals with the influence of language on people’s thinking and actions. He designs inclusive language guides for companies and local government organizations (Narrative Impact). He teaches rhetoric at the Faculty of Journalism at the University of Warsaw, helps good people prepare public speeches. He is the author and co-author of several books, including “5 wymiarów człowieka” [5 dimensions of a man], “Mała książeczka o współpracy” [A small book about cooperation]. He hosts a language programme on TOK FM.

Michał Wawrykiewicz


Attorney involved in defending the rule of law. Expert of parliamentary teams and the LIBE committee in the European Parliament. Co-founder of the #WolneSądy [#FreeCourts] initiative and the Justice Defence Committee (KOS). Defender and plenipotentiary of independent judges and prosecutors before the CJEU, ECHR, and Polish courts. With #FreeCourts, he has received Teresa Torańska Award (“Newsweek”), the Anna Laszuk Award (TOK FM), the European Citizen’s Award (the European Parliament), and the Rule of Law Award 2022 (Union Internationale des Avocats). Fellow of the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington DC.

Minerwa Wdzięczkowska


Suicidologist. Graduate of interdisciplinary postgraduate studies in the field of suicidology. She combines academic knowledge with personal experience of mental crisis and suicidal death in the family. Her favorite topic is analyzing the portrayal of suicide in pop culture and the media. She believes the key to suicide prevention is to untabooise the topic. In her rare free time, she runs a blog and an Instagram profile (@minerwaproject), whose goal is to disseminate suicidology knowledge.

Tosia z WDŻ dla zaawansowanych

Tosia z
WDŻ dla zaawansowanych

Psychologist, family life education teacher, sex educator. Author of lesson plans for teachers prepared in cooperation with SEXEDPL.

Klaus Welle


Chair of the Martens Centre’s Academic Council. Former Secretary-General of the European Parliament (2009-2022). Guest Professor in practice at the London School of Economics and Visiting Professor at KU Leuven. After obtaining a degree in economics from the University of Witten/Herdecke in Germany, he worked at the CDU Central Office in Bonn, before coming to Brussels, where he served as Secretary-General of the European People’s Party (EPP) (1994-1999), Secretary-General of the EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament (1999-2003), Director-General for Internal Policies at the European Parliament (2004-2007), Head of the Cabinet of the President of the European Parliament (2007-2009), and Secretary-General of the European Parliament (2009-2022).

Anna-Maria Wesołowska


Lawyer, retired judge. For 10 years, she was a social advisor to the Ombudsman for Children, Marek Michalak. Former adviser in the Crime Victims’ Council at the Ministry of Justice. Co-author of the act on the crown witness. Author of books, including the book “Nie kłóćcie się. Jak pomóc dziecku, kiedy rodzice się kłócą?” [Do not argue. How to help a child when parents are arguing?]. Member of the Association of Polish Judges “Iustitia”. Co-creator of the “Journalist in court” project. Winner of the Janusz Korczak Award in 2023 for her commitment to the fight for children’s rights.

Zofia Wetmańska


Vice President, Head of Regulatory Analyzes, Reform Institute. She is responsible for the development strategy and the offer of the Reform Institute. She is responsible for maintaining contact with partners and relations with stakeholders. She deals with the qualitative and quantitative assessment of European and national policies at the macro- and sectoral level, in order to build the basis for systemic thinking about climate and energy policy in Poland and the CEE region. In addition, she actively participates in discussions on sustainable finance as a taxonomy manager at the Climate Bonds Initiative.

Joanna Węgrzynowska


Krzysztof Wichrowski – Bajlando Music

Wichrowski – Bajlando Music

DJ, entertainer at weddings and special events. The owner of BAJLANDO MUSIC. He has been DJing for over two decades. Behind the console, he dances and infects everyone with his energy. He has five years of experience as a compere gained while running obstacle and road races. Bajlando works as a lifeguard and swimming instructor on a daily basis. He loves his job, but behind the console he feels best because there is nothing better than combining work and passion.

Paweł Wiejski


Analyst of the European Union’s climate policy. Graduate of the Institute of Political Sciences at the University of Warsaw and the Institute of Political Sciences in Paris in European affairs. Former European affairs analyst of Polityka Insight (2018-2020). Author of articles on Polish foreign policy, environmental protection, European policy, and the climate crisis. Co-author of reports on the circular economy, green digital policy, and the political system of the European Union. Intern in the transport department of the European Commission (2017).

Karolina Wigura


Member of the board of the Kultura Liberalna Foundation in Warsaw, Senior Fellow at Zentrum Liberale Moderne in Berlin, and Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Warsaw. Historian of ideas, sociologist, and journalist. She has studied sociology, philosophy, and political science at the University of Warsaw and the University of Munich. She has obtained her PhD at the University of Warsaw. In her work, she deals with the political philosophy of the 20th century, emotions in politics, as well as the ethics of memory. From 2016 to 2018, she was co-director of the Polish Programme in St. Antony’s College at the University of Oxford.

Mikołaj Winiewski


Assistant Professor at the Centre for Research on Prejudice at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Warsaw, Affiliate Assistant Professor at the University of Delaware, Member of the Institute for Social Studies at the University of Warsaw. His main field of interest include issues related to collective violence, broadly understood psychology of intergroup relations, anti-Semitism, and issues related to research methodology and measurement of psychological variables.

Damian Wiszowaty


Amazon expert with over 7 years of experience, lawyer, expert in intellectual property law and new technologies. He specializes in scaling sales in the multichannel cross-border model. Speaker in the field of e-commerce at the most important economic events, such as the European Economic Congress in Katowice or the European Forum for New Ideas in Sopot. Founder of Gonito, a market leader in comprehensive services on global sales markets, one of the largest European agencies specializing in marketplaces. Co-founder of the platform supporting Polish producers and distributors in their expansion into foreign markets.

Agnieszka Wiśniewska


Editor-in-chief of From 2009 to 2015, coordinator of “Krytyka Polityczna” Local Clubs. Graduate of Polish studies at UKSW, sociology at the University of Warsaw, and postgraduate studies at IBL PAN. Author of the biography of Henryka Krzywonos “Duża Solidarność, mała solidarność” [Big Solidarity, little Solidarity] and the lengthy interview with Małgorzata Szumowska “Kino to szkoła przetrwania” [Cinema is a school of survival]. Editor of film books, incl. “Kino polskie 1989-2009. Historia krytyczna” [Polish cinema 1989-2009. Critical history], “Polskie kino dokumentalne 1989-2009. Historia polityczna” [Polish documentary cinema 1989-2009. Political history].

Aleksandra K. Wiśniewska

Aleksandra K.

Political scientist, humanitarian expert. For the last 8 years, she has been helping victims of armed conflicts, e.g. in Iraq, Yemen, and Ukraine. Former head of the PAH mission in Yemen and the INTERSOS mission in Ukraine. Citizen of Łódź, Social Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of Łódź for Civic Involvement.

Jakub Wiśniewski


Doctor of social sciences at the University of Warsaw, born in 1977. Secretary of the Management Board of Globsec, a think-tank in Bratislava. Polish Ambassador to the OECD (2014-2016), Director of the Strategy Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2010-2014). Co-author of the foreign policy strategy and member of scientific and programme boards of the Polish Institute of International Affairs, OSW, and ICEE (2010-2014).

Paweł Wiśniewski


Economic, monetary, and tax advisor to Prof. Marek Belka in the European Parliament, in the past, e.g. parliamentary adviser to Prof. Dariusz Rosati. Laureate of the Copernicus Medal awarded by the Polish Bank Association. Graduate of Humboldt University and the Free University of Berlin, doctoral student at the Warsaw School of Economics, author of economic publications for “Rzeczpospolita”. In his free time, he runs his economics Instagram account as Podatkowy Nerd [Tax Nerd] (@pwisniew).

Oskar Wiśniewski


Deaf from birth. He studies criminology at the University of Warmia and Mazury. He conducts Polish Sign Language (PJM) classes and translates content in Polish into PJM and from PJM to International Sign and vice versa. Activist for Deaf members of the LGBT community in Poland. He expands his knowledge thanks to trips to numerous conferences organized in Poland and abroad, dealing with the subject of the environment of the Deaf. His great passion is travelling around the world, it allows him to broaden his horizons and learn about different perspectives and experiences regarding Deaf culture or accessibility.

Jędrzej Witkowski


President of the board of the Centre for Citizenship Education (CEO), the largest Polish non-governmental organization operating in the area of education. Educational expert, doctor of sociology, and political scientist. He deals with education policy, strategies for bottom-up changes in schools, development of competences of the future, and civic education. Author of publications, studies, and educational materials. He has been associated with the CEO since 2005.

Maciej Witucki


President of the Lewiatan Confederation, the largest organization in Poland associating entrepreneurs. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Atlantic Council, a member of the Council of the European Council on Foreign Relations, the International Advisory Council of GLOBSEC, and the International Business Consulting Council of the Kozminski University. Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Orange. He is also a member of the Council of the Geremek Foundation, founder of the Polska-Haiti Foundation and co-founder of the Dorastaj z Nami Foundation. He and his wife Zofia have three children: Klara, Laura, and Franciszek.

Błażej Wodyński


High school student from Łódź, next year’s high school graduate. Member and Secretary of the Board of the Dead Statutes Association. On a daily basis, he guards the rights of students and educates in this field. Supporter of statutory protection, strengthening the rights and competences of students in schools.

Martyna Wojciechowska


Journalist, traveller, author of books. Associated with TVN since 1998. She holds an MBA diploma, but is passionate about journalism. Author of series of podcasts and videos on YouTube. For 10 years, she was the editor-in-chief of the Polish edition of the magazines “National Geographic” and “NG Traveler”. She has produced more than 100 episodes of the original travel series “Woman at the End of the World”, which is broadcast in over 60 countries around the world. She was the second Polish woman to win the Crown of the Earth, and the first woman from Central and Eastern Europe to finish the Dakar Rally. Founder of the UNAWEZA Foundation, which works to equalize opportunities for women and children around the world, and the initiator of the project on youth and mental health.

Paweł Wojciechowski


Chairman of the Programme Council of the Institute of Public Finance, economist, manager, academic teacher, civil servant, diplomat. Director of Whiteshield Partners, coordinator of the Rhine-Alpes transport corridor in the EU structures, Associate Professor at the Wszechnica Polska University in Warsaw. Minister of Finance, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, advisor to the PM, President of the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency, Ambassador to the OECD, and Chief Economist of ZUS (2006-2020). He has graduated in economics from John Carroll University. Doctoral studies at Case Western Reserve University.

Anna Wojciuk


Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw. Political scientist, specialist in international relations. She studies the impact of populism on foreign policy and issues of the power of states in the international arena, as well as the impact of education and science on the international position of states. Previously, Visiting Fellow at Harvard University, Columbia University, and Cornell University, as well as Fernand Braudel Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence. President of the Social Contract Incubator association, whose members are the authors of the book “Umówmy się na Polskę” [Let’s make a deal on Poland].

Bogusław Wołoszański


Born in 1950 in Piotrków Trybunalski. In 1971, he graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Warsaw, and then a two-year post-graduate Journalism Study at the University of Warsaw. In 1973, he started working for TVP, going through all the stages of his professional career. The greatest creative achievement was the series “Sensacje XX Wieku” realized for 30 years and the feature series “Tajemnica Twierdzy Szyfrów”. He wrote 23 history books, all of which became bestsellers. In 2005, he resigned from work in public television, joining the politically neutral Polsat station, for which he produced and realized the series “Treasures of the Third Reich” and “Secret History of the 20th Century” (currently the 10th season). Married (since 1976), has two children.

Joanna Wowrzeczka


Artist, researcher, activist. She has a double doctorate (sociology, fine arts), habilitated in fine arts. Associate Professor. Since 1999, she has been affiliated with the University of Silesia. She lives in Cieszyn, where she has founded the “Szara” Gallery and the Świetlica Krytyki Politycznej social club, with which she is still associated today. From 2018, a councillor of the City Council of Cieszyn.

Aleksandra Wójtowicz


Disinformation analyst at NASK. She investigates disinformation related to refugees, climate, and energy. She also deals with EU digital and climate policies. Previously associated with with WiseEuropa, Polityka Insight or ECFR. Graduate of the University of Warsaw, she has also studied at George Mason University in Washington and Charles University in Prague.

Jakub Wygnański


Sociologist, graduate of the University of Warsaw, scholarship holder at Yale University. Democratic opposition activist in the 1980s. Participant of the Round Table talks. One of the animators of the movement of non-governmental organizations in Poland since the early 1990s. Co-founder of the Klon/Jawor association and the National Federation of Polish NGOs. Founder and President of the Board of the STOCZNIA Foundation,

Martyna Wyrzykowska


Managing director of the SEXEDPL Foundation, author of the podcast “Mamy tak samo” [We feel the same way], and mother of two girls.

Andrei Yeliseyeu


Political scientist and director of the EAST Research Centre. His research interests include Belarusian foreign policy, the Eurasian Economic Union, and disinformation in Eastern and Central Europe.

Michał Zaborski


Viola player, composer, graduate of the Fryderyk Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw. Activity in various areas, both classical music and broadly understood improvised music, allows him to create his own individual style. He is a co-creator of the jazz group Atom String Quartet, awarded twice with the Fryderyk Award, with which he regularly gives concerts throughout Europe, as well as in Asia, Africa, and North America. Winner of awards at international viola competitions in Poland, Austria, and Slovenia. As the leader of the Michał Zaborski Quartet, he has recorded his own album “Feeling Earth”, at the same time receiving a nomination for the “Fryderyk” award in the category “Jazz Phonographic Debut of the Year”.

Martyna F. Zachorska

Martyna F.

Author of the book on feminatives. Translator and conference interpreter trained, among others, in the Directorate-General for Interpretation of the European Commission. Currently, a PhD student in linguistics at the Doctoral School of Languages and Literatures at the Adam Mickiewicz University. Member of the Department of Sociolinguistics and Discourse Studies at the Faculty of English at the Adam Mickiewicz University. Author of papers on feminine forms of names of professions and functions. Winner of numerous translation competitions. Popularizer of science and literature.

Maciej Zakrocki


For 30 years a journalist at TVP, and for 8 years also an author of radio programmes on TOK FM. He specializes in recent history and the European Union. He closely followed the process of Poland’s accession to the EU, which he described in the book “Przepustka do Europy” [Pass to Europe] published in 2014. For 8 years, he prepared the series “Debata po europejska” [European debate] for TVP, realized in the studios of the European Parliament, with the participation of deputies from all EU countries. Currently, on TOK FM radio, he presents original series entitled “Magazyn Europejski” [European magazine] and “Maciej Zakrocki przedstawia” [Maciej Zakrocki Presents].

Karolina Zbytniewska


Editor-in-chief of EURACTIV Polska, a leading expert portal on European and international issues. Political scientist specializing in democracy and populism, leading a seminar on populism at the University of Warsaw. Permanent commentator of European and international politics in Polish and foreign media. Recipient of the Fulbright scholarship and the Leaders for Europe Academy of the Bertelsmann Foundation. Recipient of the Marie Curie European Research Scholarship in Political Science, and currently the Re:constitution Research Scholarship. Graduate of the 25th School of Political Leaders.

Łukasz Zdrodowski


Piotr Zgorzelski


Deputy Speaker of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. He has graduated from history at the University of Łódź. Additional education: postgraduate studies in economics, European integration, and public management. Politician of the Polish People’s Party. From June 30, 2010 to October 26, 2011, staroste of Płock. MP of the 7th, 8th, and 9th term. Since January 07, 2020, Creator and Chairman of the Intersectoral Round Table for Judiciary Reform.

Hanna Zielińska


Culture anthropologist, educator. Enthusiast of working with stories, she is looking for those untold or unheard, carefully choosing words that help to understand, describe, and (re)connect (often disadvantaged) communities. She has worked for various NGOs and public institutions, coordinating projects on local heritage, intercultural dialogue, and anti-discrimination. She is also the author of several educational resources. Currently she’s the programme curator and Head of the Warsaw office of the Evens Foundation, a European public benefit foundation that works to increase youth participation in democracy, improve youth mental well-being, and defend against authoritarianism.

Sonia Ziemba-Domańska


Academic psychologist of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, integrative psychotherapist during the IPZ PSP certification, manager of the IPZ behavioural hotline, implementer of behavioural addiction prevention programmes, neuropsychosomatologist, specialist in Biofeedback, SFBT, TPT, XRTherapy, social skills training, and anger management. Passionate about science, development, and above all human. She has started a long-term cooperation with the HumanTech Centre for Social and Technological Innovation at the SWPS University concerning, among others, research on robot therapy.

Bartek Ziemski


Climber and skier. He has reached four eight-thousanders without using supplemental oxygen from the cylinder and skied down from there. In the case of Dhaulagiri, it was the first full ski descent in history. Member of the National Team of the Polish Mountaineering Association in high-mountain climbing, ski instructor.

Krzysztof Zienkiewicz


Promoter of regional transport solutions in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship. He has been involved in public transport since 2004. Author of numerous transport implementations, e.g. in the commune of Dywity, Stawiguda, Bartoszyce, Purda, Biskupiec, Orzysz, Lidzbark Warmiński, Mikołajki, Mrągowo, Kętrzyn, Zalewo, and Miłakowo. Transport lover, author of the book “Historia komunikacji miejskiej w Olsztynie 1907-2007” [History of Public Transport in Olsztyn 1907-2007].

Zuzanna Ziomecka


Journalist and trainer specializing in the development of leadership skills through mindfulness and positive psychology. Director of the Advanced Leadership Programme at the Centre for Leadership and the founder of a platform supporting mindfulness practitioners in maintaining the habit of regular meditation. Her first book on how mindfulness helps in difficult situations (in Polish) was published in 2021. Previously, she was the editor-in-chief of “Wysokie Obcasy” online, “NewsMavens”, “Przekrój”, “Gaga”, “Exklusiv”, and “Aktivist”, and co-host of the “Mała Czarna” talk show.

Grzegorz Ziółkowski


Specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at the InviMed Warsaw Praga clinic and at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department at the Bielański Hospital in Warsaw. Graduate of the medical faculty at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences, as well as postgraduate studies in Biotechnology of Assisted Human Reproduction and Embryology at the University of Valencia. As the second Pole in history, he has passed the European specialization exam in obstetrics and gynecology and received the EFOG-EBCOG title. He deals with infertility treatment using assisted reproductive techniques, and also conducts endoscopic procedures. Currently, he is in the process of specialization in the field of gynecological oncology.

Dorota Zmarzlak


Mayor of the Izabelin Commune since 2018. She ran from her own committee “Residents Together”. Member of the board of the Association of Rural Communes of the Republic of Poland, vice-president of the board of the Local Government Movement “Tak! Samorządy dla Polski” [Yes! Local governments for Poland] and a member of the Voivodeship Council for Social Dialogue. She is also a member of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities (CLRAE). Before taking the position of the mayor, she founded and managed for 20 years one of the leading integrated communication agencies in Poland, 24/7 Communication. She holds a degree in English teaching.

Aleksandra Żebrowska


Full-time mother of four. Every day, she shows what motherhood really looks like. A businesswoman, she runs a clothing brand designed for young mothers. In her activity, she focuses on supporting women, without avoiding difficult topics.

Michał Żebrowski


Theatre, film, and television actor, producer, general director of the 6th Floor Theatre in Warsaw. A graduate of the Acting Department of the Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Higher School of Theatre (today’s National Academy of Dramatic Art) in Warsaw (1995). During the prestigious 13th National Review of Theatre Schools in Łódź (1995) he won three most important awards, which had never happened before. He has played in dozens of films in Poland and abroad, as well as in TV theatre performances. He has performed on the stage of most Warsaw theatres and on many stages throughout Poland.

Konrad Żołnierek


As a bass guitarist and double bass player, he has collaborated with many important musicians and formations creating in various musical styles (including Tomasz Chyła Quintet, Emil Miszk & The Sonic Syndicate, Adam Wendt Acoustic Set, Jerzy Małek, Leszek Możdżer, Leszek Kułakowski, Tomasz Sowiński, Tomasz Grzegorski, Wojciech Staroniewicz, Jarosław Bester, Sławek Jaskułke, Adam Pierończyk, Daniel Nosewicz Orchestra, Szymon Sutor Orchestra, Big Band AM Gdańsk, DrunkLamb band, Confusion Project, Jazz.u and others). He also has a lot of recordings and several released albums as a band member or session musician. Some of them have received recognition in the form of various nominations and awards.

Marta Życińska


Since May 2023, as the general director of the Polish branch of Mastercard Europe, she has been responsible for business development and implementation of the company’s strategy in the country. Initially, she managed the marketing department in Poland, and then was promoted to the position of Vice President for Marketing and Communications for Central and Eastern Europe, successfully combining business development with marketing activities in 20 markets. In 2022, she took the position of vice-president for global product marketing and B2B, being responsible in particular for the area of cooperation between Mastercard and fintechs, as well as prepaid services. She is a business leader with many achievements in managing projects implementing commercial goals in the B2B and B2C areas.