Meet the guests of this year's edition.
From May 27, we will successively present new special guests of Campus – the Future of Poland ’2022. Experts, speakers, leaders, specialists in various fields – all the people whose speeches make up the program of this year’s edition of Campus – the Future of Poland. After many months of preparations, we can proudly and gladly present the list of guests, who will arrive to Olsztyn in late August and early September.

Magdalena Adamowicz
Member of the European Parliament, doctor of law. As part of the #ITNH campaign, on a daily basis, it undertakes actions to prevent ubiquitous hate that may affect each of us.

Wanda Traczyk-Stawska Anna Przedpełska-Trzeciakowska
In 1944, both participated in the uprising, today they remind us of the importance of involvement in social matters and care for the values we believe.

Karolina Baca-Pogorzelska
Journalist and author of books, specializing in the mining and energy industry.

Mateusz Banasiuk
Polish theater and film actor, known for the blockbuster "Furioza". Privately, the father of little Henryk.

Krzysztof Baranowski

Marek Belka
Former prime minister, minister of finance and also former president of the National Bank of Poland, currently an MEP.

Jan Krzysztof Bielecki
J. K. Bielecki in 1991 held the office of the Prime Minister, in the years 2003-2010 he was the president of Bank Pekao.

Adam Bodnar
Habilitated doctor of legal sciences, professor at SWPS University. In the years 2015-2021 he was the Ombudsman - a true spokesman for our rights. He has appeared so many times in this year's polls that we are happy to invite him again to # Campus2022. See you in Olsztyn!

prof. Jerzy Bralczyk
Can words shape public opinion? What role do feminatives play or should play in the Polish language? It is best to ask an expert about this, but also about the language in politics, media or advertising. We are excited to announce that an undisputed authority in the field of the Polish language will appear at # Campus2022 - prof. Jerzy Bralczyk - linguist, lecturer, vice-chairman of the Polish Language Council. Get your questions ready!

Dorota i Krzysztof Brejza
Politician and lawyer, marriage. In the face of the scandalous surveillance of the senator and his family using the Pegasus system, they showed how to act in defense of democracy in spite of adversities and remain true to their values. Talks about courage, partnership, civil rights and the right to privacy.

Mark Brzezinski
The US Ambassador to Poland will be a guest of this year's Campus Polska!
Ambassador Brzezinski previously served as U.S. Ambassador to Sweden from 2011 to 2015, spearheading innovative new approaches to advance U.S.-European trade and landing key Swedish investments. In 2015, he was asked by the White House to lead a strategic effort on the Arctic as the first Executive Director of the White House’s Arctic Executive Steering Committee.

Jerzy Buzek
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, an expert on the energy of the future. As an MEP, he is a member of the Industry, Research and Energy committee, and is a rapporteur for the key regulation on the EU market for hydrogen, natural gas and renewable gases.

Anna Clunes
Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Poland. A graduate of the University of Cambridge, decorated with the Order of St. Michael and St. Jerzy for special achievements and merits in the foreign service of Great Britain. At Campus, he will take part in a conversation about the wage gap and British solutions in this area.

Ewelina Dobrowolska
The Minister of Justice of Lithuania. A Pole by origin, and a lawyer by education. In 2020, she was elected to the Seym of the Republic of Lithuania, previously she was a councilor of the city of Vilnius, held the office for equality, and for 8 years she acted as a lawyer of the European Foundation of Human Rights. She conducted social activities in the field of combating discrimination and protecting human rights

Urszula Dudziak
A leading figure on the polish jazz vocals scene. She is often described as a woman full of energy and optimism, but she communicates this good energy not only through her music. For years, she has been supporting initiatives related to mental health - this is another important topic we want to talk to you about.

Magdalena Ejsmont
Former officer of the Military Counterintelligence Service. During her service, she held positions related to the security of the Polish Armed Forces, both in Poland and abroad - two shifts in Afghanistan. Currently, the Commander of the City Guard of the Capital City of Of Warsaw.

Konrad Fijołek
President of Rzeszów. In 2021, he was elected the President of the City of Rzeszów in the first round. For many years he has been creating initiatives for residents. He established one of the first urban movements in Rzeszów - "Rzeszów Smart City", he is the co-author of the pioneering Urban Lab project.

Tomáš Forró
Slovak reporter dealing with political crises and armed conflicts around the world. Author of two publications, including one translated into Polish - "Apartment at the Hotel Wojna. Report from Donbas ".

Stefan Gullgren
Swedish Ambassador to Poland. He has been serving as an ambassador in our country since 2017, previously he held this office in Russia and Ukraine.

Yuval Noah Harari Harari
Historian, philosopher, author of bestsellers such as "Sapiens. A Brief History of Humankind”or “21 lessons for the 21st century ”. His works have sold over 40 million copies in 65 languages, and he is one of the world's most influential intellectuals. Professor Harari lectures around the world, focusing on human history and the challenges facing humanity in the 21st century.

Agnieszka Holland
A film director who has permanently entered the canon of Polish filmography with her productions such as "In Darkness", "Pokot" or "Citizen Jones". Winner of many awards - Polish and international, such as Golden Lions or Silver Bear in Berlin, candidate for an Oscar.

Zdeněk Hřib
Czech politician and local government official, and since 2018 the mayor of Prague. One of the leaders of the Pact of Free Cities aimed at direct acquisition of EU funds for the further development of cities and their public services such as transport or culture.

Tomasz Karauda
Doctor of Pulmonology Clinic of the N Barlicki University Teaching Hospital No. 1 in Łódź, specialist in internal diseases and employee of the COVID-19 ward. During the pandemic, he openly advocated vaccinations, popularized knowledge about the coronavirus and counteracted disinformation. For his actions, he was awarded the distinction "For contributions to health protection".

Zuza Karcz
She knows civic, anti-discrimination and climate education inside out. He has extensive experience in including young people and non-male people in the political space through the "Sign in to the Calendar" initiative. Involved, inter alia, in the LGBTQ + Friendly Schools Ranking, Forum of the Future of Culture of Teatr Powszechny. You will talk to her about feminism, activism and education.

Gergely Karácsony
Mayor of Budapest. One of the leaders of the Hungarian opposition, academic lecturer, co-chairman of the Dialogue for Hungary.
In 2019, together with Rafał Trzaskowski, Zdeněk Hřib and Matusz Vallo, they signed the Free Cities Pact. Everyone spoke out for progressive and inclusive values. We are looking forward to this conversation!

Garry Kasparov
It is a great honor for us. Garry Kasparov accepted the invitation to # Campus2022 and will be our special guest in Olsztyn. In the past, the world chess champion, and today one of the leaders of the democratic opposition to the Putin regime.

Ewa Kopacz
Vice-President of the European Parliament, Coordinator of the European Parliament for Children's Rights, Prime Minister in 2014-2015.

Emilia Korsak
Actress, yogi, specialist in the field of body work techniques. Her doctoral dissertation concerns body-oriented therapeutic methods in the prevention of eating disorders. During # Campus2022 you will talk with her about the necessity of health education, psychological prophylaxis and you will meet on the mat as part of the "Nalu. Mindful Movement "

Ivan Krastev
Head of the Liberal Strategies Center, co-founder of the European Council on Foreign Relations, associated with the Institute of Human Sciences in Vienna. Author of, among others “Is It Tomorrow Yet? Paradoxes of the Pandemic”.

Marta Krasuska
Kynopscyholożka, from October 2020 head of the Animal Shelter in Płock. As a local government activist and president of a local non-governmental organization, she has been trying for years to influence the shape of changes related to the broadly understood care of animals in the local commune, and its main goal is to effectively prevent animal homelessness.

Radosław Kujawa
Former general of the Military Intelligence Service. He served in the Intelligence Board of the State Protection Office and in counterintelligence of the UOP and ABW. In 2017-2019, he was one of the organizers and participants of the series of debates under the banner of the Security Forum. Devoted to international policy in the context of security.

Krystyna Kurczab-Redlich
Journalist, author of the popular book "Wowa, Wołodia, Władimir. Mysteries of Putin's Russia". Reporter, author of a documentary films about Russia and Chechnya.

Barbara Kurdej-Szatan
Actress, presenter and singer. Television viewers love her talent, but also credibility and naturalness, she has been awarded several times with "Telekamera" for the best actress and the "Złota Telekamera".

Laura Kwoczała
The activist professionally helps refugees and refugees staying in centers for foreigners in Poland and fights for the protection of their rights.

Dr Konrad Maj
Social psychologist, head of the HumanTech Center at the SWPS University in Warsaw. He is interested in issues related to media psychology, new technologies, social impact and innovations. Currently, he conducts research in the field of HRI (Human-Robot-Interaction).

prof. Szymon Malinowski
Climate change is visible to the naked eye. Scientists urge us to take decisive action now. Among them is another guest of # Campus2022, prof. Szymon Malinowski, promoter of climate science, co-founder of the website, actively participating in lectures and lectures.

Paweł Mateńczuk
Polish military man, former soldier of the elite GROM unit, writer and traveler. Decorated with the Military Cross, he works for charity supporting, among others Polska Akcja Humanitarna, and is also the vice-president of the Unforgettable Foundation.

Dr Joanna Maćkowiak-Pandera
President of the Board of Forum Energii. She specializes in European energy and climate regulations, energy markets, RES and the challenges of energy transformation.

Piotr Niemczyk
An opposition activist, political prisoner, director of the analysis and information bureau and deputy director of the intelligence board of the State Protection Office.

Szymon Nitka
Landlord and traveler. Author of the "Przechkraj" travel blog, contributor to National Geographic Traveler and Rowertour travel magazines. Nominated for the Traveler award in the Online Traveler category.

Arkadiusz Nowak
President of the Institute for Patients' Rights and Health Education. In his work, he focuses on helping people who are addicted and suffering from AIDS, while at the same time getting involved in expanding knowledge about this disease. From the head of the post office to priestly ordination? Why not!

Tomasz Orłowski
Polish diplomat and academic teacher, in the years 2007-2014 the Polish ambassador to France and the Principality of Monaco. Author of the "Poradnik savoir-vivre" for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs channel on YouTube and numerous scientific publications on the diplomatic protocol.

Katarzyna Pawlikowska
Specialist in the field of communication and strategic management, researcher of women. Creator of the concept of female communication codes. Author and co-author of books - "Czujesz?", „Polki. Spełnione Profesjonalistki, Rodzinne Panie Domu czy Obywatelki Świata” i „YEStem kobietą!”

Marek Prawda
Polish sociologist and diplomat. Former Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Sweden and Germany, Poland's representative in the European Union.

Aleksandra Przegalińska
Technology and its place in the future is an extremely fascinating topic, which we will deal with very comprehensively during # Campus2022.
An undoubted expert in this field - prof. Aleksandra Przegalińska. Philosopher, futurologist and AI specialist.

Magdalena Rigamonti
An established Polish press and radio journalist associated with, among others, with the weekly "Wprost", the station Program IV Polskie Radio 24 and "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna". Laureate of Grand Press Awards in 2016, book author, and above all, a strong woman who is not afraid of taking up difficult but necessary conversations.

Jakub Rudnicki

Kira Rudyk
Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, chairman of the Voice party. Novoye Vremya magazine lists Kira Rudyk as part of the 100 best successful women in Ukraine, Focusing on the list of 33 best managers in Ukraine. 2020 she was ranked 34th in the ranking of "100 most influential women in Ukraine". Her photo with Kalashnikov went around the world and showed how bravely citizens of Ukraine fight and defend their homeland.

Vincent V. Severski
Polish writer and officer of the Security Service. As an intelligence officer, he has completed nearly 140 missions in 50 countries. He carried out tasks in the East, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe. He is also the author of a series of spy books.

Andrzej Seweryn
One of the greatest Polish actors, director, director of the Polish Theater in Warsaw. For 20 years he played and directed for the prestigious Comédie Française theater in Paris.

Sławomir Sierakowski
Co-founder and editor-in-chief of Krytyka Polityczna. Publicist, sociologist, literary critic, activist. He has just successfully organized a fundraiser "Bayraktar for Ukraine", where he managed to collect over PLN 22.5 million.

Radosław Sikorski
Former Minister of Defense, Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, currently a Member of the European Parliament.

Dr Bianka Siwińska
President of the Perspektywy Educational Foundation, creator of the campaign "Girls at polytechnics!" and "Don't you read? I'm not going to bed with you!" and the largest event for women in technology and science in Europe "Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit".

Waldemar Skrzypczak
Lieutenant General, Chartered Officer of armored and mechanized troops. In 1976, he started service in the Polish Army. In the years 2006-09 he was the commander of the Land Forces.

Kazimierz Sowa
Catholic priest, journalist, publicist and commentator. Associated with the Congress of Catholic Women and Catholics. The priest openly spoke in favor of welcoming those in need and reminded us that our duty is to help people fleeing from danger.

Bart Staszewski
LGBT + activist, president, and founder of the Basta foundation. Co-founder of the March for Equality in Lublin and Miłość Nie Wyklucza associations, as well as the creator of the documentary Article Eighteen. The American Time magazine named him an emerging leader and was awarded the title of Obama Leader by the Barack Obama Foundation.

Gen. Jarosław Stróżyk
Polish soldier, intelligence officer and diplomat, former Brigadier General of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, and additionally doctor of security sciences and lecturer at the University of Wrocław.

Maciej Szymański
President of the association of Poles working in international institutions, Network PL and Head of the Sector in the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs in the Commission

Katarzyna Szymielewicz
A lawyer, social activist and journalist, she studies the phenomenon of "supervised society" on a daily basis, and monitors potential threats to the rights and freedoms of an individual resulting from improper use of new technologies by public authorities.

Tomasz Terlikowski
Journalist, publicist, author of books, incl. "Wenanty Katarzyniec. Polski Szarbel ”, author of the program on Telewizja Republika and Catholic activist. He was one of the hosts of the Rozmównica program. He started working with the Boska TV internet television and the Republika Television, where he created the programs Clash of Civilizations and the Church in which We Live.
A man open to conversation and ready for debates with participants.

Marian Turski
Marian Turski will be the honorary guest of Campus Polska Przyszłość. A prisoner of Auschwitz. Author of the famous speech "Auschwitz has not fallen from the sky ..." delivered on the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the camp.
Historian, social activist, and journalist since 1958, managing the historical section of the weekly journal „Polityka”. He was also awarded the title of honorary citizen of the capital city of Warsaw for co-founding the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Muranów.

Michał Tęcza
A specialist in the field of psychological assistance, crisis intervention, humanitarian aid and anti-discrimination.

Matúš Vallo
Mayor of Bratislava. In 2019, together with Rafał Trzaskowski, Zdeněk Hřib and Gergeli Karácsony, they joined forces by signing the Pact of Free Cities. An architect by education who, engaging in urban movements, became the head of the "My sme mesto" association.

Martyna Wojciechowska
Journalist, traveler, author of books. For 10 years she was the editor-in-chief of the Polish edition of "National Geographic" and "NG Traveler" magazines. She made over 100 episodes of the author's travel series "A Woman at the End of the World". She was the second Pole to win the Crown of the Earth, and the first woman from Central and Eastern Europe to finish the Dakar Rally.
Author of a series of podcasts and videos on YouTube "DALEJ". The founder of the UNAWEZA Foundation, acting to provide equal opportunities for women and children all over the world.

prof. Bogdan Wziątek

Wojtek i Agata lifeonwheelz
The creators of the Life on Wheelz profile, where they present the life of OzN on a daily basis, openly talk about taboo topics, and at the same time infect with good energy and a great sense of humor.

Dorota Łoboda
For years, she has been fighting for women's rights, LGBT + rights and equal access to education - Dorota Łoboda. Councilor of the Capital City of Warsaw and chairman of the Education Committee of the City Council. Leader of the Parents Against Education Reform movement, president of the Parents Have a Voice foundation, member of the Consultative Council of the National Women's Strike. Extremely involved in equality activities, counteracting discrimination, exclusion and anti-social attitudes.

Piotr Łukasiewicz
Former military and civilian diplomat, reserve colonel and last Polish ambassador to Afghanistan, where he spent a total of 7 years.

Magdalena Środa
Philosopher, ethic. She deals with moral and political philosophy, history of ideas and gender issues. She is the author of many articles on contemporary philosophy and books, including: „Idea godności w historii i etyce”, „Indywidualizm i jego krytycy. Współczesne spory między liberałami, komunitarianami i feministkami na temat podmiotu, wspólnoty i płci”, „Kobiety i władza”, „Etyka dla myślących”.